Amazing Nature

in gardendiary •  2 years ago 

We live in the Mountainous region, surrounded by greenery (trees, food farms, gardens, etc.), and our yard hosts a variety of visitors, big and small, on a regular basis. Today, I'm going to share me of the many incredible ones we've had thus far, so let's get started!
This lovely Cicada, for example, startled me one day when I discovered it relaxing on a towel outside. I remember this insect singing loudly, especially in the summer. It was, however, very calm at the time of the image.


This insect "spends most of its existence as underground nymphs and emerges at predictable intervals of 13 or 17 years," thus according Wikipedia, and its life cycle ranges from 1 to 9 years. I'm blown away! It astounds me how they can lie underground for so long and then emerge as beautiful and delicate as this one. The transparent wings and the decorations on them are fantastic.

Google Lens recognized the one below as Dasychira, a kind of Tussock Moth that has been a regular visitor in our yard. In the mornings, I generally discover them. I assume they arrive at night, attracted by the porch lights, which are always turned on as it becomes dark.


When I saw this small white beauty on a rock outside my garden, I assumed it was dead; however, it was simply resting because it moved when I poked it with a stick. The stripes on its body and the small spots on its head appeal to me. Its antennae and legs are both short.

Google Lens helped me with its name as usual (this app comes very handy). It identified it as Chionarctia, another type of a tiger moth.

Grammoptera is a kind of beetle, according to GL. I don't have any other method of identifying it but to rely on Google Lens, hehe! It's a little insect that had taken up residence on the leaf of my decorative plant. I was really relieved that it didn't puncture them. I suppose it's friendly, right?

.. I was able to write this by following the steps which gardendiary gave.
Thanks for reading 💖💖💖

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