in health •  last year 

Today, my 2 kids scheduled to go to our school gym to have the vaccine shots of measles rubella vaccine!
What is measles?
•Measles is an airbone disease cause by a virus, and the symptoms may develop 8 to 12 days after you're exposed...and Symptoms can last 10 to 14 days!
•Measles is a contagious disease that causes fever,red rash, cough and red eyes. It can have serious complications such as encephalitis, which can cause hearing loss.
•You can prevent the measles by getting vaccinated!

--What are the symptoms of measles?
•A high fever
•Red Eyes
•Runny Nose
•Red Rash( which is start with the head and spreads downward).
•Sore Throat
•White spots in the Mouth
•Muscle Pain
•Sensitivity to light

First step:
1.Go in the line together with the card of the child.
2.Fill up the form. (With the complete and exact details)
3.Get the Height, Weight and the Temperature of the Child.

•Taking some selfies while waiting for our name to called
•I'm amaze with my two kids because they are not tend to cry during the vaccination,(other kids who is older than them are crying, not just crying but shouting out loud during their turn to injects)😁😆

•This two little kiddos always say,( we are not crying mama, we just have to close our eyes so that we can't see the needles) and then during their turns, they just close their eyes and hug me tight, and tgen done! They are just smiling after.
•I don't have a pictures during their turns because I'm the only one who's going with them...their Papa is not around because he had an early errands of his work!

•And of course after being injected the big needles, they deserves an Ice cream sticks😅😁😆 ( ice cream sticks for now because mama don't have a budget for the 1 liter of ice cream)😂😂

Thats all for today!
Have a blessed tuesday to all!

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