Gas chambers and ovens would be more humane!

in gaza •  11 months ago 

Israel is killing off 2.3 million civilians in the world's largest prison, Gaza. 'This may take a while', the media announces. Airstrikes have intensified recently, leveling entire neighborhoods, focused on Gaza's refugee camps, schools, mosques, apartment buildings, and hospitals. The missiles are so big, detonations can be felt for many miles. Drones and aircraft rain down death from above, while tanks and tactical units strike at night. 2 million doomed survivors, half of them children, huddle in the ruins as massive explosions destroy every thing and every one.


This photo was taken 2 weeks ago, early in the bombardment. There's even less there, now. 10,000 dead bodies, with tens of thousands more still buried. At least 4000 dead children already confirmed.

Gaza has no tanks. No planes (or airport). No drones. No artillery. No navy. Their military is Hamas, considered a terrorist organization by Israel, little more than a handful of fighters with assault rifles. After weeks of bombardment, and days of cross-border raids, it's unlikely many fighters remain at all. Meanwhile, Israel's military budget is literally 10,000 times larger. It's not a "war", it's a slaughter.

All communication with the outside world was cut yesterday, and remains down. This prevents the victims from letting the world know what is really happening there. The IDF announced today they can't guarantee the safety of the media. Indeed, more than 100 have already been killed by the relentless indiscriminate airstrikes. No citizen journalists, no effective media... a recipe for humanitarian catastrophe.

Emergency rooms are closing because they have no power or supplies. Bodies are rotting in stacks because there is nowhere, no time, and no one to bury them. There is no economy, no healthcare, no industry, no food production, no power, and no water. These people are truly living through Hell on Earth. You can't legally treat animals this way - not even in the most brutal regimes on Earth!

The UN just declared a ceasefire, with only 14 countries (including USA and Israel) voting against the rest of the world. Israel and USA are working hand in hand to genocide the Palestinians. They have already announced they won't abide by the UN resolution! Apparently, all Gazans must die, and it must be done in the most painful and traumatic way possible.

In that case...


( source )

Gas the Palestinians!

Starvation and military bombardment of defenseless civilians is pretty awful. I think it would be easier, cheaper, and even more humane, to simply put the 2 million people into gas chambers, euthanizing them. Then their bodies can be stuffed into ovens and cremated. Supposedly, this happened to 6 million Jews in a matter of a couple years, so we should be able to have the entire prison compound of Gaza cleared out in a matter of months.

Obviously, I don't really want anyone killed in a gas chamber. I'm making the point that it's ridiculous the Jews are genociding their neighbors, considering their history. WWII made them the world's biggest perpetual victims, but also the world's biggest aggressors. They strike as they cry out in pain. They demand to be given free reign to do as they please, using "anti-Semitism" to silence any criticism. They've murdered tens of thousands of innocent people in the past 3 weeks in the name of "self defense". I'm making the point that Israel's current actions are worse than what was done to them during what they call "The Holocaust".

The only god that would 'choose' such a people would be one of pure evil - the Beast, Satan, the Devil. God would smite the supposed-Jews of today. Genocide, child sacrifice, deception, and hatred... these are hallmarks of evil, used by the most ruthless and despicable regimes in human history. Terror, lies, and suffering are the tools of the Zionist, in their righteous fervor to debase and conquer. Nazis used the same tools.

Israel has declared Gazans to be "non-human animals", something always done before a genocide. But you can't starve animals, you can't deny them water, you can't drop bombs on them until they're smashed to pieces, you can't expose them to weeks of terror and trauma. You can't even do that if you're conducting scientific experimentation. It's considered too brutal to subject any living creature to. If you do that, you get arrested, charged, and punished.

But somehow, it's okay to do it to the 2,300,000 Palestinians in Gaza?!


What's happening right now in Gaza is the culmination of many decades and centuries of planning, and is intended to kick off WWIII. Israel and the USA are hellbent on the globalists' Great Reset and depopulation agenda. We need to properly understand the history of this situation, because it explains everything that is happening in the world today, and what is predicted/planned to happen next.

I implore you to spend 30 minutes to really get a grasp on the history behind Israel and Hamas. Even if it's mostly review, please watch this 15 minute video, and read this excellent article.

1.) How Israel was created by USA and Britain:

2.) How Hamas was created by Israel

I see what these elitist psychos are up to. Most of the world is against the current slaughter, and cracks are appearing in the facade. Here in Canada, Trudeau (a globalist puppet) is pro-Israel, but many citizens aren't. Even those who typically say they are pro-Israel are currently giving pause as they witness the barbarity of the assault on Gaza.

With awareness of the truth on these matters, combined with censorship-resistant platforms like Blurt where we can discuss them openly, meaningful and lasting peace in the Levant is possible.



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  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Horrifying! And so many people think this is justified! So many Jews think genocide is justified! I am shocked at how easily we murder people now.

If Israel has to commit genocide in order to continue to exist, it should not continue to exist.

  ·  11 months ago  ·   (edited)

I see what these elitist psychos are up to

They want WW3, calling for peace now equals supporting Hamas/Terrorism. What a clown world

Posted from

My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars

As much as I hate listening to news because of misinformation in most cases. You have done justice and educate me to know more about the cause of the war. I pray it doesn't lead to WWIII.

Gaza should just accept defeat and let peace reign. They are no match to Israel.

The Israelis should know better!!!!!

Congratulations! 🏆

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