The charm of white jasmine

in iduvts •  8 months ago 







The charm of white jasmine flowers can be found in gardens, parks, or areas with tropical climates. White jasmine flowers are often planted as ornamental plants because of their fragrant aroma. They can grow in a variety of locations, depending on suitable soil and climate conditions.

I found this white jasmine flower in the campus garden when I passed the entrance gate. Many are blooming and look beautiful to the eye.

Planting white jasmine flowers in the garden will add beauty and a refreshing aroma. Make sure the soil is fertile, provide enough sunlight, and air regularly. Happy gardening!

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White is always beautiful 😻 that too pure colour of nature , nothing can beat nature

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Amazing nature paintings....

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

My favorite :)

Posted from

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Same taste....