Do Viruses Really Exist?

in informationwar •  3 years ago  (edited)

I recently had a bit of a debate on Blurt with @famigliacurione because he just can't get his head around the fact that no-one has yet isolated the 'coronavirus'. Don't get me wrong, I'm not picking on him specifically. We had a very civilized debate. I also have close friends and family who are not so civilized about it.

Some artwork of the invisible enemy. Note this is not an actual picture it is art!! Kudo's to those talented artists bringing the fairytale to life.

I realise it is a very big step to take, to dismiss a whole lifetime of lies from people we have been taught to trust. I have tried to spell it out as simply as I can in my own articles but most of the believers will only listen to 'qualified experts' and even then will dismiss their work if it goes against the grain.

This 'debate' that no-one wants to have is about to come to a head. At last an official challenge has been set to the, still firmly stuck in the mud, virologist community.

A bit like a game of poker, virologists are being called out to lay their cards on the table and show us all what they have. Put your mouth where your money is.....

This is very exciting for me but it's not the first such challenge we've had. Stefan Lanka did the exact same challenge back in 2016 but for the measles virus specifically. It is not well understood what actually transpired from that as the media did a very good job of whitewashing the whole thing for the masses who still listen to them. Here's the truth of it -

I'd like to post this new official challenge here -Blurt- and the blockchain for posterity where it cannot be deleted or shadowbanned.

Firstly here is one of the virologists, Mike Donio, who is a signatory on the challenge, in his words, explaining the meaning of it all for us.

Source and the rest of his article-

Now to the challenge -
Note the letters after their names, they are all 'experts' too, some doctors some scientists, all worthy of your attention!



An excerpt to titillate your curiosity-
"It has been more than two years since the onset of the “corona” crisis, which changed the trajectory of our
world. The fundamental tenet of this crisis is that a deadly and novel “virus”, SARS-CoV-2, has spread
around the world and negatively impacted large segments of humanity. Central to this tenet is the accepted
wisdom that viruses, defined as replicating, protein-coated pieces of genetic material, either DNA or RNA,
exist as independent entities in the real world and are able to act as pathogens. That is, the so-called particle
with the protein coating and genetic interior is commonly believed to infect living tissues and cells, replicate
inside these living tissues, damage the tissues as it makes its way out, and, in doing so, is also believed to
create disease and sometimes death in its host - the so-called viral theory of disease causation. The alleged
virus particles are then said to be able to transmit to other hosts, causing disease in them as well.
After a century of experimentation and studies, as well as untold billions of dollars spent toward this “war
against viruses”, we must ask whether it’s time to reconsider this theory. For several decades, many doctors
and scientists have been putting forth the case that this commonly-accepted understanding of viruses is
based on fundamental misconceptions. Fundamentally, rather than seeing “viruses” as independent,
exogenous, pathogenic entities, these doctors and scientists have suggested they are simply the ordinary
and inevitable breakdown particles of stressed and/or dead and dying tissues. They are therefore not
pathogens, they are not harmful to other living beings, and no scientific or rationale reasons exist to take
measures to protect oneself or others against them. The misconceptions about “viruses” appears to largely
derive from the nature of the experiments that are used as evidence to argue that such particles exist and
act in the above pathological manner. In essence, the publications in virology are largely of a descriptive
nature, rather than controlled and falsifiable hypothesis-driven experiments that are the heart of the scientific

The nitty gritty details of this challenge with the basic science for those interested enough -

Let's get this straight now.
This is not ONLY about COVID.
It is about every damned virus they have thrown at us over the years since the 1800's. It's about every damned vaccine they have pumped into us and our children with consent or not. It's about every drug that purports to fight viruses while killing the patient. It's about the trust we have put into the men in white coats. It's about the politicians who did their bidding and wielded the whip to herd us all in. It's also about the future of our health and of the so-called 'healthcare' system which is becoming our master.

I hope you will understand the importance of this challenge and what it will mean for the whole world this time.

Posted from

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm not sure about this, and I'm not willing to prove anything to anyone. But from what I found about it, from a girl who always says that there is no virus. She is Russian, and she has no content in English. Briefly, she said that those are just the cells of our immune system. They could be affected by a chemical, for example from trails, and start healing us. And they may look like that under the microscope because our body creates them to make us heal. So, from what she said, that there is no virus, but only chemicals, and things that can affect us in our lives, that push our body to create those cells.

The thing I'm sure about that our immune system is much stronger than we think. And by staying home like in the lockdowns, by not breathing fresh air with those masks, by injecting more chemicals to our body, or taking them in form of a medicament, we may only hurt our immune system.

The strangest thing is that during the pandemic no one promoted a healthy style of life. To eat better, drink more water, breath more fresh air, to stay fit, to move as much as possible. But they pushed for the total opposite.

I was happy when the president of the Salvador promoted healthy style of life during that time :

Anyway, everyone has the right to believe what ever he/she wants. We also have the right to believe and trust what ever we want. Sometimes all we need to follow is logic !

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Anyway, everyone has the right to believe what ever he/she wants.

I disagree - nobody should believe the science. It isn't supposed to be a cult.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I hope I cleared what I meant here :

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

OK, but I still reject the claim that anybody has the right to their beliefs just because they believe them.
That is pathological relativism. I posted on this yesterday ;-)

EXACTLY but a cult it has become.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The ideas are liable to be really mashed up in most minds.
The counter-theory is quite subtle.
There ARE sub-microscopic entities that we now call "viruses" - there are about 1 billion per ml of natural water and soil, for example. They are everywhere!
So, what is their true role and real mechanism of action? THAT has been the 100-year con!
Even in the standard literature, there are "non-pathogenic viruses", there are also endogenous viruses and exosomes. The big con is to scare people into believing the world is awash with pathogenic viruses and that vaccines will immunise people, instead they are the most likely cause of the alleged diseases that then stimulate cells to discard those particles to detoxify, and those particles are then blamed as the pathogens! Great con.
Unlike bacteria, that we can all see with a good microscope, the virus-con can be perpetrated with expensive equipment such as electron-microscopes and genetic testing.
Getting the cause and effect the wrong way round makes pharmascum and doctors very rich and powerful.
The last step, because the word "virus" is derived from the Latin for "poison", and hence assumes some pathogenic nature, is to entirely change the word to something more neutral.

"There ARE sub-microscopic entities that we now call "viruses" "
Yes there are many microscopic particles but 'we' do not call them viruses. THEY did. Under the instructions of a man called Rivers under the instructions of Rockefeller who went on to build a mighty empire based on the thing they just dreamed up. Viruses.
Before them a virus was a poison. Latin is a dead language hence the meaning of a word cannot be changed. Virus means poison. They committed fraud.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We've had this discussion before. What I take issue with is people who then say "viruses don't exist", as some mantra, with no follow-on, so that someone else hearing that thinks that there is nothing there at all. There is - it just isn't what we've been pushed to believe. Also, that mantra is actually damaging to the cause, as the vast majority of people can't believe they don't exist. So you've immediately created a barrier. "Viruses are NOT pathogens" is more accurate - possibly! I say possibly as we then need to consider bacteriophages - they could be a separate class, but the idea that all viruses are pathogenic looks like an extension of bacteriophages.

When the first so-called coronavirus was identified in the 1950s, the paper was initially rejected as the electronmicrographs looked like exosomes. So, if viruses are not pathogens, then we also need a theory of antibodies - the whole process could well be a bio-garbage-collection mechanism, but we need to push for experiments that can show this.

This is very similar to physics, in that whole theories are dismissed merely because of the refusal to fund the research in that area.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

When we say 'viruses don't exist' it's a perfectly relevant statement as we are claiming their definition of a virus (which they made up and have changed 3 times now) is what doesn't exist. The definition is of a pathogenic element therefore it's pointless to say some are pathogenic and others not. That would be like saying some poisons are not poisonous.
By the way how do you know bacteriophage are pathogenic to bacteria? Only because that is what you are told right? Did you know they took the theory of bacteriophage and slotted it onto their theory of viruses?
The exosome theory is more to the point BUT when Kaufman started saying viruses are exosomes that also just confused people.
Viruses do not exist is simple and clear. No-one said sub-microscopic particles don't exist. What we want is proof of claim. They claim, well you now what they claim, without solid proof. Arguing over the minutae of the language is pointless at this juncture. The challenge is very clear and precise.

I think this discussion answers both @clixmoney and @rycharde re the 'no virus' and the 'believing'. It also answers a lot more.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Did you know they took the theory of bacteriophage and slotted it onto their theory of viruses?

Yes, that is precisely why I made the comment.

That would be like saying some poisons are not poisonous.

And that would be true! The poison is in the dose. ;-) At the right dose, poisons can be cures.

Language is important, hence a correct new language needs to be already prepared to sort out what does exist and has been misclassified, as well as what truly doesn't exist at all and has been fabricated by, for example, DNA reconstruction.

One thing I noted from the very start of the kovidity scam was the availability of the alleged virus for labs with credentials, and yet they never, ever, could find such a thing within humans. So... how did they get all those "covid" samples from? And it is from those "samples" that they calibrated all the tests. This is not even science - it is pure logical bollox. Those few private labs willing to speak in forums, all said they could find nothing in alleged "positive victims" other than sometimes influenza. But even then, so influenza does exist? I recall one paper where they randomly tested patients allegedly treated for flu and found merely 10% showed signs of the influenza virus (according to the test).

The biggest jokes are the "transmission" experiments - I don't think ANY has ever shown the human to human transmission of a virus. They have to be injected to be infected. I leave it there. Could be an ad slogan!

The old 'poison is in the dose' is the phrase they constantly use to justify vaccines as well as other drugs. I think it's also false. I think the poison is in the mode of entry myself. Clearly demonstrated by your very last sentence.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Also true of homeopathy, tho.
Hahnemann was genuinely perplexed that it worked at all!

Yeah, injections are like having the city gates protecting the people, then seeing parachutes coming down. I mean, you wouldn't inject burgers into people to feed them.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Interesting. So you would say that the statement "at the right dose, poisons can cure" is wrong?

Would you say that about LSD too, for example? Just curious.

You're missing the point here. If there is no virus there is no covid and no immune system. It's all utter bullcrap. Yes you are free to believe whatever you like but when ur beliefs threaten MY life that is another kettle of fish entirely. It's like saying you don't have to believe in my God but you do have to go to my church every week or you'll be sacked from your job and not allowed to buy food. Get it?

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If there is no virus there is no covid and no immune system.

I said the following : ''I'm not sure about this, and I'm not willing to prove anything to anyone.'' That means I'm not sure about the existence of the virus and that's ok, because I found some content in the past that talk about it. But I didn't have time to dig deeper. And I'm not ''willing to prove anything to anyone'' not because I think you're wrong in something. And I'm not against you here. I'm just trying to figure out by discussing this.

But I don't understand, how the absence of the virus can be related with the absence of the immune system ? I think, ''again not sure'' that the absence of the virus couldn't be related with the absence of the immune system. And maybe, ''I'm not sure again'', they kind of take the cells created by the immune system and tell us that's a virus. I'm completely with you that they are manipulative.

Yes you are free to believe whatever you like but when ur beliefs threaten MY life that is another kettle of fish entirely.

I don't understand how my beliefs in the virus, or its absence can threaten your life. Especially if I'm not sure about that. I'm just trying to figure out. I don't know a lot about medicine, that's not the field I learned about.

It's like saying you don't have to believe in my God but you do have to go to my church every week or you'll be sacked from your job and not allowed to buy food.

I'm not telling you what to do in any form. Let me explain what I meant by : ''Anyway, everyone has the right to believe what ever he/she wants.''

I meant if someone believe that covid is a virus, and that vaccines are effective, and masks and lockdowns, let them believe so. We can't impact their beliefs by force. We give them evidences, arguments, and it's up to them to change that belief or not.

And I meant by this : ''We also have the right to believe and trust what ever we want.''

We, me I you who don't trust fake expects, vaccines, and everything that was forces on people. We also have the right to believe in this and to defend this position. And I don't see myself against you, by the total opposite. I wanted to support you by that.

And if I said something wrong, or maybe didn't explain it well, that's because I'm not a native speaker. I never visited an English country in my life. So, it's hard to express myself sometimes, especially when I try to use the sarcastic language.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Sorry Clix if you thought I was having a go at you. Nothing of the sort. I was talking in general. I used a collective 'you' it can mean many people too.
What I'm trying to convey is that the belief in viruses has shaped society just like a religion would. It's not a case of 'believing' in something. Science and medicine are not religions although they have tried to make it so. The whole world has been turned upside down because so many people believe a lie.
It's time to call them out before it's too late. It may seem like I'm shouting because I am passionate about this.
Re the immune system - if there are no viruses then there is no need for an 'immune system' to fight them. What we actually have is a detox system. Read this:

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Right, I disagree with the whole "right to believe" any bollox - that's relativism - and it's wrong. It also plays into the hand of medical tyrants who don't give a crap about such inert relativism. They promoted this philosophy on purpose - to breed confusion - and amid confusion, most people believe.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good morning from here,
are you hung up on the word "right" to believe?

Regardless of whether one claims a right to believe something, it does not stop anyone from believing or not believing even without such a (thought or postulated) right. "Believe" in this case can merely be a lingustic way of saying synonymously that one trusts or does not trust a source. This source can be oneself or others or both. Instead of "belief" one can also say "conviction".

One "believes" those whom one considers to be reliable sources. Every person, I would say, expresses an attitude that they think is the right or wrong one. In a field where I have no professional (e.g. scientific) experience, I have no other option than to research sources and then form a picture of what I should make a decision about. But the nature and motivation of exactly what I am researching into already contains (I would think overwhelmingly) my presuppositions and also what I WANT to know, or determines the tendency of what I hope to find to confirm my presuppositions or disprove those of others.

If I am unwilling to admit that I am leaning in a certain direction even before I find evidence to confirm my assumption, I am essentially no different from those who find contrary assumptions confirmed.

I would therefore admit from the outset that it is particular convictions and principles that concern me on issues and on which, even contrary to scientific findings or achievements, I nevertheless wish to contradict such because my conscience tells me to do so. No one, I would say, should speak against what I call my conscience (the highest authority, so to speak). Where one wants to force me to turn against this conscience, one is asking me to turn against myself. I understand this to mean what is enshrined in our Basic Law: "Human dignity is inviolable".

Science, or its application in, for example, life-prolonging measures, seems to be indisputable that people who are put on heart-lung machines are kept alive by this. If someone now comes along and says "I don't believe that!" and claims such against better knowledge, they will have reasons for doing so that probably sound irrational to me. Nevertheless, this makes me realise that it seems to be emotional reasons that express a vehement rejection and the more I try to convince such a person that his feelings play no role in the apple always falling down, the angrier this person will become.

It is the relationship level that determines a conflict, I think. I have found in countless debates with friends or strangers that efforts of convincing, pointing to sources etc. etc. are of little or no use if you don't get the relationship level clear beforehand. You can name and copy as many sources as you want, the other person will not even look at them or be willing to study in them if the level of personal relationship has not been pacified or satisfied. Only the one who has been emotionally satisfied is accessible to rational arguments.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah, and in Russia we used to ask people : ''Do you believe in covid ?''. That's for sure was a religion for so many who injected in their bodies the unknown, and some of them did that even to their kids. And people were wearing masks even in parks when no one around, I always felt sorry about old people who barely breath, but kept wearing it because the TV told them so. Things were really crazier. That's why comparing that to sanctions, it's the light for of harm. Maybe we will turn to the Soviet Union again and not be allowed to do a lot of things. But that's way better than what happened during those two crazy years. Maybe they are giving us a break, and it will be just worse in the future, and those sanctions will just help them to make us more controllable, that's what I see at least. It's my destiny to run from a country like Algeria because I wanted more civil country, and to be cut here in Russia with what's going on now. Maybe it's my final destiny and I have to deal with it. I wanted to leave the country, but I have a Russian wife and a son who is already used to many things here.

Running won't help, this a worldwide thing. Covid was just an excuse to bring about the great reset. They are dismantling everything and will build it back how they want it unless we stop them. A lot of what they're dismantling needs to go anyway. The hellthcare system for one. But all this is just to bring in their new monetary system based on scarcity instead of consumerism. You're better off staying and building a garden, grow veg. Learn an essential skill. So far there are few places to run to. I hear Mexico is ok. Not sure about Algeria. As long as you keep away from cities.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yep, unlike WW2, there is nowhere to run now.
The scum needs clearing. Both the people and the tech.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think "viruses" do exist but it is not as "science " portrays it. Like my belief that CANCER is something that is a natural occurrence, further detail CANCER is grouping of cells that act like parasites and drain the body, it can happen to all. The problem is the natural state of the body to be able to handle the DETOXIFICATION of these occurrences. If our bodies are out of wack and can not naturally detox these "bad cells" or introduction of caustic radicals like bad food, bad water, bad air, they take over the bodies ability to fight it off. The real issue is the bodies ability to do what it does, constantly kick out the bad shit and repair itself. The rise of virus/cancer/DISSease, is the introduction of bad food, bad water and bad air to our diets and environment. ALL CAN BE CURED BY NATURAL REMEDY OFFERED BY THE EARTH. Todays "modern" medicine only hinders our ability to NATURALLY DETOXIFY and REPAIR at the cellular level. #GrowYourSelf

You are on the right track but if 'viruses' exist but not as they describe then they are not viruses. Cancer and your 'bad cell' theory is also harking back to their warfare model of disease. My take on cancer which goes one step further -

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hey, I would like to share with you as well this idea. At least I'll do some impact in the world supporting our ideas. It's not about the post, but that's the only way I could contact you.

So, here we go :

Recently I discussed with @drutter why I use discord and telegram for collaborations. The discussion was a bit hot, that's why he didn't yet reply me about the idea. Maybe he didn't notice. Or I don't know. Anyway, here is what I wrote to him :

we can create a collaboration with non vaccinated people who are still alive, just like me and many others here I know. That will be awesome things to do. And if you're ready to help me with that, I'm all for it. We can do it right in the blockchain, but as I said people need tools to send me videos and I will edit them. For example, they will have to use Google Drive, or any other website that allow to share big videos. Or we can do it even in a form of podcast. What do you think about that ?

source to the comment

I'm really ready to work on that, and I already know about a few people in blurt who are not vaccinated. But because of the issue we had in @blurtcast I'm not in touch with them. It will be nice from you if you help me with that. I can contact you by email, or discord, or any form you like even if that will be only in blurt. I don't know if you use discord or not, but I remember you telling me that you would join discord if blurtcast was there. And it's there now. :

Will you help me with such a collaboration ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I don't use telegram because it is wifi based and I do not use a mobile phone. Discord has banned people who talk about vaccines I've already had one strike just for being 'friends' with fakeologist. I already know all the unvaccinated people, I've been running anti-vax groups for decades. These communities are already well established especially on Telegram where most banned people went from FB.
I feel like you're trying to board a train that has left the station.
PS if you were working towards some sort of group function on blurt where we could form such a group I might be up for helping with that.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Didn't you know that Telegram has a desktop application?


Yes actually I did know and have you tried it? It doesn't work. You still need a mobile phone to use it.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Which Linux distro are you using?

Haven't got round to going back to linux on this laptop. It's not that tho it's their demand of a mobile number for verification even on the PC version. No option to use other forms of verification.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What about Discord? I'm leprechaun#2185 and my email address is in my hive profile.

Yeh I have a discord account but they gave me a strike for just being friends with fakeologist so I don't rate discord. What does it have to do with telegram?

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If we're in blurt, we can do it with blurt people. I don't think that I'm trying to board a train that has left the station. But just wanted to create a collaboration for future generations to come. The more people talk about that, the more will be aware in the future. Anyway, that was just a suggestion. I understand everything.

Well you bring up a good point actually in that why do blurt people have to go to an alternative site to connect as a group? How feasible is it to have a group function on blurt? Is it possible or am I barking up a non-existent tree?
I for one came here BECAUSE all these other platforms censored us.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We don't have to go to other places to create collaboration. We can contact each other right here in blurt and think about what to do together and do it. We will need a video platform anyway if that's a video collaboration. Blurt doesn't have that option to put a video on it. And if you wish, you can just make it by writing. We can do everything in blurt. I'm not telling that we have to use other platforms.

I am doing all this already here so how exactly do you want to collaborate and on what? What is the goal of this collab?

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm sorry. I talked with a friend, and he told me that the topic is too sensitive. Maybe you're right that I'm late with this. I'll be working on collaborations in @blurtcast like the new new one we created. The goal was and will always be to promote blurt to the world. And maybe if the topic will be actual again in the future, I mean the collab I told you about, we may make it anyway. Maybe I'm not thinking the right way, and I'm just exaggerating. But someone here in Russia told me today that we may have a war even here. I live about 100 km from Ukraine. And when I thought about that collab, I thought, why do not do that, because that could be the last thing I do. Even this message could be my last. And I always think about leaving something good. At least I will be remembered like someone good. It's maybe sad. But I'm not trying to play victim like some think. I'm just sharing what's inside. Thanks a lot for being against the evil. Thanks a lot for being you. I hope we have more of such people in earth. Anyway, see you around.

I'm sure you will find something for a legacy and hope you're wrong about the war. Good luck with your endeavours and thanx for the encouragement. I'm always happy to do interviews if you build a podcast and if it is brave enough to interview me ;-)

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I missed this did get a lot of comments!

Posted from

yes great isn't it. I even have a new resident troll here. How come you've been 'missing' all my posts? Pay attention.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Truth is I race through my feeds on Gab, Bastyon, and Blurt while I'm having breakfast and miss most of the posts.

But I'm looking at Bastyon more at the moment, doing lots of voting, because I have four accounts and enough tokens that if they go up 10% i make decent $ - i suddenly thought, hang on I could actually make a difference on this platform and now is the time - I don't think I can boost Blurt much, but I'm hoping thisalt front end helps -

Posted from

yeh lucylin got me onto blurtlatam last week. Thanx for all the votes on bastyon, got a feeling ur the only one lol

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

All the trolls and bots are another pain in the arse - I now have 31 blocked and just about every post I look at seems to have a blocked comment - but Steemit was like that at it's all time peak in late 2016 - it goes with being the happening place

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Do you follow Dr Sam Bailey? - she is very mellow and zen and also deeply onto it - she is from Christchurch NZ, and is hitting the virus myths hard

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

of course I do, question is does she follow me?
Even Mike Yeadon ex bio-tech from Pfizer has come around to the virus fraud.

Posted from