Hi Blurtians! Just want to share this vocabulary game that I have came across. Lets test our knowledge on the meaning of the different words that we used/encounter often or rarely. Before that, lets have some rules first.
To start, please read the Mechanics of the Game so you will be guided:
*5 blurts awaits the person who got the correct meaning of the word. If there are many who got the correct spelling, the winner will be determined by a roulette.
*The reward will be sent to the lucky winner's blurt wallet account before the new game begins.
*This is a daily game given at no particular time. Please keep posted.
*No changing/editing of answers. First attempt is considered final.
*If you want to help me, please UPVOTE this post.
Before we proceed to the next game, let me give the correct answer of the previous game.
Congratulations to all who have answered correctly especially to our lucky winner for this game.
For this game, pick the right meaning of the word or the synonym of the word and write them in the ccomment .
If you know the answer, hurry and write your answer in the comment section.
The synonym for irrefragable is undeniable.
The other words are not synonyms for irrefragable:
Beneficial means advantageous or helpful.
Automatic means happening or operating without human control.
Fearful means feeling or showing fear.