REWARD: 1oz Silver Maple Coin for info leading to pasta purchase

in food •  2 years ago 

Due to the food shortage and supply chain crisis, my family can no longer get many food staples. If you can help me figure out a way to buy some pasta we can eat, I'll ship you a 1oz Silver Maple Coin (within North America) as a finder's fee.

I've been trying for months - including pounding the local pavement - to solve this on my own. Now I'd like to open it up to you.

The problem

My son, my wife, and I love pasta and eat it about 3 times a week. We can't all have wheat, so we don't buy foods made from it. For years, we've enjoyed pastas made using various combinations of rice, corn, chickpea, quinoa, buckwheat, and other grains. But since the start of Covid, local availability dropped steadily, until finally we have no source at all, at any price. We really miss our staple!

I don't need to mention that pasta is a great dried food for storage. I've always kept an amount to last a few months, and going into a global food shortage, it would be smart to do so again. But I can't find a single bag! I've even resorted to looking online, but every site that has stock remaining is either not working, or doesn't ship to BC - even the Canadian ones! Emails and calls to companies go unanswered. I did find one retailer with stock, but they wanted $12 a bag for shipping!

Can you help us find pasta we can buy and eat? To stimulate interest, I'm offering an ounce of precious metal to the first person who emails a tip I can use.

Interested? Here are the details.

  1. I'm located in the North Okanagan region of BC, Canada.
  2. My wife and I have health problems and don't drive, but there are shops within walking distance, and more within reach by taxi/transit.
  3. We can also buy online and have it shipped, but we are unbanked, so would need to be able to pay with prepaid Visa or Mastercard, PayPal, or crypto.
  4. Whoever provides the first information leading to a successful purchase will be sent the coin (within North America). Email me: drutter at protonmail dot com
  5. Two brands we can eat are described below, but feel free to suggest something else if you think it would work for us.

Prairie Harvest's "San Zenone" gluten-free 4 ancient grains fusilli (340g)

Rummo's gluten-free chickpea and brown rice Fusilli ai Ceci (300g)

I will share this post around my social media accounts, and do an update as soon as I get a response that solves the problem!


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

@outofthematrix even if he is in Europe I think he has experience with vegetarian and healthy foods, just tagged him so he knows about this, maybe he can help, at least with some info.

I already answered... I am sending him a phat parcel full of noodles!!! 🤙🍝

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This should be helpful to him..

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My wife says this one is really good. I can’t find it online but try Loblaws or YIG.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I want to try this one. I forgot about checking Superstore for their name-brand gluten-free pasta. I will look for it and give it a try.

I will send you glutenfree pasta mate!!! Send me your adress via email... I will prepare a package for you!!!! Keep your silver dollar!!! 👍😜

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm sure you have access to lots of great gluten-free pasta over there! But I'm not asking for free food LOL
I just need to know how I can get it into my hot little hands! We want to eat pasta on a regular basis again, so we need a regular source... preferably on the same continent, for efficiency! Thanks mate :D

Well, I can't help you there mate... I have absolutely no experience with Canada or BC... 🤷‍♂️

WTF. This normally is not a first world problem. Man, shit is getting dire. Hope you find your gluten free pasta as that is quite a nice prize you're offering up for the help. Very generous of you. I just wonder what will be worth more in a year the way things are going. An oz of silver or a bag of pasta. Shit is getting more real by the day. Wishing you and your family the best as always.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

These little bags are enough (with a scoop of pasta sauce) for Katie and I to have lunch. They tend to cost $6 plus tax. So it's about $5 EACH for us to have a small bowl of pasta and tomato sauce, if we make it ourselves at home. That's about the cheapest meal available to us! Well, it used to be available, anyway.

That's way more than my hormone ridden rotten chicken carcass and that's just pasta and sauce! I'm learning lots these days. I just sure as hell hope Blurt is not your only source of income. You know I'm rooting for you big time, and this f-ing price of Blurt and all that goes with it. You know I'm as disappointed as you, maybe more, but I'm still hopeful with time, people will see the good here and things will move in the right direction.

I'm going to be trying to follow in the footsteps of our friend @outofthematrix and finally get a witness going (with almost no tech experience). I feel like more people like you, I, and him on the decision making side of things can't hurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You might as well.... just don't let it change you :P
I don't have a good enough PC. I was close to upgrading, but then the Hive cabal struck me and took away my income. I just about had it all..... nearly had my debts paid off to my ex, which would have got me my ID and passport and bank accounts back.... but no, I'm still trapped in debt hell, no driver's license etc etc. And now I see HIVE just doubled.... if only I hadn't converted to BLURT lol......... it's like I can't win no matter what I do or don't do.

I'm watching the same damn thing unfold. They really fucked a lot of people over there. I was certainly one of them. I had huge support from so many, that stood up and spoke up for me. Many of them have since been targeted as well. They just seemed to almost have a hit list. Many older accounts that were making money but not socializing with "them" they really seemed to go after, from what I saw in my final six months there. I really thought Blurt was going to work still very well may, but things are not where I expected at all. I'm doing all I can at this point to make the best of a disappointing situation in hopes to help turn it around. What else can do, sell all my blurt for 80% loss?

Anyway. I'm having a go with this server set up and I'm no techy. So hopefully I can get it worked out in a relatively normal time frame.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well, you know I'll vote your witness along with Tom's. We do what we can for each other! Keep up the great work.

Good to know brother. You're support has and will continue to be very much appreciated. 👍

I am a pasta addict and in the early noughties I was told I was allergic to wheat too. Not one to want to give up my pasta tho I dabbled and found that if I used organic wholewheat pasta I did not fall asleep.
I also invested in a pasta maker as I was already starting to prep for the future or maybe it was my penchant for wanting to try making everything from scratch.


I still have the old pasta maker in its box and when/if the shelves empty I will try making my own from any seed available. Even want to devote an area of the garden to mixed flour seeds like rye, wheat etc.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Man I'd do anything for good pasta again.... even crank that handle for an hour if it helped.... just give me the steaming comfort goodness of a plate of fresh noodles!

it is easier than you think to make ur own. You may even find you CAN eat wheat if it's grown organically and made at home. I was told I was caeliac but I did not give up wheat, I just resourced it. Good luck.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Somebody lied or was incompetent if they diagnosed you with celiac disease because you wouldn't be able to tolerate wheat of any kind or in any amount if that was true. People with celiac get very unmistakably ill whenever they have wheat and it does permanent damage to their guts. Thankfully you don't have celiac because it's rotten.
EDIT: There are many ways a person can be intolerant to wheat and/or gluten. There are about 4 people with other types of gluten intolerance for each 1 person with actual celiac disease. They get very sick with neurological symptoms (looks like MS or Lyme disease) when they ingest gluten, but are not diagnosable with celiac. For example, I get fiery nerve pain when I eat even a tiny bit of gluten because it sets off my autoimmune thyroid condition. The body attacks itself in the presence of gluten molecules in the bloodstream and brain.

I simply pass out if I eat non-organic pasta or cous cous or white bread. It was pretty dramatic.
Allergies and so-called 'auto-immune issues are actually anaphylaxis which is caused by injection of proteins as in vaccines. I'd find out ALL the ingredients of any past vaccines you may have had.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Last one I took (that I know of) was the avian flu vaccine in 2006...

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Oh wow, is that you speaking? My sister is also a nurse (midwife) and when I told her in 2017 that she herself was vaccine damaged as a child something clicked in her. She knew I was right, it all fell into place. She refused to vaccinated her mothers as they were pushing the pertussis and flu jabs on pregnant women. She was reprimanded for speaking up to her own patients. of course she refused the convid jab and was sacked. She is now stuck in NZ with a mortgage and no job. I heard some healthworkers in USA just won a case against the mandate so hoping she will sue too and win.
I was also bullied by 4 nurses like you who told me if I didn't give my baby this 'dyptheria' shot my 'baby would die'!! He was never the same but I was. I never gave in again.
re which shot it was, it doesn't need to be the last one you had, does it correlate with the gluten allergy?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah that's my YT channel... I started warning people about medical tyranny, censorship, food shortages, and cashless society in 2008. My family disowned me and thinks I'm paranoid because of it. Or at least they pretend to think that, who knows. I've been right about everything, just early. I can see this shit coming years in advance but nobody listens.
I dunno about the gluten issue, hard to know exactly when it developed, seems like almost 10 years after the avian flu jab.
Sorry about your sister in NZ... that's my home country but I haven't been back in decades.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I really miss the San Zenone fusili, it was perfect. The Rummo pasta was also good, but I think it spiked my blood sugar. Chickapea pasta was good sometimes, but not good to eat religiously like we do. Go Go quinoa pasta is good sometimes, but we had some boxes where the fusili became crushed little bits...not sure if that's a regular thing, but was a turn off.

I will keep hunting around for store-brand gluten-free pasta, but this Explore Cuisine Fusilli has been my favourite. It's an okay price when on sale and the box isn't too small. Will I regret telling the blockchain about this so AI can take all that pasta off the shelves in my area? Heh heh.......


  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Those look decent. I've seen Gogo Quinoa products before, but not that particular one. I wonder if I can get it here, or have it shipped for a reasonable price.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This publication has made me think a lot, although I would like to help (in fact, I would go personally to bring them the pasta) I do not understand how Canada is a great country, there is a shortage.

Currently, I live at the other end of America... far south (Chile) and I plan to live in the USA or Canada in the middle of next year.

Now, I imagine that you eat this type of pasta because you are either totally vegetarian or just have problems with gluten. However, I have always believed that Canada has the best health system and that it proves to be a country that all other countries should imitate. I see you also have some food supply problems.

I hope someone can help you with all this. as it says
@drlobes it's very possible that @outofthematrix can help by having friends who can succor you, not for the prize, but because a friend's need should be my own need as well.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, we cant digest gluten (wheat).

Canada has a third world healthcare system. I have been sick for 6 years, with no diagnosis or treatment, suffering and slowly dying. We pay huge amounts of tax, but do not have any healthcare. Just to see a doctor you will wait months or years, and then receive no care. Most people just take care of themselves and will not go to hospital even if they have a broken arm. The average life expectancy here is going down (we are living shorter lives now than before). Even common illnesses go untreated and Canadians are a very sick people. Cuba has a far better healthcare system than we do in Canada.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Without a doubt, Cuba has a better health system, but its inhabitants do not enjoy it very much either because they do not have enough resources available for that and many other things. They practically live in precariousness and the many benefits are obtained by people who travel from other countries.

My parents traveled from Venezuela to Cuba to receive a free eye operation. It was a success and they spent more than 4 months living in Cuba. All of this is financed by the Venezuelan government, which gives them oil, among other things, in unpayable installments or exchanged for Cuban doctors who traveled to my country to fulfill political commitments. Today many of those doctors have escaped to other countries and some of them have been found here in Chile.

It could be said that they are light for the street and darkness for the house.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I get everything shipped for Free from ….
Just choose “Free Shipping” option.
I am trying to get them to add Blurt as a Payment option.
It’s too bad that Amazon does not accept Silver Maple leafs eh.
Maybe we need a Crypto backed by Silver. Blurt could be that crypto.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A lot of stuff on Amazon takes months to arrive, or gets refunded as unavailable. Also, a lot of it is sold there because it has expired, or almost expired, or it comes from a defective low-quality batch. Be careful buying food from Bezos.

That brand looks potentially promising, haven't tried it before.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Wow … that’s really weird. I have never ever had a problem like that from Amazon …. Been ordering from them since they started back in the 90’s

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nobody I know has that experience. Everybody I know has the same experience as me, most products are unavailable, or don't shop to my location, or it never arrives, or it takes 3 months, or it arrives but it's the wrong item.

Wow, the 90s! So you were one of their very first customers then, back when all they sold were educational manuals. Maybe you became a company favourite customer or something, and they always take are of you on a personal basis? Because they are notoriously bad at shipping and customer service. I thought you were joking at first when you said you'd never had a problem at Amazon.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I bought all my books, CDs and DVDs from Amazon in the early days.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I used eBay from the get-go... went into business selling collectible cards (Magic the Gathering). It was easy to make money in the early days! By 2010 it was very competitive and after that it was hard to make a profit especially up here in Canada. I moved to my own website after that.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Unfortunately I don't think I can be of help as I'm in Australia. Only if I can send pasta via mail to Canada for a sensible fee I guess.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sorry to hear about your pasta scenario wish i could sent you a container full from Thailand we don't have any shortage here and it's much cheaper you may have to come and live in Thailand for a while.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes if only I had the freedom to leave Canada, but I am not allowed to have a passport.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

WoW.. That sucks I know that feeling I had my passport taken away for 4 years when I was going through my divorce settlement it was a horrible experience.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Tastes like cardboard, unfortunately!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Bummer… I find that anything gluten free tastes like card board.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's how I find plain wheat pastas now - flavourless, textureless, and nutrientless! Humans now make EVERYTHING with wheat, and have degraded the plant itself over time, to produce more plain white flour (mostly made of gluten now, a substance with no nutrition, and which interferes with digestion). We even sneak wheat into medications, kids candies, beauty products... just about everything we make. A lot of wheat breads now add EXTRA gluten because it has a pleasant texture. It's why whole wheat bread isn't rough and dry anymore... because we load it with gluten now, so it's light and chewy. Even if you don't think you're intolerant to gluten, ask yourself why you eat it? It's not a nutrient, it's a filler at best. When people stop eating it, they're forced to get creative with their diet, and eat more fresh foods, less processed, less foods with wheat and gluten in them for no reason. It's like going back 100 years in time, to when wheat was just ONE of many grains we grew and ate. Now it's our main Western crop and almost nothing doesn't contain it. Pale gluteny pasta looks like glue to me now (and it basically is).

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hmmmm I like the pasta I get in Italy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Rummo is made in Italy. They seem to know their pasta!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hope you found a source in Canada? Can buy some Pasta here in Germany and send you but this not solves your problem long term.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes it's a sustainable method I am seeking... one that can be duplicated as needed : ) Thank you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The solution is to make your own chick-pea (or red lentil or oat) pasta.

See the following page for recipes:

It takes about 20 minutes. You should be able to get chickpea flour from any Indian supermarket (they call it gram flour).