NEVER FORGET - Today is one month since the Oct 7 slaughter

in gaza •  11 months ago  (edited)

November 7th, 2023. It is exactly one month since 2000+ innocent civilians, mostly women and children, were violently murdered in Gaza. The airstrikes began within minutes of an attack by Hamas (a group created by Israel), which killed 1400 people at an outdoor music festival. By the end of October 7th, Gaza had been turned from a concentration camp into a death camp.


( Photo by Mohammed Salem, provided by Reuters and CNN)

Since that horrible day, further losses have been sustained as Israel has used aircraft, missiles, drone strikes, tanks, artillery, and ground forces on Gaza:

  • a further 9000+ confirmed dead in Gaza
  • 80% of the population displaced and homeless in Gaza
  • mosques, hospitals, schools, refugee camps, communications, water supply, roads destroyed in Gaza
  • no food, water, fuel, electricity, medicine, or other essentials allowed in to Gaza
  • tens of thousands missing under the rubble in Gaza
  • 8 attacking Israeli soldiers killed
  • billions of dollars worth of weapons from Western nations pouring into Israel

So while October 7th was the worst day (for both Israel and Gaza), the losses and suffering continues to mount. Israel has lost just over 1400 people, and Gaza has lost between 10,000 and 50,000. Dozens of Israeli's are injured and currently being treated, while about 100,000 Gazans are estimated to be injured, most of them unable to get medical treatment. A handful of Israelis had to relocate while their home was repaired, while 1.5 million Gazans have absolutely nothing, and nowhere to go. About 220 prisoners have been taken from the Israelis, while 2.2 million Palestinians remain imprisoned in Gaza.

The confirmed dead amount to 0.01% of the Israeli populace, and between 0.50% - 2.00% of the Gazan populace. The smell of decomposing bodies is very strong around the collapsed neighborhoods, and many will succumb to their injuries, disease, or starvation, so the number of Gazan casualties may be several times higher than officially reported.


I know it can be tough to sort fact from fiction when it comes to this topic, especially considering more than 90% of the world's mainstream media is owned by the Gazans. That's why I've presented these facts here. Thanks for your attention!

We must end this holocaust being carried out against the Palestinians. The last month of nonstop crimes against humanity will never be forgotten. It can't be allowed to continue. What has been done for the past 31 days was never self defense, and has even gone far beyond retaliation. This is pure evil.


And now, a moment of silence for the 3400+ innocent people killed on October 7th, as well as the 10,000 slaughtered since. As the world's mainstream media loudly reminds us that 1400 innocents died one month ago today, let's not forget that non-Israelis are humans too. For decades the Palestinians have endured losses of that magnitude on a regular basis, and right now, that many again are murdered every 3 days. With this post, I recognize ALL the innocent lives lost, and ALL the unnecessary suffering of October 7th 2023.



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@cleanenergygarro had an awesome meme in his latest post:


  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Very nice! I'll check it out and give him a vote.

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

I don't understand how people today still think that wars are justified. It is inevitable not to cry when seeing everything that Gaza, in fact everyone involved, is experiencing today. Everything that is happening is very unfortunate and affects everyone.
A hug friend.
Good vibes.

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

It can be difficult to observe. Many turn away and can't even think of it because it's too scary or painful. If I was in Gaza, I would hope people would listen to the truth, and at least attempt to do something, rather than consider it too frightening to deal with. So I find we have to balance our desire to empathize along with the Gazans, and the necessity of maintaining mental health. I have a heart condition and my doctor wants me to try not to be overly stressed out, but I can't ignore reality, and feel compelled to learn the truth about this issue and help others do the same. Good vibes friend. A hug from Canada.

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

I understand what you are saying, and it is inevitable not to stress or worry about what is happening in the world, because ultimately it affects everyone, since a stone that is thrown in Gaza, or anywhere, has repercussions like shock waves for the rest of the world.
But you must keep the doctor's instructions in mind, because ultimately you are the pillar of your house and your family and you must try to take care of yourself and be well, for yourself and for them.
From Argentina I send you a message of good vibes, hoping that the green land continues to bear greater fruit for you.
Good vibes.

Free Palestine ,my head is haunting and it's a painful sight to see children's getting bombed daily ,May Allah swt have mercy on all the Ummah and make all the dead as martyrs ,ameen😢

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

If the aim is to kill someone, any excuse can be found. The easy thing is to make war, the hard thing is to make peace. Israel has been doing the easy thing for years with the support of the West. These people need more than prayers.

I hope that everyone's right to life will be respected and that both sides will stop targeting civilians, but frankly I don't have much hope!

Posted from

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

I think we're doing a small part, by being properly informed, and trying to spread awareness of the tragedy. To some degree, this wouldn't be happening without the support of taxpayers, voters, citizens, and others... so by being aware and not giving our consent, we're taking back a little power from the warmongers. There are other ways we can contribute, of course, but I think this is an important basic step.

We appreciate the people who raise a voice against Isreal ,we wish the one side war should end soon.let the rest of the people love peacefully with endless pain😪

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

My belief is that Muslims and Christians have some differences, but they have some similarities as well. I feel we should live peacefully together on the same planet, but more or less keep our cultures from clashing. But I don't feel like the Zionists (or other fundamentals who believe they are superior and chosen) can coexist with other humans peacefully. I would like to see them realize their error, repent, do what they can to atone, and disappear. Otherwise I think there will be many more generations of war.

May their gentle soul's rest in perfect peace. This make me to remember the lekki killing. We always refer to it as a bloody Friday

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Was October just a convenient time for genocide, or were they hoping to create a holiday out of this that marginalizes Hallowtide? Kinda like Hanukah maybe?

Posted from

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Orange kippah day?

Free Palestine ,my head is haunting and it's a painful sight to see children's getting bombed daily ,May Allah swt have mercy on all the Ummah and make all the dead as martyrs ,ameen😢

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  ·  9 months ago  ·  

NOTE: The Israeli death toll from Oct 7 has been quietly revised downward to just over 1100.