Rocking The Boat

in informationwar •  2 years ago  (edited)

Well, I finally got my 'The Future Of Medicine' article finished and with GNM's blessing published yesterday.

I didn't change a massive amount, I tweeked, edited and added info given to me, changed a couple of things I'd got slightly wrong and added some pics. Taking feedback from this blurt of my rough -
Thanx to those who gave amazing feedback and questions. It helped.

I found an amazing pic of a 'Star Wars' style depiction of how nanotech-modern medicine looks from their fantasy world. Thought it would make a great main picture to show exactly what they are trying to sell us.


Here is the finished article now -

I won't republish here for fear of repeating myself.

One thing I didn't do which was requested was to name names. I don't think it's worth it for the trouble it could cause, even possible litigation. I for sure would put myself in the direct firing line so left the names out (except for Markolin) as it's pretty clear if you go look, who I'm referring to. If people want to think it is they who I'm referring to they will only expose their own guilt anyway.

This is why I was quite careful with my words (hopefully).

Feedback from the GNM is all good. They are pleased with how it came out -

Thank you, Tracey, for the brilliant piece.
The public needs to know the truth.
I will share in a few different FB and TG groups.
Thank you again.
JP Mathiot

and this morning a lovely message from Ilsedora -

Good afternoon Tracey,

My friend Mariel who lives on the IOW sent me your article yesterday
afternoon, JP forgot to copy me. 😁

That said you are brilliant in the way you managed to take it all back
to the source and in one fell swoop took them all down!

I'm sure they, including the EP are regrouping. A reaction is inevitable!

In deep appreciation of your warrior spirit and sending a big hug,


Well the thing is now zooming around the world being posted and shared so I'll just sit back and wait for the fireworks show Ilsedora is predicting. We'll see, not sure my reach is THAT big but, hey ho.

Onwards and Upwards.................
It's about time I updated my bumbling homesteading blog even tho #gardendiary seems to have done a runner? Bastyon is interested in my gardening blogs so maybe I'll post them there too.

Have a great day Blurt Chaps and Chapesses

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good to see you writing on this - something with more details would be interesting, perhaps your own experiences.

If anybody remains unsure of what GNM is, then this brief summary of a summary might help:

This is not a million miles away from, say, traditional Vedic medicine. However, we now have more tools available to make links that in the past were just not available.

Biological systems are far more complex than physical systems, but they are both fundamentally physics. Just as the interactions of waves and matter are a fundamental part of physics, here we see one attempt to create a similar correspondence between bio-waves (nervous system) and bio-particles (cells).

This is why the mainstream tyrants hate it - this kind of research started some 200 years ago, when electricity was first discovered, and then the whole area was like... dropped! Nothing to see here - look away.

yes I might do another gnm post at some point, a kind of testimonial but not until I feel I've healed which is not yet. I want the testimonial to at least have a happy ending ;-)
Thanx for your very interesting input as usual, yeh I never really thought of it that way, the physics and biology connection. I tend to cringe at modern medicine's way of treating our bodies like machines with separate parts but like your explanation.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Did you actually go through the CT scan part?

Both CT and MRI and MEG are all part of this biophysics field - yet few people seem to have the mind to think, firstly, how astonishing such images are, and secondly, that the consequences are that our whole bodies are NOT just machines, but complex wave-particle interactions. I mean, we knew this from early basic EEGs, and yet, even with WAVES staring people in the face, they continue to think "machine".

Cool huh. For years they thought the rings of Hamers 'target' were something to do with the machine so Hamer went to Siemens to clear it up and found they were in fact really there on the brain and not an artifact of the machine. My one scepticism of MRI's etc is the doses of radiation. Who knows what that could be causing to the brain? Lanka is working on that tho so all good.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

what does "radiation" mean? I hate that word as has 2 totally different meanings.

CT is also a meaningless word; it's a 3D Xray, hence improved resolution of deeper structures that may be hard to see with a flat Xray.

MRI used to be called NMRI, but they dropped the N, coz they thought people would freak - old hospitals will still have the NMR scan signs up. lol.

The magnetic fields used in MRI are huge - like 2 Tesla - but static. It's the radio frequencies, RF, that change as it scans a body. Indeed, as soon as we focus on the pulse-frequencies the language changes into pulse rate or repetition rate - these convert to anything between low Hz to low MHz - we are now in brainwave range!

Indeed, most people will feel a bit vague or vacant - assuming that is not their natural state (!) - and slowly regain focus.

So, not sure exactly which "radiation" worries you ;-)

One interesting thing is that humans can survive at all within an MRI machine. Do not carry any metal objects! This now becomes a concern of people with any of the many types of graphene oxide (GO) in their body - that will slice up the tissue it is within. Yet another terminal vector.

I don't know if this site is pure lamestream science but might be interesting:

One thing caught my attention - the usual brain blocks people have. PEMF = pulsed emf signals. Mobiles and wifi are also PEMF! So, if some frequencies have an alleged therapeutic effect, how can the others have "no effect" on humans? [off at a tangent!]

Yup it's all very perplexing and goes back to Madame Currie and her work with x-rays as she died of 'cancer' too. I'm not too knowledgeable on emf's and stuff like that which is why I try to stick to things I do understand. When someone comes up with an understandable paper on it maybe I'll get it.
I went thru one of those full body scanners at an airport in 2016 as I didn't notice what it was until too late. I felt pretty sick for a long time after that journey but was it the radiation or my own fear of it that caused it?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Depends on the type of airport scanner.
They're all going for the mm wave ones now - so you get a blast of microwaves.
Oh... that's nice, they're allowed to go up to 100GHz. FFS. Raytheon's microwave WEAPON operates at 95GHz. So... RUN through it!!
You may wish to check the airport - too late, but is still knowledge.

Again, the above has nothing to do with Xray radiation.

It is becoming part of the physics con to separate radiation as ionising and non-ionising - coz that's total bollox. If you have a resonant frequency and enough power to break apart a molecule, then that molecule is now ionised!! All microwave frequencies are classed as non-ionising - that's just NOT true.

It was one of those new fangled full body scanners that can see thru ur clothes that everyone was warning about years ago and I was on a stop off coming back from Thailand, Paris I think. I was kinda zombiefied and tired coz if I'd known I always said I'd refuse to get in one, I'd rather be strip searched!!!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A small point, I guess Hamers was lucky to have facilities, but full brain scans are expensive - usually a clinician will have some idea what they are looking for so will only take scans of that region. I haven't as yet read that chapter, but I thought they were CT scans, not MRI.

Yes they are CT scans, I changed that in the finished article when Ilsedora and her team spotted it. Lanka is working on a simpler way of scanning the brain. A new machine based on technology already available. Yes the brains scan thing has always put me off as I want nothing to do with hospitals myself. They do however prove the accuracy of GNM in it's diagnosis and finding the cause.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sometimes a "coarser" tool can see larger structures more clearly than a fine-tuned tool - in this case, CT is usually considered less revealing than MRI, which is why it is often done first to locate where the MRI should focus on. But they are also quite different tools, the MRI showing finer details of tissues that are similar.

amusing =

really depends on what those "circle" structure are.

They are a change in the tissue. GNM peeps recommend CT scan with no contrast for their purpose.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Great article, and I never want to get an argument with you, but this part is blatantly incorrect:

"Never before in the history of wellness has eating dead animals been recommended for a healthy body/terrain until the last 50 years maybe and definitely pushed even more in the last 20. Now the vegans are even being blamed for agenda 2030 or being mocked as ‘victims’ of propaganda"

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A Price was researched in the 1930's and published in 1939. (83 years ago) The information in that book as been suppressed since 1945 because it is a threat to the medical industry.

Claiming that "eating dead animals" is being promoted is disingenuous. We agree to disagree on this, but it's not vegans who are being fined and persecuted by governments.


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

WP was a dentist not a nutritionist and he based his theory on a few indigenous people. My research into indigenous people and diet has brought up some opposite findings like this one from a NAI
Those pics you posted look like Scurvy to me which was found to be a lack of vitamin C back in the day, recently Jim West has stated that is also wrong and that it is a poisoning issue.
Vegans have been supressed for years. AR were the target of brand new laws even in UK (SOCPA) to stop us boycotting companies and exposing cruelty in the meat and dairy industries. Many were even banned from whole cities lol.
You say you don't want an argument? Looks like you just asked for one.
Gonna give a lazy answer now as this guy has done quite a bit of research on this too. I found him to be very thorough in all his research.

Yes I realise he is old school, science loving, and a germ theoryist but most of what he says I have found also. I don't disagree with everything WEP said as in processed foods are bad but it's the way the foundation has used his research for their own ends which is nefarious.
WEP's book was no threat to the medical industry but it WAS a threat to big AG and the big dairy industries themselves. Ironic really. They are promoting the very thing which tried to silence him. Why do you think they only go after the small producers (raw)? Same reason they've gone for all small businesses. Competition for the big corporations.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm not @lucylin (he loves an argument) and I went through all this arguing with vegans thing online nearly 20 years ago. Different people thrive on different diets - I get that...

But when you say eating meat is a modern thing "about 50 years" with no research to back it up, even I get a bit triggered.

I don't imagine you will look at this, but I have personally seen great results from people following this diet:

What Must I Do to Get Well? And How Can I Keep So? by Elma Stuart


This is a book about Dr. James Henry Salisbury’s Beef and Hot Water Diet Therapy for healing. It was observed to help everything from diabetes to epilepsy to rheumatism to gout to migraines to insomnia to asthma to cancer. This is the 25th edition of the book and was published in 1898. The first edition was published in the mid-1880s and each edition was larger and more comprehensive than the last.

The author was bedridden for 9 years with what today would be labeled Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She went to 43 doctors in an effort to regain her health. None of their recommendations worked. She learned about Dr. Salisbury’s diet through an ad in her local newspaper and ordered his book The Relation of Alimentation and Disease.

A neighbour helped her to do the diet by purchasing, grinding, and cooking all of her meals every day for 7 months until she was strong enough to do it for herself. All of the meat was purchased daily (from animals slaughtered that morning) and ground fresh just prior to cooking. Interestingly, this would have prevented any significant formation of histamines in the meat. Elma says it took her about a year on Dr. Salisbury’s diet to regain her health. At the time of publication, Elma had eaten beef and hot water exclusively for 11 years.

The main difference between Dr. Salisbury’s diet and what the Zero Carb community recommends is that it prescribes lean beef, rather than fatty beef. Elma says that she has witnessed hundreds, if not thousands, of people recover from very serious illnesses using Dr. Salisbury’s diet.

To read the free PDF version of her book, click on the link below:

Posted from

LOL none of the recommendations worked. At that time I can imagine what they recommended - leeches, mercury and other noxious compounds? Did she try a raw vegan diet or fasting? Probs not invented yet.
I too have done the arguing online thing years ago and no it doesn't work which is why I don't do it. People will only change if they want to. And people who push nonsense diets like 'meat only' are mental. People have healed from type 1 diabetes in 4 weeks on plant-based. This poor sap took a year and basically ate beef soup. It's just a twist on the chicken soup thing lol.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have seen mind boggling changes in our own customers health - in some cases just from reducing carbs and adding a few key supplements.

Jeepers - you are from Ireland - you must be aware of what eating lots of potatoes can do! There are several food groups that are frequently causing major problems - such as grains, nightshades, and soy products.

Any diet that cuts out those - all meat, low carb, or even vegan if it cuts out the correct problem food groups - can rapidly cause huge improvements.

So it may not be the extra meat so much as eliminating the potatoes!


Posted from

You are aware of the potato famine in Ireland and how it caused mass starvation? Wow you really are something. What are you carnies going to do when the food shortages really hit? You are all too scared to eat healthy food as it supposedly causes sickness. So you'd rather starve or eat crickets? Listen to yourselves, really, it's pretty insane. I guess Adam and Eve must have been starving in the garden of Eden, maybe that's why they listened to old snakey? lol

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lol...yes i have researched several aspects of the Irish historical reliance on potatoes

Yes i probably would rather starve than eat nightshades, the pain they cause me is too severe to live with. There may be work arounds like slippery elm, but i havent been willing to test them on my delicate self...

But again you have changed the subject and avoided addressing the original issue.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

What original issue? The 50 yrs thing? It was a guesstimate of when the carnivore thing started in earnest, for me it had to be Atkins who started it all off. He came to a nasty end didn't he, all fat and heart diseased. Then we had the keto nonsense and now full blown eat only meat and fat and salt oh and raw cow titty baby food.
The irish didn't rely on potato's they were forced to grow them (monocropping) for the brits and they took all the food to feed themselves leaving the irish with nothing to eat.
I never heard of anyone suffering from eating potatoes or tomatoes. I thought that old wives tale was put to bed 100 plus years ago.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If I was @lucylin minded I could go through your reply picking lines and pulling them to bits. Really I could!

eg - "the foundation has used his research for their own ends which is nefarious"

Say what? - they have republished his work, distributed it, and put it online. And they have been attacked relentlessly for doing so.

or "Why do you think they only go after the small producers?"

Do you really think WEF are going to stop with small producers? They just have to start somewhere.

or "WP was a dentist not a nutritionist"

What is a "nutritionist"? - whatever they are paid to be! Not being in anyone's pocket is a major strength not a weakness

But I'm nothing like @lucylin so I'm just going to post a picture of some biker dude!


Posted from

yeh you probably could coz Lucylin wouldn't do that, he has bigger fish to fry than one little vegan trying to help the world. I don't push my views I only push back when the carnies push it. What's your excuse? Oh yeh you sell supplements.
Here's some superfit vegans that trump ur 2 bikers.

lots more where they came from.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So just what do the WEF psychopaths whose aim is to kill us, actually want us to eat?


"A healthy diet" - more veg and fruit, whole grains and vegetarian food or new alternatives like soya products, insects or artificial meat


Meanwhile it's the Weston A Price Foundation exposing the covid scam, the contagion myth, and all the other globalist bullshit.


Posted from

I'm not in the Weston Price community and I've been exposing the virus fraud for years too. Plenty of non WP advocates have been. What do you have against fresh fruit and veg lol? You don't think they are healthy?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

For many people fruit and veg are just more carbs, with very little nutrients. A lot of them are just toxic carcinogenic crap...start with supermarket lettuce or bananas!

Some of the most spectacular physical recoveries I have ever seen were from people eating meat only diets, and the modern research on that goes back over 140 years

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yeh you keep saying. You can also see spectacular results from antibiotics but does that mean you're cured? No
What do you propose that everyone eats only dead animals? How do you propose to furnish the whole world with dead animal meals 3 times a day? You should be glad of us vegans not taking ur dead animals away from you. If everyone suddenly decides ur right and switches you'd be stuck with a tin of beans if ur lucky. You're better off keeping ur mad diet to yourself oh but then you wouldn't be able to sell your supplements would you and the farmers who fund the WAP foundation wouldn't get their customers either. It's a catch 22.
What WAP said in his original study is quite different to what the WAP foundation are putting out now. I don't think Weston would be too pleased about the all meat brigade.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I honestly don't think you apply your own high standards of research to this particular subject.

I'm talking about the Weston A Price Foundation - , not The Price Pottinger Foundation, who I do think criticism could sometimes be fairly leveled at -

"What WAP said in his original study is quite different to what the WAP foundation are putting out now"

Any examples?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Am I gonna be in trouble? We'll see

For conspiring , domestic terrorism and gardening ? ,.. yes
But your not the only one anymore , we all are ;-) .

Posted from

Yup pretty used to it meself. I'm in good company.

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