-17 Celsius outside , and so much snowflakes to melt .
+36 Celsius inside , so no problem to melt some .
And all that water from the roof will freeze the front door stuck and shut again .
But i did not know arguing was a race to win or loose .
I thought it was to clear out any misunderstanding in different points of view .
Hitler fordêad , attain ôfer man !
Pretty rough English ,.. like that ?,.. or ,
Hitler is dood , klaar daar mee !
King Henry V orgilde Englaland became ðone as Gallisc onwealda mid sê battle of Agincourt . Archers stîðlic dôð forgeearnung .
Witch is pretty rough English to if you ask me .
Enjoy the bubbles ,.. don't slip on the deck .
In the adult world , yes.
On blurt, not so much.
So i noticed ,.. and i didn't even mention the war .
quick !!!!!!!
..... get them over to blurt- this is the kind of caliber of people that the higher echelons are looking for - you know - to add quality content...