Trudeau demands Canadian grocery stores lower their prices

in food •  last year 

Justin Trudeau, the globalist puppet installed to destabilize Canada, has caused massive devaluation of the currency with his policies. Now, to cast blame anywhere except where it belongs, he is threatening retailers with heavy fines and additional taxes if they don't present a plan to reduce grocery prices. Thanks to a corrupted public school system that doesn't teach real economics, and nonstop propaganda, the average Canadian has no idea the painful inflation they're experiencing is caused by government - on purpose - and that the store at the end of the supply chain has nothing to do with it.


Printing billions of dollars from thin air has consequences. Trudeau and his government did so relentlessly during the Covid pandemic, in order to pay everyone to stay home in lockdown. It takes time for monetary policies to hit the street, but in 2021 and 2022 we saw massive price inflation near 15% per year. Currently, it is said to be down to a blistering 10% or so. This massive problem is causing pain and suffering to the working class and poor, and gutting the future of the middle class.


Blaming the supply chain is misguided at best. Of course, government officials - including the prime minister - aren't stupid. They like to pretend they're stupid, because that's a much more favourable explanation for their behaviour than the truth, which is that they're corrupt. They pretend they don't understand what's going on, by attacking the supply chain. They know the average person nowadays is financially illiterate, and will join them in pointing the finger in the wrong direction.

Even if the supply chain itself was suddenly causing the massive price inflation we're seeing today, focusing blame on the final link in that chain is beyond stupid. The government knows most people will go for it, because it's easy to blame those who put the price tags on groceries. It's plausible to uneducated people that grocery store employees are conspiring to raise prices across the country.

But that clearly makes no sense, considering prices are rising in other countries as well. Are all countries in on it? Also, it's not just groceries, it's everything! (Well, everything except precious metals, but that's a topic for another post.) Clearly, inflation isn't just happening to Canadian groceries, but that's what Trudeau has chosen to focus the nation's anger upon.

Another clue from the real world around us that grocery stores aren't responsible for the rising prices? Prices in the free market are rising just as quickly! I wrote last week how food prices at local farmers markets are shooting up. $9 for a small bag of regular onions is NOT normal here, but that's what is happening in 2023. The sellers are small local farmers and backyard gardeners, who bring the produce directly to market, with no overhead, and sell right to individual consumers. The prices are set by supply and demand. If it's a bad year for peppers, the price goes up, if a lot of vendors bring potatoes at the same time, the price goes down. The prices are high, but not because grocery stores are cornering the market!

No, the culprit isn't grocery stores, or processors, or farmers, or even the rising cost of energy. The culprit is our central bank printing the currency itself to oblivion, at the behest of the globalists in our government.

I've been raising awareness of inflation and its true cause for 15 years on YouTube and other platforms. Here's a video I did on the topic in 2012:

More dollars chasing the same amount of stuff means higher prices. It's really that simple - we created too much currency, all at once, and now the hens are coming home to roost. To shift blame, those responsible are pointing a finger at grocery stores, where we encounter the most obvious and frequent examples of price inflation. "Grocers have been facing accusations of profiteering amid high inflation," suggests state media, neglecting to mention that it is they who are making most of the accusations. "Profits should not be made on the backs of people who are struggling," says Trudeau, stoking anti-capitalist sentiment. "If their plan doesn’t provide real relief.. we will take further action and we are not ruling anything out."

In response, "The Retail Council of Canada said grocer prices and profits have nothing to do with rising food prices, pointing instead to higher costs being passed on from producers." The group said that any discussions on food pricing need to also include processors, manufacturers and other relevant businesses along the supply chain. "We are not going to take part in discussions that time and time again fail to look below the surface as to the true cause of rising grocery prices."

The article suggests we "level the playing field along the grocery supply chain in Canada". So we're talking about socialism and communism, then. The exact opposite of the free market capitalist system Canada has always claimed to represent. What's next, price controls? It's like we are hell-bent on reliving the experiences of Venezuela and other socialist countries that struggle with inflation and shortages. It's a terrible plan for the people, but it's great for the greedy globalist elites, so that's what is happening.

Allow me to point out that additional fines and taxes on the supply chain will only make matters worse. Taxes and fines are a cost of doing business for grocery store chains, and for all other businesses. More taxes means higher prices for the customers. The state is recommending price inflation as a cure for price inflation!

In other words, government created the problem, now they're blaming grocery stores, planning to add taxes (which will make the problem even worse), and hinting at price controls (which will lead to food shortages).

I have experienced (and documented) 3 serious food shortages here in Canada since 2020, where almost nothing was available to eat. The food shortages lasted from days, to weeks.


That kind of situation is guaranteed to happen again, considering governments are actively working to destabilize the food supply chain. Wildfires, natural disasters, and extreme weather events are on the rise. That's why I advocate food storage (just as our ancestors always have) and gardening. If you can be your own producer, problems with the supply chain affect you a lot less!

If I ran a grocery store chain here in Canada, after this development, I would be looking at downsizing or closing and moving elsewhere. If I was thinking about starting a food company in Canada, I'd reconsider. A good reminder of what socialist policies do to a country's economy is found in this interview between Tucker Carlson and the next president of Argentina. People there would be horrified to learn that Canadians are considering going voluntarily into such a nightmare future.

Trudeau and the globalists are determined to destroy strong Western countries like Canada by 2030. Collapsing the value of the currency and crippling the supply chain are part of that diabolical plan. We must not allow it to happen.



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  ·  last year  ·  

I think most of the countries around the globe are suffering with economic crises. My family back there in the Philippines, they are complaining about the price hike of the basic needs. Plus the corruption, this is everywhere.

Also here in Saudi Arabia, most of the expatriates with families here decided to return to their home country because not only basic commodities are rocketing but the Sponsorship fee as well. And a lot of small business owners stopped starting 2020 when VAT increases from 5% to 15%.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Justamente el problema de la inflación radica en que es un fenómeno monetario, causado por un exceso de oferta de dinero, sea porque sube la oferta (reimpresión de billetes) o cae la demanda (la gente no quiere la moneda) o porque ocurre las dos cosas al mismo tiempo.

El detalle más importante es que, los únicos que se benefician con la inflación, son los políticos.

Respecto a Venezuela, país de donde soy originario, ocurrió tal cual. ¿Por qué empeñarse a que el problema de la inflación proviene de los productores? Porque de esta manera, no se afectan las ganancias de los supermercados, entonces, bajando las ganancias de los que producen la comida en el país, se mantienen las ganancias de quienes la distribuyen, afectando directamente el bolsillo de los más desposeídos, que es el agricultor... ese que saca de la tierra el producto.

El socialismo, dijo Winton Churchill, es la repartición equitativa de la miseria, de manera que, siempre, es la gente trabajadora la que sufre los embates económicos producidos por los errores de quienes hacen las leyes, leyes que solo buscan proteger los intereses de los políticos.

  ·  last year  ·  

As usual, when something goes wrong, the little people have to bail out the governments. Governments are nothing more than parasites. Our tax money now goes largely to the development of the tools and measures of our demise. Stop, just stop. Become more self-reliant. Great post!!!

  ·  last year  ·  

Inflation is also our big problem and the prices of our basic commodities are so very high. The value of our money is decreasing too. Life is getting so difficult nowadays ☹️

  ·  last year  ·  

Prices are rising by leaps and bounds, and salaries are cheap.. 🥲
Thank you very much for your post 😊

God will just help us. Even here our currency is almost useless compare to other countries of the world. $1 is equivalent to #1,000 now. And the price of commodities are on the high I side

Trudeau is a WEF sucking POS... 🤬

  ·  last year  ·  

You and I are both in countries that were once free and glorious, but are now globalist nightmares. There are a lot of good German and Canadian people, and the lands themselves are beautiful, but the system in place is completely evil! I hope to live to see the day when the parasites are cleansed from our countries and we regain our sovereignty.

LOVE that video on basic economics buddy!!!!!❤️😍🤙

Congratulations! 🏆

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  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks bud!! I like doing simple informative videos on important topics like that : )
Mmmm, gracias for the 'nuts!

You are more than welcome!!! 🥥🤙😜

  ·  last year  ·  


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