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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I really wish I could decipher the last few things you've said...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Annoy people on discord with me, i join chats about crypto and will not change the topic lol if you want to talk about crypto in a crypto group i will keep talking as long as the conversation and questions are worth listening too. I do not discuss NFT's or Ethereum but i can answer almost any question about crypto.

For you time has become worth more than money, i value some experiences we have had so i wouldnt ever ask you for money for the free class, thats whats cool about hive/dpos when used for good, you probably already paid me in upvotes for any help i could offer.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

....talking about crytpo in discord = my version of living hell lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

LOL I like the statement "That sounds like a really fucking stupid idea, with a capital fuck." then people stop talking about non sense and listen more. I try to not waste peoples times because i love these coins and really want to live in a world where mom and pops stores and delivery services all take all of the coins. WHy would i tip through uber eats when i can tip Zcash and its not tracked?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

..crypto has a future- but what we see now, from btc, all the way to hive - isn't it. (imo)
On the assumption it doesn't go full cbdc (which it might short term), whatever crypto will be as a currency - it won't be in this form. (commodity backed?)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Is privacy a commodity?

Privacy is a human right, but when was it ever respected?

Is a human right worth monetizing?

Some questions I think deeply about when i reflect on the transparency of the majority of popular coins.

plan z bus stop.jpeg

monero and dash pwned by zec.jpeg

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Is a human right worth monetizing?

Some questions I think deeply about when i reflect on the transparency of the majority of popular coins.

Is privacy a commodity?
A commodity is a tangible (real) product.

Privacy is a human right, but when was it ever respected?

No it's not - it a reflection of allowed indulgence in a decadent society, not reality.

Is a human right worth monetizing?

In a free market, it is. (liberty and the fruits of your labors)

Some questions I think deeply about when i reflect on the transparency of the majority of popular coins.

The more I see, I'm starting to think it's all one big set up to keep money out of gold.
Think about, it's the perfect ponzi - with not even anything tangible to rug pull.
Just an on/off switch (one way or another - tech, on/off ramps , legislation - the options to execute the rug pull are many).

If the tapering/rate hikes occur in the next few months - liquidity will be sucked out of crypto and prices will plummet (to covering shorts in the markets).

As i said, I'm pretty sure crypto will have a role to play - you can't pretend technology doesn't exist - but I don't think it will be anything like todays 'few years experiment' version (one probably initiated by the banksters, imo)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gold can be taken when i am not looking, arguably if my keys are well kept secrets the money would be safer in crypto.

The reality of the situation is like asking children to tie their shoes when it comes to internet privacy. I myself probably have keys logged by microsoft, and wonder what they have done with them.

So lets say for fair argument, both can be stolen from you when you dont expect it. The gold must be maintained and stored in the proper conditions, which is very expensive on air conditioning budgets depending where you live.

I see this coming down to corrosion rate vs quantum accelerated algo cracking.

What is going to leave us hungry first, the corrosion on the gold or the likelihood of a quantum attack on a blockchain.