ALZHEIMER and the futur of our parents

in health •  2 years ago  (edited)

ALZHEIMER or any degenerative illnesses.

1 on 2 Person will be touched by this implacable tsunami of dementia .
And this before age 65
99% after age 85
This for our grand parents

For our parents and considering the covid vax
It will be 99% after age 75 if they are still alive ( considering age limit 68/74

And for us , their children , after age 65 will be a challenging game .

Many people in their fourtees have Parkison , dementia and/or Alzheimer .
Kids have heart issues , eyes issues , brain issues

Cancer was a shock 30years ago , now it is pretty common , even for kids , like heh ok .

Who is healthy today ? NO ONE, zero people.
Even the most hyper actif , upbeat people still have something wrong with their health , if not now , it shows later , because life is long and we change and life changes ...IN ONE SECOND you can lose everything.

Dont be proud of feeling amazing , you are fooling yourself .
I can see all the illnesses a person has or will have if there is no strict corrections. But even with strict corrections which take time and courage , it wont be 100% corrected because we "fill up" the garbage faster than we empty it . We can gain about 70% correction maximum and all depends at what age we start.
After 35 it is 40% correction after 45 it is 30% correction ..after 55 it is 20% correction and after 65 it is all in the almost impossible .
Though i have helped elders after age 80 to improve 90% their Parkinson , and Dementia , removal of cancer at any age .
Few holistics and private doctors asked me my protocols which i gave and saw improvement on their patients too .
That means it is never too late but be humble on the way you feel , good health is like walking on a string,
So many parameters dont give us much room to truely feel huge differences .



Mathilda , Parkison patient .


This is a photo of HUNDREDS of mini strokes
Undetectable until you die and we can check out your brain .
You will lose memory but no doctor will understand why


Those are ALZHEIMER spots , same , undetectable until you are dead .
Those dots considering what i know about these Mental Illnesses , heavy metals .
Same issues with Autism


I did work a lot with Autists children and teenagers and always find the same patterns
Changing their eating habits and among dozen of tools , including ( removing Gluten and adding more chlorophyle ) , removing heavy metals ( from right brain and colon )
Show great improvements up to the point of total recovery .
The protocole is much more serious than we can imagine ( it takes a lot of courage on the patient side , if they chose to get better ) but results are there, using many tools to finally find the best protocol after years of work was a proof to me , that today medicine is poisonous for society and only make people sick and feed their sickness .
But When hospitals get their hand on people , it is over for them . They will keep people alive zombified like they do to my mum and nothing we can do , as it is mainly For Money .
I have tried to work with doctors around my mum, but they follow a voice and all told me they are not allowed to think on their own , to try different things.
They are merely puppets to pills industry.
When my mum got into the hospital , i was away from her , trying to believe in friendship and lost my focus of her needs . She stepped in with the help of her partner for checkups and never came out of it .
Papers were signed by her partner , words were exchanged and that was the end of my mum who is now a zombie , i was not fast enough and did not even spend her last christmas home with her in 2021, neither newyear 2022 or her Birthday in January 2022. The first time ever i was not with her to celebrate it .
Leaving her life i know She wanted it , i know she wanted it because i was away and also she was not feeling happiness anymore.
but how can i help so many people with their heavy health issues and not her on a long term .
This is the worse pain ever , the white death and i dont wish that for no one . But everyone must be prepared because doctors and hospitals will only open the doors of hell .
She calls me MISS and i cry when i leave her , i cry i didnt hear her say my name since i came back to her in April 2022, she will probably survive for long time as i see her in great shape but empty body and brain.
My first mum ( stepmum ) died months before that she died in peace in my harms with no pain ( and zero drugs ) but my pain never stopped and keeps on building from wrong decisions and sadness and too much responsabilities over all and my mind is under too much pressure .
I try to stay positive but i fail most of the time , my heart might stop beating soon.


Take care of your brain and of your heart



And again today , doctors have no clue , dont care at all and actually enjoy people being sick , because it means bigger paychecks , better vacations etc...
Why a doctor would work for you ?
A doctor works for the pharmaceutical industry and himself .. the Paradox is surprising for the brainwashed clients ," customers" .


Be ready to see the fall of your entire family in a way or another and then yours .
No matter what we do, at some point , age will bring too much contradictions with the world around us and our world within and we will lose sight of what was at some point our great island , it will be ruined and become garbage for science .

Love as much as you can the people who really love you , give them your time and energy , no one else care .

I am going through a rough time as it is harder and harder to communicate with her and hospital calls me to pay for the huge bills , giving me so much pressure.
Work is not enough money and cryptos are bearish and with all the depression i didnt focus enough.
Whatever if i am here or not , i wish you a a good continuation .

The astrology shows nothing positive .
War is going extreme end of March
Economy will crash and God knows what other shit will happen , lets hope cryptos will be implemented for good and really benefit the 1.3% of people who believe in it since so many years .

We are strong people .

May God be with us


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are probably quite right in saying that we all, in some way, have a health problem. The things we eat generally produce some inflammation in our organs when they are not healthy foods. In this sense, I am more inclined towards vegan food (although I am not vegan), however, I like this lifestyle to avoid degenerating my body much faster.

I liked this post. Congratulations

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I was into vegan food , i tried all types of foods .
But everyone is different and it is really a matter of understanding physiology.
Parameters are wide and tools needed so numerous , it is an eagle eye view i must say
But really for little corrections after all.
We do what we can but we sure wont outlive Jeanne Calmant ( who was a liar btw )

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Maybe Jeanne Calment's longevity has to do with being a liar, lol. I think we wouldn't have time to see if this is correct anyway. 😜

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The story and the ID show it was all a lie , but i believe she was very smart to do that to protect herself and live an amazing end of life 🙂
Not everyone can be Jeanne Calmant and today , zero possibilities.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Why are some of those diseases undetectable until the person is dead? That's weird

Also, it is very important to take care of our heart and outmr brain because they are the two most important parts of our body.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Brain fonctions show a lot of movements but those mini strokes and dots are undetectable because of all the fluids .
Yes heart , brain etc... but dont forget , any brain issues , mental issues start 30 years prior
And keeps on climbing the deadly spiral . That is why late corrections are almost impossible to really make a difference .
To me it is not genetics , it is really lifestyle and vaccins and most people mess up their health during youth with drugs and alcohol and pills and whatever shit food and lifestyle and the bad has been done forever .
Their kids are born sick and when a kid is sick , immune system is slow and kids wont outlive their parents . But we cant say that to parents , kids are sicker than adults.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This sounds really hard, I wish you the needed strength. I was looking forward to read more of your astrology chronicle, hopefully you will make more

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks , I adore astrology but not many people care about it .
It was more for an exchange of knowledge on blockchains .
I have my private clients who adore astrology and want to know a lot about themself
But people who are not into it , kind of reject it .
I am happy to see your care , il will finish the Chinese signs for the year 2023 and random western astro ...when i can .
Thanks for caring

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