RE: Rocking The Boat

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Rocking The Boat

in informationwar •  2 years ago 

You are aware of the potato famine in Ireland and how it caused mass starvation? Wow you really are something. What are you carnies going to do when the food shortages really hit? You are all too scared to eat healthy food as it supposedly causes sickness. So you'd rather starve or eat crickets? Listen to yourselves, really, it's pretty insane. I guess Adam and Eve must have been starving in the garden of Eden, maybe that's why they listened to old snakey? lol

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lol...yes i have researched several aspects of the Irish historical reliance on potatoes

Yes i probably would rather starve than eat nightshades, the pain they cause me is too severe to live with. There may be work arounds like slippery elm, but i havent been willing to test them on my delicate self...

But again you have changed the subject and avoided addressing the original issue.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

What original issue? The 50 yrs thing? It was a guesstimate of when the carnivore thing started in earnest, for me it had to be Atkins who started it all off. He came to a nasty end didn't he, all fat and heart diseased. Then we had the keto nonsense and now full blown eat only meat and fat and salt oh and raw cow titty baby food.
The irish didn't rely on potato's they were forced to grow them (monocropping) for the brits and they took all the food to feed themselves leaving the irish with nothing to eat.
I never heard of anyone suffering from eating potatoes or tomatoes. I thought that old wives tale was put to bed 100 plus years ago.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The Atkins diet was a popular book that raised interest in the subject, but it was by no means starting anything off other than wider interest in that particular diet.


Dr Atkins was relentlessly attacked and libeled - think Andrew Wakefield level - he died of head injuries aged 72 and the entire internet is filled with bullshit stories along the lines of he was 200 lbs overweight and died of a heart attack. Meanwhile the real bullshit artists like Ancel Keys are glorified.

His book was not perfect, but nor is it the holy bible of diet - it was just a best selling book. It is often used as an easy target by vegans.

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Absolute nonsense. Atkins diet was MASSIVE in the 90's. I even tried it myself!!! Not for long tho as it was ridiculous. Can you prove he died of a head injury and wasn't a fat beast who actually died of a heart attack, hitting his head on the way down??? Hilarious. It's obvious which story is true if you use your common sense and ditch the cognitive dissonance.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Please apply this to your own viewpoint!

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I just got word that Icke is posting my article!!! Not even sure how I feel about that.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Icke is a dillema isnt he? Genius or shill?

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or a bit of both? He's defo 'new age' which many of us have outgrown now.

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Using the old 'virus' ruse to cover up his obvious heart issues. Refused autopsy too!!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

He slipped on ice, so it was global warming....

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Your "dates" are appalling - if a virologist pulled this slop you, you would rip them a new hole!

The carnivore diet "started in earnest" a bit more than 50 years ago, lol - ask the Maasai!

And while you are asking them check out their health stats!


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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Oh hahaha yeh right you had to bring up the Massai didn't you. That whole nonsense was started by a white western film crew who filmed a COMING OF AGE ritual and passed it off as the regular diet of the Massai which is blatantly false. They are vegetarian till age 10 and women are completely veggie while pregnant. (Odd as you'd think they would need more protein lol).
The big study done on them was a study of autopsies.
"However, if you actually read the study, rather than rely on second hand sources who have selectively (mis)quoted it, you’ll note that it says “they were instructed not to collect tissues from subjects with wasting disease” - which is selection bias away from chronic disease - “Nevertheless, many of the men meeting these criteria were found to have chronic diseases”

Many chronic diseases is definitely not the same thing as “healthy”.

Also in that study, 42 of of the 50 hearts were from men younger than 60 …meaning almost all of their subjects died young (by our standards). That doesn’t seem to align with “healthy”."

Also "It is clear though that meat features only rarely on the Maasai menu. The main part -- more than 50 percent -- consists of vegetarian food. The preferred meat is that of sheep and goats, whereas the meat of traditional Zebu cattle is only rarely eaten. "A cow will only be slaughtered for ritual festivities by the Maasai," says Knoll.

Knoll conducted her study together with colleagues of the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology of Juja/Nairobi (Kenia)."

They do not live to a ripe old age and they do not eat your 'carnivore diet' either. So double fail.
On a side note the Massai also ritually perform genital mutilation. Is that also a recommendation for a healthy life to you carnies?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nevermind, i think you are right about something big next weekend, thanks for reminding me to stay focused on prepping!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You will just have to take it from me, nightshade sensitivity is not "an old wives tail" - it hurts like fuck!


Posted from

sounds more like an allergy to me. Or possibly it's the chemicals used in non-organic methods.
They tried to tell me I was caeliac so couldn't eat wheat. I switched to organic only and had no symptoms so it wasn't the actual wheat at all.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

an allergy to all nightshades? - yes they were organic...

i can't eat wheat either - but that is a totally different reaction - also including all types of organic and sprouted grains

both of these reactions are pretty common - about half of Deb's clients have some variation of this - and they come to her with these issues - just to preempt you saying she is labeling them!

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The only way to know or sure something is organic is to grow it yourself. I've done the organic standards exam and believe me it doesn't hold up to my personal standards of what organic entails. Besides that everyone knows they were spraying glyphosate on everything, organic or not, to kill weeds before harvest.
I'm gonna try and grow my own rye at some point or maybe a mix of grains for bread making.

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