Garden Diary Mini Challenge: Your Favourite Plant [Win Blurt!]

in gardendiary •  2 years ago 

Whilst we plan to have monthly challenges just like the one we had in early May, @gardendiary also aims to have 'mini' challenges, where Blurtians have 3 days to write a comment (or a post - drop your link below as a comment) to win BLURT.


These will be around a particular question, a word, or a theme.

The aim of these mini-challenges is to increase engagement on Blurt and provide a space for garden and nature lovers to talk about what they are doing, their passions, struggles and dreams. Whether you are growing a plant on your small verandah, admiring a maple tree in your local botanical gardens, growing mushrooms, cannabis or succulents, you're all welcome to join in!

@Gardendiary plans to publish these every Monday, and the winner/s will be announced on the following Monday.

This Week's Theme: 'Favourite'

We've kept this week's theme super easy to start. What is your favourite plant and why?

It doesn't matter if you don't grow this plant - it might be something your grandmother has in her garden, or that you see in the forest. It might only be your favourite this year or this moment - or it could be your favourite of a group of plants, for example, your favourite herb, medicinal plant, cactus or mushroom.

We don't even mind if you can't choose, and you'd like to pick more than one favourite!


  • Write a post of no more than 300 words OR drop a comment of 100 words or more below. One sentence answers are simply not counted.
  • Try to be detailed, even in the comments. Photos help!
  • Try to comment upon others if possible, or other people posting under the #gardendiary #blurtgardens #gardening tags.
  • Entries close after three days (Thursday night wherever you are in the world) although late responses may be counted depending on how much time we have to consider them.


Depending on how many people enter, and the quality of the responses! We'll start with a ballpark 10 Blurt for the winning response, but may increase this over time, depending on how many entries we get each week. We might even distribute a little more Blurt if we have a lot of great entries.

The more Blurt grows, the tougher the competition will be, so make sure your entry counts!

Of course, sponsors are welcome.

You can help out the @gardendiary and Blurt gardeners even more by delegating so that we are able to make our upvotes count. The more support we get, the more spreads outward into the Blurtiverse! Help us build this amazing Blurt garden, so that others will come and enjoy it too.

Happy Gardening, Blurtfolk!

#gardendiary #blurtgardens #gardening

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What a nice initiative, I am preparing my entry

Posted from


This is my entry for the contest:

Thank you very much for this topic, I really loved connecting again with that memory.

Posted from