Thank you Freedom Convoy for uniting Canada and the world in hope!

in freedom •  last year 

It is one year since the Freedom Convoy trucks rolled through BC on their way to Ontario, to stand against Trudeau's tyrannical and devastating Covid mandates. I was there to help plan and launch the convoy, then support them as they headed East on their fateful mission. They used courageous peaceful non-compliance to inspire hundreds of millions around the world, and united the entire country of Canada in hope. Though I now live in a remote part of Northern BC, yesterday I was unexpectedly treated to a small piece of Freedom Convoy on my quiet residential street. Thank you, Freedom Convoy!


If you're not familiar with the details of this story, or want a refresher after a year has gone by, this is the best writeup I have seen. It contains hundreds of poignant links, and dozens of embedded videos, so you can truly immerse yourself in the weeks-long movement from start to finish. I highly recommend at least skimming this incredible article, which really captured the facts and the feel of Freedom Convoy.

You can also watch my own video of the convoy as it gathered up and rolled through BC in late January 2022:

▶️ Big rigs and other trucks are heading to Canada's capital, gathering momentum as they go! These are the people who deliver the food and other essentials to our shops. Many of them aren't okay with being forced to take ineffective and dangerous injections for a mild, endemic, common cold virus! I captured great footage of this historic moment, as the Freedom Convoy rolled through BC's Interior, headed toward Alberta and then across the continent! The support from the public was MASSIVE!

Choose platform to view video (10 minutes):

▶️ LBRY / Odysee

▶️ 3Speak

▶️ Bitchute

▶️ Flote

▶️ YouTube

In the following weeks, as the truckers and their supporters blockaded Ottawa (Canada's capital), met with lies from the media and violence from the police, people in my local town continued to rally and protest.


We had several hundred people in my town, on a regular basis, in the middle of winter! Freedom Convoy inspired more people to join together in peaceful civil disobedience than anything else in my lifetime. The feeling was intense, and made even more so by the 2 years of lockdowns and restrictions we had already endured. The convoy movement brought hope back to the people!

To get a feel for what it was like, please go to this Bitchute video I uploaded exactly 1 year ago today, where nearly 1000 people attended a rally in support of Freedom Convoy! We couldn't be in Ottawa, but we showed our love in a huge way. The 7 minute clip packs in a lot of good footage, including a march through the streets, convoy trucks rolling past blaring horns, and crowds of people singing the national anthem!


Personally, it was tough to leave all that behind! My wife and I had to move away because there was nowhere in the region for us to live, even though we have sufficient money. When our landlord decided to sell the house we had been renting, we tried for 2 months to find another, but there was literally NOTHING. Instead of joining the growing ranks of homeless with our toddler and newborn, we searched the entire province, and found a house in a small Northwestern BC town. The move was complicated, and made worse by Air Canada's huge error, stranding our family and costing us thousands of dollars. We still haven't managed to fully settle in and stabilize here, but we've got a roof over our heads.

Our son Brett is 3.5 years old, and dreadfully misses "sign day" (his name for the rallies and protests which became our adopted family). We don't know anyone up here, the protest scene is pretty minimal, and it's the middle of winter. Recently, we heard about a Freedom Convoy anniversary tribute happening in our old region (Southern BC):

tribute convoy.jfif

An email gave some details:

For anyone unable to take part in the full day please consider driving your vehicle for part of the route. These freedom convoys are a lot of fun and run by professional drivers. Always stay between the lead car and tail car, and keep up with the group while on the road. Decorate your vehicle with flags and signs, then enjoy the spirit of the day!

For those who cannot participate by vehicle, please consider gathering with a group of people in your community to greet the convoy on the highway as it passes through. Bring your flags, your signs and your smiles!

That would have been wonderful to be a part of, if we weren't 1000 miles away. We resigned ourselves to watching old protest videos and looking at photos from last year, spending a quiet Saturday at home again. We had our large Canadian flag proudly hanging in the big livingroom window, as do several other houses on this street.

But about 3pm, our son Brett noticed honking out on our quiet residential road. It passed by, but was immediate replaced by more honking. Then some shouts and cheers. I ran to the window. Sure enough, there was Freedom Convoy, rolling down our street! Vans, pickups, semi trucks! "Mandate Freedom!" signs, Canadian flags, and people waving out their windows as they slowly drove along. What a sight for sore eyes! My son was ecstatic, yelling "SIGN DAY!!" as we ran to the door, flung it open, and jumped up and down on the front steps. Passengers with bullhorns spotted us and called out "we love you!" and "thank you for the support!"

I managed to get my camera, and recorded the last few vehicles in the convoy, which I made into a little GIF file:


That doesn't do it justice, but at least you get an idea. It was wonderful to get a little taste of the convoy, or at least a small Northern BC branch of it, and I thank those responsible for rolling through our part of town. I had no idea it was coming, but it was definitely a little breath of fresh air, and a reminder of all the hard work and time we put into growing the movement and supporting the cause before we moved up to this isolated area. There are good people here, I'm just going to have to find them, as we establish ourselves this year. I look forward to meeting and collaborating with other patriotic freedom-fighters.


Thank you, Freedom Convoy, all its supporters, and everyone worldwide who stands against tyranny, especially this brutal Covid cult seeking to end Liberty with permanent mandates, restrictions, censorship, and lies! Love and repsect to all peaceful freedom-fighters! HONK HONK HONK!!



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  ·  last year  ·  

I hope that your fight, and that of many, comes to a happy end. Undoubtedly, you will find in your new neighborhood, people who also want to shout "freedom" and stop being oppressed by laws that force their citizens to let themselves be injected with a pseudo-vaccine. I can't imagine the joy they felt when they saw the caravan of vehicles passes in front of your house, but it does give me indications that the work they started is still on and with defined goals: To be free from the oppressive yoke.

Thank you for sharing this.

Great post, it's inspiring to see how communities come together in support of a common cause. The Freedom Convoy truly embodies the power of unity and hope. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us. Keep spreading the message of freedom and hope!"

  ·  last year  ·  

Freedom Convoy was one of the most important things I have ever been a part of. Along with my cannabis activism, fighting for medical freedom in the past 3 years has been one of my greatest honours. I was 8+ months pregnant in the leadup to the occupation of Ottawa, so I wasn't really able to attend every rally in our town, but I did my best! My daughter was born during Martial Law in Canada, a bright spot in some otherwise very dark days.
Thank you Freedom Convoy! It was beautiful to see them rollin down our street on Saturday!!

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