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Skype I've used and zoom I have but not used for podcasts yet but it works fine my end.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I didn't back off interviewing you, give me your email, or discord, or something to connect with you and have a deal with you about the interview. Strange you think so. I was sick, very busy with @blurtcast creating collaboration. And you don't know what I'm passing through in my life. It always took me days to connect with those people I wanted to interview. About skype, it's too personal to share it with someone here, about zoom, I can send you the link to the video conference when I'll be able to connect with you. Usually I talk about that with people using email or discord. How I can find you in discord ? Or do you use email ?

I have a strike on discord just for being friends with someone but yeh I can do hotmail. northerntracey is my hotmail address .com. Also my skype. I thought you did not want to talk about vaccines on blurtcast that was what I took from your answer.
I've been going through similar trauma myself and it's given me a stomach ulcer so I'm not in any way deriding you for your decisions. It can affect your health, I know that.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I contacted you by email. I hope I did it right. Check an email from : [email protected]

don't think so have sent you one.

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