Who am I? The question that I think millions of people ask themselves every day is, in fact, a great woman named Sana of Lebanese

in introducemyself •  2 years ago 


Who am I? The question that I think millions of people ask themselves every day is, in fact, a great woman named Sana of Lebanese descent who grew up in Italy. From immigrant parents like me, I am 45 years old without children. When I am happily married, I love travel and the tourism I travel with and visit.


Old photo from a big concert. I love rock and ballad, I live my life in healthy peace and quiet with the people around me, I don't care about things, but about how I can help others. And to make others happy when I'm broken from the inside, but I'm so happy that I can help others be happy or be part of their joy and happiness.


I am a housewife on some occasions as a volunteer, in some organizations to help those most in need, my husband does not like that I work, only he likes to travel and that I am his faithful companion. Since everyone like this goes to Florence Italy like many others who come, they have thought more about going to the place voluntarily. Which I love much more than anything in the world.


A little walk in Venice on a gondola in red love like mine in this life, I leave them something I will always say, for every day and for those people who fall and live every time they complain. Where I smile and have fun every day because time is running out and we don't know how many hours are left in this world.


Here in Vienna he signed some treaties so that people would have hope and end so much evil in the world and come back, be human and humble at heart and think not only of us but also of others. Because everything we do has consequences and we also create our own destiny, if we do it well, we do it very well.


The practical yoga and meditation mantras that I enjoy with the inhabitants also attract good things, well-being, health. Everything that brings me good spiritually is something very positive, I don't want anything negative or bad for myself, or my mind keeps me from evil and I participate in the positive. I left it negative moderately and without personality on a big trip to Prague and dressed in red, a woman in red told me my husband, this is my life and my introduction to this platform.

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