Freedom of animals

in iduvts •  2 years ago 

Lately the desire to keep animals and birds has arisen in mind. Sometimes I want to fish. These things have been going around in my head for a few days.
But two days ago, I decided to grow fish in an aquarium.





Thinking about this, I went to the store and saw several types of aquariums. I really liked one of these aquariums and decided to buy it.
But then one thing came to my mind. And that is:
Ever since the Corona period started in our country and we people have been confined to our homes. It was then that we all realized that we found parallels in our own captivity in animals in zoos around the world.


Those who were supposed to lead a free life in the wild are spending their entire lives in cages and that is really painful and inhumane, every caged person realized or still can. Many of us are saddened to think about it.
Indeed, all kinds of animals have the right to live independently from their own habitats. For example: birds are better suited in the open air, not in cages. Again, the forest animals fit in the forest, not in the zoo.

Similarly, fishes are suitable for large areas such as ponds, rivers and seas. Not life in a small cage like an aquarium. Thinking about these thoughts, I didn't think about the aquarium anymore. I returned home with a calm mind. Fortunately, free animals are not caged and driven mad by their own pleasure.

Anyway, I took a few photos of the aquarium on my way out of the store. I will share them with you now.

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