Celebrating Birthday

in indonesia •  2 years ago 


How are you all friends, greetings of success always for all of you wherever you are. Everyone will remember his birthday.

On this short occasion I want to share a very happy moment for a child. Celebrate his birthday by getting various gifts and presents. Do not forget the birthday cake with decorations according to their age. Of course, this moment is very happy for children and their parents.

Celebrating birthdays has become a culture in society. But from all that, don't be a meaningless celebration. Hopefully this celebration can be a good prayer for the development of children in the future. Every celebration there will be congratulations whether from the closest people such as family, relatives, and friends. With the hope of becoming a child who has good morals, it is useful for the nation and state.


There are interesting things when celebrating a birthday to make it look more festive. Coloring knick-knacks before the event and in progress. Preparation of invitations to invite invited guests. Birthday hat, camera, photo Butet, birthday cake and some other knick-knacks.

To make it look festive, bright colors are usually used, such as balloons with yellow, red, blue, and several other colors.

Cutting the cake is a very special moment for those who celebrate a birthday. A special cake with a sweet and delicious chocolate taste. Everything will be distributed to taste the birthday cake that was cut directly by the birthday party.

Here are some of the moments that I managed to capture.







The children looked very happy with the knick-knacks, such as colorful balloons. For all the shortcomings of this short scratch, I apologize profusely.

Best Regards @p3d1

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It is always nice to celebrate children especially on days like their birthdays and I can assure you that this memory will always remain with them even when they grow older.

Well Done and happy birthday to the celebrant.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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