My Actifit Report Card and Update: October 4 2022

in hive-193552 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Hi Everyone,

I'm back with another Actifit Report and Update. I'm glad the Council are picking up rubbish again (two weeks in a row now, they were previously on strike for over 7 weeks). Looks like they are finally sticking with a deal. I'm not sure how long it will be before the town is fully cleaned up. It was lucky the rats didn't get to my neighbourhood. I'm still waiting on the next electricity bill. I'm hoping it isn't too bad. We have all made an effort to cut down energy consumption. Minimising the time the water heater is on should save quite a bit. Food prices are up but I'm not badly effected as I don't buy meat or dairy products. Plant-based food has barely increased. I should do a comparison between meat and dairy and plant-based alternatives.

My Content

I posted twice since my previous Actifit Report and Update. The first post was the results of the final challenge in the Challenge Series. The second post was about positive change despite the turmoil in the world right now.


The Challenge Series was a great success. The number of participants was considerably much higher than last year's Challenge Series as well as the monthly contests. The high participant rate meant higher valued prize payouts. For five of the seven challenges, the maximum prize of 60 Hive was paid to the winners. I plan on bringing the Challenge Series back next year.


Most people are going through a rough time right now. The "Cost of Living Crisis" is being felt in most places and it appears to be getting worse. In my post, I discuss people's desire for change. I revisit the Trump presidency as well as Brexit. I discuss how controlled opposition was used in both cases to create division as well as distraction. I return to the present day scenario to describe current problems and how the responses to Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine has triggered most of the problems we face today. The key element of optimism is that hard times increases people's desire for change. We have seen this with protests and changes in voting patterns (e.g Sweden and Italy). It is becoming more difficult to maintain the illusion as it is becoming less credible as events occur more rapidly. Things will get worse before they get better. When this occurs, everything will be different.

That brings this Actifit Report and Update to an end. I hope everyone had a great weekend and I wish everyone an awesome and active week ahead.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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