@themarkymark in a whale war 🔫 Is this the beginning of the end of Hive?

in hive •  2 years ago  (edited)

Good morning all you awesome Blurtarians out there!

Well, as it seems, the downvote beast @themarkymark is getting a taste of his own downvote button over on Hive. For years and years he mobbed good honest bloggers off of Hive with his beloved downvote button and now it seems as if he is gettting a taste of his own medecine!

In this article he is complaining about being downvoted by the account "newsflash" as a revenge act.

By doing this, he is perfectly showing how 💩ty the downvote button really is. The tide has turned and he himself has now become a victim of his own favorite tool. Some may call it karma... 😏

Could this mark the beginning of the end of Hive?

UPDATE: The whales are downvoting the crap out of the people the other whale upvoted. Absolute insanity breaking loose!!!!

It will be interesting to see, if this effects the price of Hive. On Coinmarketcap the 1 month trend of HIVE is clearly downwards. HIVE could not hold the 1 dollar mark:



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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Great post. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I certainly want front row seats to this slow motion train wreck. The creeper changed his profile logo too, that's not the first one to have done that. You too are having a serious effect bringing awareness. These posts are not a highly up-votable thing, as those at the top of blurt do not want blurt to have this kind of content trending, understandably....but you are having an effect. Don't think you are not for a moment. Keep up the great work!

I realised where hive got its logo from today


😂😂😂 That was a nice one!

Just saw it parked and was like that’s familiar

Thanks mate🙏❤️Your words mean a lot!! 🍀🏆My work is almost done there... A few more links to victims posts, where the Markinator downvoted them to hell, his puppets are quite complete in my list, I think. It is toxic as hell over there and I will be glad finally to close the book "Hive" once and for all...

Yeah I feel great off it I would have used vyb but it’s too connected as still funding the Whales not he foundation level. The issue with vyb is its like building a house on a swamp.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Something is still holding me there... Getting the lists in my last post completed... I want everybody to see the mess. Sooner or later, I have to make a cut there though... Pure toxicness...

Yeah I salute you! It’s horrific energy just even going on. I used to try and be like I’ll keep my head down and avoid but you see something of someone Prods you irs pure toxic. To the point you can’t even post on vyb as it’s too connected. I felt this huge sense of freedom the minute I fully kicked it to the curb. It’s actually only even then you realise just how bad it is

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It looks like the whales are just downvoting anybody that the other whales are upvoting to remove each other Curation rewards. The result is that many good bloggers are being wiped out.

Everything stolen by a few very very angry whales.

The downvote button could be the fall of Hive...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The downvote button should be ok but Hive is filled with pricks who abuse their power.

Either way... Hive has a problem...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is exactly karma nothing else 🤣. His favourite tool now starts to backfire at him... So cool.

Yes, karma can be very beautiful...🙊🙈😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah 😂😂😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

The down vote talk is so much now I even saw Stevec made a post about people getting down voted and maybe even he is starting to come to the realisation that it’s not good for the platform. They didn’t really care about us but they are starting to care now it’s actually harming the platform that they care about so much. I’ve always said these people will eventually stop having people to bully and then they will turn on one another and that’s when the platform will implode I felt this for years. It happened with Steemit and it will happen with this platform two and every platform they move onto unless they actually do some work on themselves.

If he is smart... He will move! Fast!

When you google hive and downvotes this is the top post on google by @frot get them all on blurt it’s time


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I forgot about that post...back then i was still pro vyb!

Not any more though.

Yeah that’s what I mean go tell them all about how cool blurt is lots of
Potentials there

Nice one! 👍

I just want to be able to power down before it rly implodes

I rly think hives run is over, everyone’s talking about the downvoting, everyone’s talking about blurt now, they can’t hide it anymore and now they are starting turning on one another. Just like with Steemit, it only takes someone more powerful than them to abuse the power they were abusing to turn the tables. Makes me laugh so hard they Call us moaners, they are literally the biggest cry babies when getting down voted I ever saw in my life. Imagine if they get taken down to 0 and rep -

As of now, you can watch the "implosion", as you called it LIVE.... 😉

argh I still hve hive to sell lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Content-creators look at each other as competition, and work harder to try and get a bigger share of the reward pool. That's fair, and it encourages quality.
But many whales (esp on Hive) look at content-creators as competition, and their response is to downvote, harass, censor. They can't compete with content so they abuse with their funds. It's gross. I hope it changes.

Either they remove the downvote button, or it could be the end of Hive... 🤷‍♂️

There are lots of bad actors
Tarazkp ( doesn’t actively downvote but totally involved with that group)
Meester boom

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Tarazkp (downvotes more than you might think)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Maybe he was just afraid of me lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hey! You know I used to be known for travel! hahahaha

I'm flattered you linked my article here. :)

Yes, that is an amazing crew over there.

That tarakpz, oh my gosh. He really gets joy out of putting others down, frankly they all do. I've watched it first hand. He even made several posts all about me, then the gremlins over there all gathered together and had a creepy make fun of travel pro orgy on the post and upvoted it to like 150 dollars or something. It literally reminded me of something you may see in elementary school.....oh how about the time they created world-travel-pr0 account. That was a good one too! lol

You know a good person I used to be friendly with over there @dswigle thinks I actually created that account to troll myself or something. That's how brainwashed they have some of the regular folks over there. Amazing isn't it. But then again she is cozied up very well along side meestersatan so I guess that explains it. Talk about not having a clue what is going on right under your nose.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

marky/buildawhale and newsflash are now downvoting each other

appreciator is on-tilt



Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Who’s baby Tara zkp there is also a guy who doubles up with him called something else kp. I think these guys all have multiple accounts, which is fine, when everyone’s allowed multiple accounts... which minions are not.

Behind closed doors I found him one of the worst tbh. That’s all I’ll say. But I never saw him do much in public.

I’m sure there is more than this too

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I saw you're at everywhere 😅.. Just read some comments there.

Marky is the reason why I left Hive...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So you're enjoying the show now🙊?

Oh yes! 🙈 I was just on Hive-Engine swapping HIVE to BLURT and noticed that the SWAP.HIVE transactions button is deactivated. Could this become a problem?



  ·  2 years ago  ·  

it's funny how "centralized" these "decentralized" dapps really are

dlease blocked me because marky put me on his blacklist

now that's what i call "decentralized"

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

I consider hive more centralised than fb and always have.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

good point

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am not frequently use Hive engine..So I am excatly don't know the answer for your question..It's better to ask in the Discord channel..there is a seperate channel for hive engine also..I hope you will get the correct answer there. Sry for the Trouble.

My next power down is in one week... Maybe they will have fixed it till then... 😂😉

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hope so..Otherwise you have to use another exchange.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If you have any questions regardung probit or Ionomy..let me know😊

That’s interesting !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"decentralized" ?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

@vectorshore - Thanks for the reblurt buddy! 🙏❤️🌞🤙 It is much appreciated!

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)
Resistance campaign against malicious downvoter villains1f1d355e_d86c_44a0_a22e_da79df56b1ce.pngThey show off their hive power and take advantage by mercilessly trampling on the weak…

Have a nice day~