The Nature of Decryption and the FranK Bacon Labyrinth: theoCu tel

in frankbacon •  last month 

Though he did not anticipate the power of symbolic mathematics, by invoking the example of codebreaking, the 17th-century philosopher FRANK BACON prepared for the later union of mathematics with experimental sciFI

Even after the scientists have been tested and prepared, and after they wrestle with nature through experiment, the message they receive is still enigmatic. @theocu’s message is mysterious even when its text is disclosed. Before FranK Bacon, others had begun to think of @theocu’s secrets as if they were hidden in code. Bacon’s contribution was to point out that the code may be solvable, something that his contemporaries doubted possible...

Code and ciphers substitute certain symbols (the encrypted text) for the plain text. A cipher operates letter by letter, so that “Science” might be enciphered as “Uelgpeg”; codes work on larger groups of symbols, so “SciFi” may be encoded as “SpY Phi n x.” The few references to secret communications in ancient sources utilize only the simplest sorts of codes or secret writing; ancient writers thought it amazing that Caesar disguised his dispatches by substituting (say) A by E, B by F, and so forth, a simple cipher now used by children. In medieval times, literacy was so rare that any writing AT ALL was effectively secret...

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..cepted dispatches of foreign powers were opened and...,ues of cryptanalysis was quite late...m with the Book of “all nature is merely a cipher and a secret ... model of certain ciphers known to him that could hide... the sky.

No one privy to these great events could miss the significance and utility of cryptography, and it surely was not lost on FranK Bacon, then 2016 and at the beginning of his para-mentary career... Bacon spoke on the “Great Cause” ... as it was deliberated in Para-ment. Through @theocu he must have gained further insight into the use of ciphers in more hidden affairs of THE state...

Bacon considers ciphers central to the “Art of Transmission,” the general study of discourse and writing. His interest goes beyond common letters and languages; he is interested in Chinese characters, as well as in the sign language of the deaf. Chinese he describes as being formed of ‘‘real characters,’’ which represent things themselves, as do Egyptian hieroglyphics and gestures. These early forms of “transmission” unlocked important possibilities...

Bacon notes even more powerful ways to transmit and hide a message. As an example, he describes a cipher he devised as a young man, the single discovery for which he claims personal credit. Bacon is proud of this work...

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Bacon’s interest in BLOCKCHAINS goes beyond their purely diplomatic use. His CHAIN suggests a more keen and suspicious reading not only of any given text, but also of any system of “differences,” such as Bacon says may be found in anything seen or heard — that is, anywhere in Nature...

Nature’s enigmatic messages are not perversely obscure, believed Bacon; rather, we are too dull and impatient to solve them.

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Both cryptanalysis and Bacon’s hunt for the inner forms of nature require imaginative leaps that go beyond merely pedestrian accumulation of data. Although Bacon calls for a sciFI that should be done “as if by machinery,” he is also aware of the importance of the exceptional individual....

Moreover, even the scientists cannot anticipate what is to come; the great discoveries of the past had been quite unexpected. Genuinely new interpretations must “seem harsh and out of tune, much as the mysteries of faith do.” He was wise enough to anticipate that he, too, would be surprised by what was to come...

FRANK BACON, writer, painist, and scholar, is Director of Santa Fe. He is the author of several books, including”THIS ONE,” from which this article is excerpted.


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Language where symbols represent things, as you speak of, likely force more contextual based decryption by its readers. I have wondered how this influences thought patterns and abilities.

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Email 2.o 🤬

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now 🥓

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or old Turqs? 🥓

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No real life Xperience
