Effect of Strike on Accessibility of Food and my experience on Campus

in helloblurt •  2 years ago 


Since the ASUU strike began, campuses have been deserted like a graveyard but medical students are not allowed to go because they are on clinical posting which is being regulated by another body, so good food is extremely difficult. It is one thing to sleep on an empty stomach at night but it is another to not eat in your dreams. On Saturday 9th April , 2022, I found myself in this situation. I'm a big foodie and the worst punishment you could give me as a kid would be withholding me food. The ups and downs of being a student in Nigeria are numerous and I have recently discovered the hard way that the disadvantage far surpasses the benefits except for the certificate and knowledge.


The night before, I dozed off with only a few crumps of cocoa pops in my stomach, intending to obtain a well-dressed plate of rice with banga stew, plantain, cowhead, kpomo, and roundabout, chilled maltina . When I skip a meal, I make a conscious decision about what I will eat next in order to put myself in the mental state I would have been in if the meal had not been missed. I'm used to not thinking clearly when I'm hungry, which may explain why I like food so much.

I requested for a drop to Ntachi Osa at 9 a.m the next morning, with the aim picking up my plate of Ofeakwu with its accompaniments, which I had not been able to consume in my dream. So I had to wait a while before I was able to find a local driver.

Charles, my regular driver, appeared in commando style. I was concerned about what may have caused this short, stocky man whose head could barely look through the steering wheel, to be driving so erratically so early in the morning. His appearance is best described as "two people in one" as he is smaller than my buddies @ezege11 and @willson but not as big as my other pal @arinzegod12. I didn't want to complain because the trip would only take around 30 minutes.

When I told him about the turn our movement would take before we left, he reluctantly consented. I sat calmly on the driver's side of the car. When he noticed me walking across to the automobile on the other side, he grimaced. Charles started tiny chats about how life is short and pointless as soon as we moved.

I had no idea where the conversation was coming from, but in order to avoid being disrespectful, I tried changing the topic to the effect of ASUU strike students and business around campuses while keeping my mind was on the type of meal I would eat in the next few minutes. His phone rang halfway through our talk, and because he was on duty and not permitted to receive calls, he asked for my permission. I was astounded that we could still find humility in short people, so I didn't hesitate since it was preferable to discussing how brief life is with a stranger when I wasn't die now.

Charles began with Baby, how you naa on the phone, which was on loudspeaker. I gave him a kind smile and began clicking the buttons on my phone. I told myself that being in love may be really sweet. The voice on the other line, which sounded like a girlfriend, broke off his welcome. Nnamdi, I'd like to tell you something she began softly. Her voice was gentle and beautiful, even Angel Gabriel enjoyed hearing it. He replied, "I hope everything is fine with you, darling." I'm sorry, but I can't do this with you any longer.

Charles applied the automatic break at the express that almost made me barf out the little cocoa pops I ate last night that had kept me from passing out. My heart beat a little faster. I was able to persuade him to park the car on the side of the road, saving us at the very least. I needed him to park neatly so I could leave him to his own devices.

When I requested the driver to stop, he finally moved the car to the side of the road, but he ignored me. I left him and his car after dropping $2 for him. I began to feel awful about abandoning a man who had just had his heart broken a few meters from the car. I walked back to the car to console him, which was mercifully still open and they were still talking, but the tension was strong this time. To live up to St. Mathew's blessing, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God," I cut the call short and asked the lady to relax, She became enraged and questioned the driver if she was on speaker phone before hanging up. Charles became enraged and yelled at me, saying, "Hope you've seen what you've done and speed away" . I screamed and pleaded with him to understand how sorry I was for interfering, but the more I spoke, the faster he raised the speed of the car and continued to cry Chinwe, it will not be well with you. To please him, I will shout Amen anytime he says Chinwe it shall not be well with you.

Oga Charles increased his speed to 120 when I asked him why he wants to make our lives shorter as we were discussing about how short life is. Fortunately for us, it was a Saturday morning, and there were few traffic on the road, so we were able to accelerate. I'd never imagined dying on an empty stomach and as an undergraduate too. When we passed the junction we were supposed to use to get to where we would buy the food, we were still at his prayer point of Chinwe it shall not be well with you, but I remained silent. I'm sure he'll be like "Come and eat let me see" within him

I tried everything I could to calm him down, but it was in vain. Please forgive me, ladies, since I had to lie to him in order to preserve myself. I told him that women are usually the ones who make the decisions and the problematic ones. I told him my mum abandoned my dad when I was 5 years and me surviving in school have been on God all this years. Midway through, I started crying. As if the tears weren't enough, I began crying and shouting my mum's name, it will never be right with you, to which he replied, "Amen."

While we were driving, he came to a complete stop began telling me that women are heartless so he wouldn't take me to Nsukka, I had to agree. He thought my situation was worse than his. I swore not to interfere in someone else call that isn't my business again.

He has been calling me for hangout but my Dad once told that" A bald headed man does not join in a knocking combat". Even the kind food I didn't buy again but I thank God I came back safe and sound.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is really terrible down here. We pray we make it out soon. Nice write up


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  ·  2 years ago  ·