In 2004 there was a very extraordinary event, namely the tsunami disaster in Aceh, Indonesia.For me personally, the Aceh tsunami is a moment that I can't forget for the rest of my life. In the disaster, I also ran in fear of being chased by fast sea water rising to the mainland of Aceh.
The Aceh Tsunami occurred on Sunday, 26-12-2004. when that day I was at my grandmother's house which is not far from the sea about 3 kilometers. That morning there was a very strong earthquake, in fact I have never seen an earthquake as powerful as this. in my heart said whether today is available. the strength of the earthquake that occurred that day reached 9.1 Mw to 9.3 Mw. my family and I came out of the house and sat in the field in front of the house. the earth we were sitting on felt like it was about to crumble we shook on the ground of the house and the trees seemed to be about to collapse. we cried not knowing what to do, just surrender to God Almighty.
After the big earthquake stopped suddenly there was a loud sound from the sea boom boom boom three times. after that people from the sea ran and shouted the sea water rose to the land big waves chased. My family and I immediately panicked what was going on, my mind became confused and confused. my family and I took some clothes that we could carry and ran as far as possible with the sea water following us from behind. the people who were running scared all could only save themselves. if anything is left behind, it will sink with the strong currents of rising seas. everyone was running scared crying i didn't know what to say everyone was scared. after running far, came the help of a truck that would pick us up who was running. we just ran and ran away from the sea water chase that was very fierce that day. the color of the sea water was pitch black, not even the same as the color of the sea, we were usually very scared. after being picked up by some makeshift assistance trucks at that time we got into the truck and went away from the pursuit of sea water.
after we were taken by a truck about 20 kilometers away from the scene. we got off the truck like confused people and still asking what really happened we cried a lot of our brothers who live near the beach were killed by the big waves. we sat together in that place lamenting for other people who, like us, were confused and didn't know what to do. the deepest sadness I have ever felt during a very terrible natural disaster. more than 280 thousand people died in the Aceh Tsunami. we were very sad at that time the reinforcements kept coming when volunteers asked how it happened we can only say big waves chased us and hit everything around us, our relatives, our houses and even everything.

the 2nd day after the incident everyone helped to evacuate the bodies of people who had died and those who were still alive who were trapped by buildings stranded deep in the forest and all those who were still alive or died were evacuated on the second day. in tears the people of aceh helped his brother to be evacuated. corpses scattered on the streets in our homes we are very sad we don't know what to say this sadness feels like we are victims of the Aceh Tsunami who feel more sad about losing all of our family and friends. almost 1 month after the evacuation of the bodies, all assistance was sent to help the Acehnese. on the 5th day my family and I returned to our house to clean the house that had been hit by big waves. remove all the remaining belongings. clean all the mud dirt that has entered our house. our house was not destroyed and is still usable. so our brother whose house was destroyed stays with us for a while. a few nights later at midnight there was another aftershock we immediately woke up and the trauma we felt was very deep, fear immediately arose whether the big obak would hit us again. it turned out that the earthquake that night was only for a moment and we couldn't sleep anymore because of fear.
after a week all aid around the world came to help the victims of the Aceh Tsunami. we were provided with the logistics of camping food and bedding along with other necessities. the houses that have been destroyed will be rebuilt by the government and also help from all over the world for us. days after months and years after we have been through the bitterest thing in the biggest natural disaster that has ever happened. all the sad things are now a memory. but when we remember the incident we are sad and feel very sad. I personally remember the Aceh Tsunami, it feels like the incident just happened yesterday so it made an impression on me and all the Acehnese who felt the disaster. Now that 17 years have passed, we will always remember this most terrible natural disaster. thank you for all the help from the Indonesian government and also the help from all countries in the world that have helped us to recover from the destruction of the Tsunami.