in helloburt •  3 years ago 

Greetings every one!
I really feel honored to be on this platform and appreciate you all for the massive love showed towards me on my introduceyourself post. Thanks once again!
It's my pleasure to share ideas that attributes to people's life for a positive change, and make a success in life. Hence, l will be sharing with you on the topic l titled self discipline; a factor for success


Self discipline can be defined as having control over your own behavior by way of taking actions and making decisions that may not be convenient. It can also be set of standards that guides and control behavior for the sole purpose of achieving a goal. Making success is the hope of every individual and if this must be actualised, you must have self discipline.
You may have some great potentials in you but without self discipline you can not actualise such potentials. Self discipline requires persistent motivation and ability to do the right thing at the right time. Having self discipline will help in bringing out the best in you.

Why is self discipline necessary in order to make a success ? That's what l would like to share with you here. Self discipline is necessary for the following reasons in order to make a success
It gives you a clear picture of your vision: Having self discipline will always make you to work in accordance with your visions in life. You will be focused towards accomplishing your purpose in life to make a success.
It helps you set priorities: Self discipline will help you to set priorities in life, doing things that matters most to you. Self discipline will help you distinguish between what you want now and what you want in time to come(future).
It helps to overcome being lazy: People who lack self discipline are usually lazy People. Self disciplined person is a hard-working person and if you are hard-working with persistent motivation, success is not far from you.
It helps you not to take things for granted Most people take things for granted not minding the result it will bring thereafter. Self discipline will make you to evaluate your actions and decisions in life. Your actions and decisions determines the outcome of your success in a great measure.
It helps you to overcome procrastination This is one the major factors in life that determine failure. Taking the right action at the right time is a key to success. Having self discipline will help you to overcome procrastination, your story is success if you must act on time.
Any thing is possible in life if you have self discipline. Self discipline is very important when talking about success. To be successful in life one need to have self discipline, it brings out the best in you. Utilise your potentials with self discipline and have a story to tell.
Thanks for your time!

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