Prophet's Circumcision Procession

in indonesia •  2 years ago 


How are you all friends, greetings of success always for all of you wherever you are. On this short occasion I would like to tell you a little about one of the Acehnese customs which is colored by religion which has long been rooted in the Acehnese-Indonesian society.

So that every Acehnese traditional ceremony has a special meaning. Where every celebration is an expression of gratitude to the almighty creator, one of which is the celebration of the Apostle's circumcision which is always carried out by the people of Aceh-Indonesia.

Circumcision or circumcision of the apostle is a celebration tradition carried out when a boy aged 6-12 years. This indicates that a boy has reached the age known as puberty.


The Apostle Circumcision procession begins with reading prayers for salvation, prosperity, and success while navigating life in this world which is a form of gratitude to the almighty creator. Followed by a very special event, namely Peusijuk which has taken root in Acehnese society. The Peusijuk event is led by religious leaders or traditional leaders in the village. People who are respected for their religious knowledge.


After the prayer and Peusijuk event, the invited guests will be treated to a feast filled with plates filled with small plates. It is an honor for the host to honor the invited guests with a special menu.

This is one of the traditional events in Aceh even though it looks very tiring but if it is carried out and runs smoothly then it is a great happiness for the host. Here are some of the moments I managed to capture:






Sorry for all the shortcomings of this short stroke. Thank You

Best Regards @p3d1

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Greeting friend