RE: Pass me that shovel - the potatoes are going in!

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Pass me that shovel - the potatoes are going in!

in food •  last month 

Last season I had the biggest and best gardening experience, and it was precisely in your articles.

All the effort to create a garden suitable for your plants is history today, and it makes me very happy that you started earlier than the rest because the ground was already prepared for this.

I predict wonderful results for your garden because every effort must be rewarded, and the dedication you have in this project is truly admirable.

I will really enjoy the whole process of this year, learning from you, as much as I can.
A big hug from the distance

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  ·  last month  ·  

I appreciate your encouragement, and the long-distance hug!
We would make an excellent team for something like setting up a homestead, bro! You would lead the construction of the buildings, and I would lead the development of the gardens. And we would teach each other what we know.