RE: Halo Infinity - Campaign Review

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Halo Infinity - Campaign Review

in gaming •  3 years ago 

Is a human right worth monetizing?

Some questions I think deeply about when i reflect on the transparency of the majority of popular coins.

Is privacy a commodity?
A commodity is a tangible (real) product.

Privacy is a human right, but when was it ever respected?

No it's not - it a reflection of allowed indulgence in a decadent society, not reality.

Is a human right worth monetizing?

In a free market, it is. (liberty and the fruits of your labors)

Some questions I think deeply about when i reflect on the transparency of the majority of popular coins.

The more I see, I'm starting to think it's all one big set up to keep money out of gold.
Think about, it's the perfect ponzi - with not even anything tangible to rug pull.
Just an on/off switch (one way or another - tech, on/off ramps , legislation - the options to execute the rug pull are many).

If the tapering/rate hikes occur in the next few months - liquidity will be sucked out of crypto and prices will plummet (to covering shorts in the markets).

As i said, I'm pretty sure crypto will have a role to play - you can't pretend technology doesn't exist - but I don't think it will be anything like todays 'few years experiment' version (one probably initiated by the banksters, imo)

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gold can be taken when i am not looking, arguably if my keys are well kept secrets the money would be safer in crypto.

The reality of the situation is like asking children to tie their shoes when it comes to internet privacy. I myself probably have keys logged by microsoft, and wonder what they have done with them.

So lets say for fair argument, both can be stolen from you when you dont expect it. The gold must be maintained and stored in the proper conditions, which is very expensive on air conditioning budgets depending where you live.

I see this coming down to corrosion rate vs quantum accelerated algo cracking.

What is going to leave us hungry first, the corrosion on the gold or the likelihood of a quantum attack on a blockchain.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gold can be taken when i am not looking, arguably if my keys are well kept secrets the money would be safer in crypto

Gold doesn't really 'need to be maintained' . Pure gold doesn't corrode (along with platinum and chromium)

If you have that amount of gold- so that you can't hide, it, then you have no problems... lol
(I'd also argue that a violent criminal with a pair of pliers would easily access your crypto keys...)

I think the question is more a case of 'Do you have more faith in nature or man's inherent lack of intelligence and weaknesses ?'

Bloch chain is a technology only few years old - and not even a new concept in terms of 'principals of immutable transactions' (The tally stick from three centuries ago can fulfill that purpose).

I going with nature and it's several billion years old 'intelligence' , myself - 'cos I see fuck all evidence of humans finding grown up solutions - to pretty much anything...

The digital age reminds me of kids with a new toy - determined to play with it , knowing it just has to be the best of all toys, ever - even when it isn't.

The digital age - the willfully delusional, age...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I agree with you when it comes to NFT's and mainstream shitcoins like doge. But there is some deep dives into sovereign wealth going on between the monero and zcash communities. This needs to be explored to its fullest potential before I will doubt the technology.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The tech isn't the problem.
The social decadence (in the west) is the problem. ...'Good times, weak men' ... blah blah...

Tech is downsteam from society, and not getting it in that order , leads to all sort s of problems ...(tail wagging dog etc)..

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

If i had 1 million dollars, and i will one day, I will show you what i can do with blockchain technology and cheap hardware i import from Taiwan to secure my private residence.

It will be signatures required to access the property and the sense of security will be superior to anything offered from a main stream home alarm company. I see the technology seemless integrate with my life in a way that empowers me in macro economic movements, which not subjecting me to technology I dont control.

Some of the privacy coins like PIVX has special designed ledgers that would let me even host my own master node, which would leave me independently verifying my own transactions, no witnesses or network required. I havent bee talking about it much yet because its virgin tech and likey has issues, but i have never invested in a coin that would reduce my quality of living... Well aside from Hive lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It will be signatures required to access the property and the sense of security will be superior to anything offered from a main stream home alarm company

...Aren't locked doors and a .38 much cheaper?
Unhackable , and miles more fun ! lol

'sense of security'..the worlds biggest illusion....

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In Canada you cant mention the gun, you just say "the robber brought this unknown and unmarked gun in to rob me, he is now dead because i disarmed him and NO I CAN NOT IMAGINE BEING ALIVE IF I DID NOT DISARM HIM, I FELT I WOULD SURE DIE." If you go off that line, you go to jail.