RE: REWARD: 1oz Silver Maple Coin for info leading to pasta purchase

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REWARD: 1oz Silver Maple Coin for info leading to pasta purchase

in food •  2 years ago 

I am a pasta addict and in the early noughties I was told I was allergic to wheat too. Not one to want to give up my pasta tho I dabbled and found that if I used organic wholewheat pasta I did not fall asleep.
I also invested in a pasta maker as I was already starting to prep for the future or maybe it was my penchant for wanting to try making everything from scratch.


I still have the old pasta maker in its box and when/if the shelves empty I will try making my own from any seed available. Even want to devote an area of the garden to mixed flour seeds like rye, wheat etc.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Man I'd do anything for good pasta again.... even crank that handle for an hour if it helped.... just give me the steaming comfort goodness of a plate of fresh noodles!

it is easier than you think to make ur own. You may even find you CAN eat wheat if it's grown organically and made at home. I was told I was caeliac but I did not give up wheat, I just resourced it. Good luck.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Somebody lied or was incompetent if they diagnosed you with celiac disease because you wouldn't be able to tolerate wheat of any kind or in any amount if that was true. People with celiac get very unmistakably ill whenever they have wheat and it does permanent damage to their guts. Thankfully you don't have celiac because it's rotten.
EDIT: There are many ways a person can be intolerant to wheat and/or gluten. There are about 4 people with other types of gluten intolerance for each 1 person with actual celiac disease. They get very sick with neurological symptoms (looks like MS or Lyme disease) when they ingest gluten, but are not diagnosable with celiac. For example, I get fiery nerve pain when I eat even a tiny bit of gluten because it sets off my autoimmune thyroid condition. The body attacks itself in the presence of gluten molecules in the bloodstream and brain.

I simply pass out if I eat non-organic pasta or cous cous or white bread. It was pretty dramatic.
Allergies and so-called 'auto-immune issues are actually anaphylaxis which is caused by injection of proteins as in vaccines. I'd find out ALL the ingredients of any past vaccines you may have had.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Last one I took (that I know of) was the avian flu vaccine in 2006...

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Oh wow, is that you speaking? My sister is also a nurse (midwife) and when I told her in 2017 that she herself was vaccine damaged as a child something clicked in her. She knew I was right, it all fell into place. She refused to vaccinated her mothers as they were pushing the pertussis and flu jabs on pregnant women. She was reprimanded for speaking up to her own patients. of course she refused the convid jab and was sacked. She is now stuck in NZ with a mortgage and no job. I heard some healthworkers in USA just won a case against the mandate so hoping she will sue too and win.
I was also bullied by 4 nurses like you who told me if I didn't give my baby this 'dyptheria' shot my 'baby would die'!! He was never the same but I was. I never gave in again.
re which shot it was, it doesn't need to be the last one you had, does it correlate with the gluten allergy?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah that's my YT channel... I started warning people about medical tyranny, censorship, food shortages, and cashless society in 2008. My family disowned me and thinks I'm paranoid because of it. Or at least they pretend to think that, who knows. I've been right about everything, just early. I can see this shit coming years in advance but nobody listens.
I dunno about the gluten issue, hard to know exactly when it developed, seems like almost 10 years after the avian flu jab.
Sorry about your sister in NZ... that's my home country but I haven't been back in decades.

Me too been warning for years, my fam is split down the middle between those who believe me and those who dont. Don't be sorry for my sis she is best off out of that scene, been trying to get her to be an independent midwife for years. Now she can do it if she chooses.
I ever heard of this anti-gluten thing before about 2010ish. I would guess it's a mixture of vaccine ingredients and glyphosate. There was evidence of traces of it in vaccines a while back so that's what I looked to.

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