Fear - The Icing On The Cake?

in informationwar •  2 years ago 

I'm sure many of you might have heard of the 'Died Suddenly' group on Facebook? Famous for growing to a ridiculous 300K members in a few weeks and then being deleted.


It's back and now already up to 89.5K!

It's basically full of anecdotal stories of sudden deaths after a certain medical practise that was pushed over the last 2 1/2 yrs. I'm beginning to wonder if it's not another psy-op.

It started out because people wanted their voices heard and claimed no-one was listening (the media they mean) but I'm not sure that's entirely true?

They're already drip-feeding the general public hints and stories of doom and gloom to those who believed in it. The same people who listened to the media fear-mongering and bullying are getting a second wave of fear-mongering.

Having been studying GNM for a while now I can't help but think maybe TPTB KNOW that news, exactly like the stuff they are leaking, is going to scare the bejeezus out of the already frightened populace. Could this be causing the sudden rise in (what they are claiming is) aggressive 'cancers'. Diagnosed by the same people who diagnosed covid with a dodgy PCR lab tool (not a test).

Reminds me of AIDS and that link with rare 'cancers'. In GNM it is a sudden, devastating shock along with a powerlessness to do anything about it which causes the survival process in the body which they claim is deadly and will kill you. THAT IS NOT TRUE. They call it 'cancer'.

I'll tell what is deadly and will kill you tho. Their 'treatments' for cancer.

Do they know this and are using it to literally frighten people to death? Maybe the shots weren't deadly enough for them so they need to add the final ingredient, FEAR. Or is it yet another drug marketing campaign this time for chemo etc. A last big cash-in before the whole system goes bye bye.

Today I read this story in that group and am only including the last portion because I am totally against this fear-mongering!!


So this person only got one jab and is now terrified. Why? Because of all these stories of sudden deaths and cancers which are NOT being censored, I think they are being encouraged. There's no way of knowing if any of them are true at all.

My advise to this person was -


I really don't see what good this sort of thing can possibly do for people. It's like the old saying -
closing the barn door after the horses have bolted. The world has gone mad.

Even those who got placebo's (and we now there were placebo's) could be frightened into illness and even death. Voodoo curses do work (if you belieeeeeve).

It really is time to turn off that telly, ignore the snoozepapers, even ignore the fear-mongering truthers out there pushing this agenda and now looking even more like controlled opposition.

I was all for warning people before the fact but now what's going on is cruel to the extreme and I will not fuel that fire.
It's sick!!

The way to stay alive is to AVOID DOCTORS!!!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, generate MORE fear, but after they got jabbed, so that the FEAR can now NEVER be placated. Kinda like transgen regret ;-) coz then, with a few nudges and a bit agitprop they might... look for scapegoats.

As for the placebo group, id get a DDimer test done for blood clots - no guarantee, but may lower the fear factor... IF negative.

I wouldn't bother with any of their tests, if they do not understand real biology then their tests can never really know what's going on in the body. Avoid doctors and hospitals completely IMO.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But these are people who have already submitted to the medscam - so part of their long road to enlightenment. lmao

Yes and no-one can wake them up except themselves by some catastrophe, even then they sometimes don't get it.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I just heard of an older person whose insurance FORCED him to go to a doctor. He hadn't been for at least ten years, and felt fine, very active. Well, of course, the doctor did all the sadistic tests, and found an aneurysm. He had a stent put in. Yeah, I don't go to them. None of them. Just think of the time and trouble I save. The only way to break this insane system is to stop using it.

TPTB definitely have thought of all the reactions we will have, and have plans to herd us all up. WWIII should do the trick, talk about fear.

I guess the insurance companies are in with the medical business and making some kind of profit off sick people huh ;-)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It really is time to turn off that telly, ignore the snoozepapers, even ignore the fear-mongering truthers out there pushing this agenda and now looking even more like controlled opposition.

Completely agree with you. Many times the media produce more harm than good, being used as a means to control the population.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

We had an accountant at work in the 90's who didn't own a telly and we all thought he was mad. Very intelligent man. I ditched my telly about 6 yrs ago and don't miss it one bit.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yep ,.. there ain't no escape from the system it seems ,.. the trap is set up solid .

Have no fear ,.. but don't get to confident , or use fear as a tool on others .
It never ends well .

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com