in inatablurt •  2 years ago  (edited)

Again with my parts 😂
So it is National holiday of working so we do not work that they, it’s actually really funny to think about that contrariety haha
It was a really nice, relaxing day 😁 We wanted to spend it peacefully and with not to many people around us so it was Sanja, Vanja and I 👍🏽
We firstly couldn’t decide where are we going and we have switched the destination in last minute and we did make a great choice. The Pariguz lake( and translated it is steam but so we were kinda making a joke a out it even tho we are over 25yo) is not well known so it wasn’t crowded but still had people and good atmosphere and we made oh yeahhhh, a picnic 🧺

Sanja made us a healthy chicken pizza and Vanja some cake something like that and all was delicious and the most important wine glasses and a wine 🍷💙


Ofc we had a photoshoot and just relaxing day so even closing eyes and partially looking at the sky was giving so much joy








After that we have visited other lake and it was a lake we were staying on last year for the first of me and we just went to see that was fear even though it was almost anything and to see some beautiful nature and for our next day adventure stay tuned tomorrow

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