Gardening time: last flowers

in gardendiary •  2 years ago 


Hi, my dear friends!

After a short break, it rains again. Luckily, I did manage to do some winter work in my garden and took some photos of the last fall flowers.

Now the situation in our country continues to be very difficult. While our army continues to advance, fascist Russia bombs our cities and civilian infrastructure and kills civilians. No, we are not afraid. We are no longer afraid of anything. But fatigue sometimes manifests itself and therefore I try to get at least some positive emotions.

I believe in our victory. Even when the troops of fascist Russia occupied our village in March of this year, I believed that the armed forces of Ukraine would liberate us. Therefore, in spite of everything, there were flower pots on my windowsill in which I sowed the seeds.

Now I am also planning my garden for next year, making a list of seeds to buy. I have big gardening plans!










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