RE: The new technologies

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The new technologies

in gadgets •  2 days ago 

If there is one thing responsible for all the problems facing us and our society today, I would say it is the smart device. There is no more destructive, divisive, and dangerous thing in our lives right now. I also do not believe the production of billions of these things every year is a good thing for the planet. We were much better off in almost every conceivable way for the first 2 million years of our history. The past 15 years have been a downward slide toward the abyss, and these devices are the main culprit. They are the #1 tool of our own enslavement - part of what the Christians called "the Beast", prophesized to lead humanity to Hell.
For my part, I have never used a smart device, and I never will. If more people had my conviction and resolve, the world would be a much better place, so I continue to lead by example in the hopes a few will join me.

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You are right, it has been a problem to many things but if we learn to tame this beast then it can be useful sometimes. But sadly it's very difficult for many, it is like a drug which is difficult to get rid of