about me

in helloblurt •  2 years ago 

My name is Mariani. I was born in a hard work family, the simplicity of life does not mean making my dreams simple. Although I was not born into a family with a higher education background, I have big dreams to continue my education to a higher level and continue to compete in the field of education.


The limitations of life, do not prevent me from achieving my dreams. Because of that, since high school, I worked hard to get good academic and non-academic scores so that I could get a scholarship to go to college. I believe hard work is another word for success.

In 2017 I graduated from high school and was able to continue my education to college with the Bidikmisi scholarship at the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Study Program (KPI) Department of Islamic Da'wah and Communication, State Islamic College (STAIN) Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh, West Aceh, Aceh Province. I am proud to be part of the only state Islamic university campus in Aceh Barat Daya, my area.

I realize that college alone is not enough for me to gain knowledge, therefore to increase my capacity during college, I actively participate in various organizations that can improve my soft skills and hard skills, especially in my scientific field. Like joining an English learning group, namely the "English corner".

In addition, I also took writing classes at the Basajan Creative School for approximately three months in the field of journalism, after which I became an active contributor to news in online media basajan.net, bulletin lantern magazine, and Seuramoe Aceh. Besides that, I am also a member of Umar's art community, we hold a regular annual competition, namely a national poetry writing competition.

Then I joined and was active in the Sigeupai Cinema community and was trusted to be a film director on a certain project. In April 2018, I entered the Aceh documentary competition and won the best film award in Aceh in 2019.

As a reading ambassador for West Aceh Regency in 2019, I am active in social activities to increase literacy demand such as opening free reading stalls and opening discussion forums to share knowledge.

miss tuti-3.jpg
my photo when holding a free reading stall

Until now I am also still active in several literacy communities as a form of support and contribute to increasing public literacy interest, such as the "Conec" community, which is a community that provides a place to learn English for free for the general public, Basajan Creative Media is a non-profit educational institution. Formal that combines literacy (reading and writing) with creative media, and organizations engaged in other social fields.

I continue to channel my talents and abilities by participating in various competitions such as poetry reading, online store design, and documentaries. Some of the biggest achievements that I have achieved include the Best Documentary Film in Aceh 2019, 3rd Place in Sumatran Al-Quran Poetry, 3rd Place in Indonesia's Al-Quran Poetry, 2nd Place in UTU Award for Asian Level Online Store Design Category (Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam) 2019. Of the various awards I have won in 2019, I was awarded the Outstanding Student of STAIN Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh.

I was with the Basajan community when we received the UTU Award winner on November 14, 2021

At the 2021 Aceh Inspiration Ambassador, 2nd Place in the UTU Award for the Online Store Design Category in 2021 and became the last gift that I presented to campus as a student.

From the various experiences that I have felt being a Film Maker is the thing that I like the most and have fun it.

As a young generation of Aceh, I realize the great potential that my region has. Aceh has natural beauty and millions of historical values, calming Islam, and amazing cultural diversity. Growing up here made me grow up with high tolerance based on religious and cultural values. I have a great desire to be able to contribute and develop the potential of the region and show it to the outside world.

To make this happen, I have to continue my education to a higher level and equip myself with knowledge, so I am currently preparing to continue my master's program.

I know about Blurt.blog from my friends @rahmattrisnamal and @djunmul as a blurt Meulaboh community who give me a lot of information about this community. I am so excited and consider myself to always share information such as daily activity, culture, interesting places in Aceh, culinary, etc. So, I hope you can give me support, critics, and suggestion to increases my writing skill.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

selamat datang di lautan blogger blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

thank you...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome to blurt....
Have you enjoy it .👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

oh hi...give me your support....thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt. Hope you have fun on Blurt. We look forward to your best work.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

thanks a lot my coach, hope you always give me big support as always you do...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello and welcome to blurt @marianiaceh To help your growth here on blurt kindly take some time and read through this post https://blurt.blog/blurt/@angelica7/social-etiquette-and-how-to-succeed-on-blurt
Everything you need to succeed can be found on that post and read about tags and mentions as well and if you are not clear kindly reach out to our discord channel and I will be happy to help https://discord.blurt.world/


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Welcome! 🤬

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

thank you, nice to see you, hope we can help eachother to increases our conten in blurt....

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We are blurttribe community, we welcome you to blurt, @blurttribe, you can share your ethnic, cultural, historical contents, feel free to express yourself and share them using the #blurttribe and stay away from plagiarism!!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Selamat datang di Blurt