Introduce Myself

in helloblurt •  2 years ago 

My name is Wahyu Khairul Ichsan. I was born in a village guarded by two rivers in West Aceh Regency, an hour's drive from the city of Meulaboh on November 10, 1998. Since I was a child, until I finished school at Madrasah Tsanawaiyah I lived in the village with my parents, then attended a state Madrasah Aliyah school. High school in the city of Meulaboh which is the capital of West Aceh. I am the second of 3 children, but I became the eldest because God's older brother called me after two weeks of being born into the world, and currently my younger brother is 11 years old.


After graduating from Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Meulaboh in 2016, I continued my education to an Islamic college, namely the Teungku dirundeng State Islamic High School in Meulaboh by taking the Islamic Broadcasting Communication study program, because since junior high school I have been very fond of religious issues, maybe because I was born from a poor family. religious. While still in college, I was active in several internal campus organizations from student associations of majors/faculty to the student executive body or known as BEM, and also served as chairman of student associations of da'wah departments/faculty for a year and several other positions such as head of the field at several other organizations.

At the end of 2020 I managed to complete a thesis entitled "Analysis of Da'wah Messages in the Novel Layla Majnun by Nizami Ganjavi, and managed to get a bachelor's degree in social studies at the Teungku State Islamic High School, with meulaboh being commendable and becoming the best graduate student from the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Study Program in 2020, and graduate in 4 years. Honestly, I don't feel like I deserve to be the best graduate representing my friends from the Islamic communication and broadcasting study program because I feel there are people who are smarter than myself, but because it's a decision from the campus, I have to go on stage to be awarded as the best graduate.

After a few months after getting my bachelor's degree, I returned to continue my education to the next stage by taking a master's program in the Islamic broadcasting communication study program at the Ar-Raniry State Islamic University, Banda Aceh, and at the time of writing I had just entered the second semester.

I am the type of person who likes to read the thoughts of world Islamic leaders and is also active on various social media, from Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and several others. So that one time I was introduced to the blurt website by one of my seniors when I was still in undergraduate education, for a long time I was looking for a suitable website to pour out the words that were present in my head, finally I found it, based on the description from the senior I felt it suited this blurt website.

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