in introduceyourself •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hello BLURT friends!
On this occasion, allow me to introduce myself about who I am. My name is IQBAL BAWAZIER. I am the second of four children. I was born in Lhokseumawe, June 05, 2000. Currently, I live on Jalan Daud Beureueh, Sanggamara Hamlet, Banda Sakti District, Lhokseumawe City.


I am currently studying as a student at the Faculty of Agriculture, Soil Science Study Program, at Syiah Kuala University. I entered in 2019, but previously I studied one year at Al-Muslim University before quitting and studying at Syiah Kuala University.



Talking about hobbies, my hobby is reading books and all kinds of scientific literature. I often visit bookstores, campus libraries, and Gramedia. I like reading books and going out with friends. The day I like the most is Saturday considering that day I can do whatever I want. Usually I spend my free time in cafes, shopping malls, bookstores and also the beach. Apart from reading, I also have a passion for sports, namely Futsal, which I probably rarely do now.



Halo sahabat BLURT !
Pada kesempatan kali ini, izinkanlah saya untuk melakukan perkenalan tentang siapa diri saya. Nama saya IQBAL BAWAZIER. Saya adalah anak kedua dari empat bersaudara. Saya lahir di Lhokseumawe, 05 Juni 2000. Saat ini, saya tinggal di Jalan Daud Beureueh, Dusun Sanggamara, Kecamatan Banda Sakti, Kota Lhokseumawe.

Saat ini saya sedang belajar sebagai mahasiswa di Fakultas Pertanian, Program Studi Ilmu Tanah, di Universitas Syiah Kuala. Saya masuk pada tahun 2019, Namun sebelumnya saya pernah Kuliah satu tahun di Universitas Al-Muslim sebelum berhenti dan kuliah di Universitas Syiah Kuala.

Bicara tentang Hobi, saya hobi membaca buku dan segala bacaan yang berilmu pengetahuan, saya sering mengunjungi toko buku, perpustakaan kampus, dan Gramedia. Aku suka membaca buku dan pergi keluar bersama teman-teman. Hari yang paling suka adalah hari Sabtu mengingat hari itu aku bisa meakukan hal yang aku mau. Biasanya aku menghabiskan waktu liburku di kafe, pusat perbelanjaan, toko buku dan juga pantai. Selain membaca, saya juga hobi bidang olahraga yaitu Futsal, yang mungkin sekarang sudah jarang saya melakukannya.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

selamat bergabung iqbal

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello and welcome to blurt @ibal-bawazier To help your growth here on blurt kindly take some time and read through this post
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@bestkizito for blurtafrica

Welcome! 🤬

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am currently studying as a student at the Faculty of Agriculture, Soil Science Study Program, at Syiah Kuala University.

What plans do you have in mind, for the future generations of this world, that you will leave behind with the information you will acquire, into your memory, by studying this career path?

What knowledge do you think you will acquire once you start putting it into practice?