in iduvts •  last year 

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Yeah you read it right, it's Awoof and no you're wrong it has nothing to do with a dog.
Where I'm from, Awoof is slang for free.

Do we call it greediness if you're looking to make a ridiculous high return on an investment or we'll simply dress it up and say you love risky investments. It definitely says something when you see a thing that looks good to be true but some part of you still wants to take the risk.

It's been a few years since I first journeyed into the crypto scene and I've picked up a few things along the way. A lot of times i see some of the tech jargons and I might not understand the details, but I believe I can still get a general understanding of what's being said.

One of the few things I learnt early was the difference between custodial wallets and non custodial ones. How big names like Binance are different from others like Trust wallet.
I was quite skeptical of opening an account on binance ( due to the KYC needed) unlike Trust wallet where my keys were my sole responsibility.
Truth be told though, I didn't want any centralized systems holding onto my little tokens 😂.

I know it must've crossed your mind once or twice whenever you had to use your generated phrase to import into a non custodial wallet like Trust wallet. You begin to imagine changing one or two phrases and ending up importing a wallet that contains probably a million USD worth of tokens. (there's no way I'll believe I'm the only one who's ever thought of this).

In the early days when I bought one of my first crypto the Tron(TRX),I was always checking and rechecking my wallet to make sure no one had accidentally imported my wallet and gotten hands on my cryptocurrencies.

😂😂 Talk about having a severe case of trust issues, it didn't help matters that the company had to name the wallet Trust when it was looking like UNTRUST wallet to me.
Imagine having to walk into a hospital and getting diagnosed with stage three TRUSTOPHOBIA and the doctor puts you on trust booster meds.

On the other hand it says a lot about my mindset because I was equally wasting time praying I somehow made a mistake and got into a wallet with lots of funds. It's more like praying for what you fear the most.

One time I got a call from my cousin on WhatsApp and the conversation was something like this

Hey hazmat, how're you doing?

I'm good bro. what's up

So I've got this friend who has another friend, that's having difficulty with moving his crypto from his wallet

Alright, whats type of wallet is it?

Don't worry, I'll send you the phrase to import the wallet. If you can move the tokens, you get 25% of the wallet value

Now I'm skeptical and a little wary, whenever the information involves a friend who knows five other friends down the run, I advise you to run the other way.
But I thought free money never hurt anybody. So he goes ahead and sends the wallet phrase, I import the wallet and truthfully I find about 500 USDT in the wallet. By the terms of our agreement, I'd be getting 125 USDT just for moving the token out.

It sounded too good to be true but since there was no risk, I gave it a trial. It was a TRC20-USDT which meant it was issued by the Tron network and that I needed some Tron token as network fee.
I did the necessary calculations and sent the amount of Tron I needed. I tried the transaction again and voila just like magic, my Tron had vanished, but the USDT was still there 😂😂

Realizing what had happened, I called my cousin and we were both laughing because the whole thing looked fishy right from the start but we were blindsided by the free money.
I was lucky to only loose very little fund but it showed again just how much we throw away sense even when intuition tells us otherwise.

I got a lesson in Awoof truely dey run belle( he who loves too much free food is bound to get a disturbing stomach upset soon).

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