A simple Morning Dish : Corned Beef Torta

in food •  7 months ago 


Hello good day everyone!Hoping you all that you have a wonderful day!
Today's blog I want to share my simple and easy to cooked Corned beef Torta.
This is my own version on how to cooked corned beef.
So this morning my daughter requested me to cooked a corned beef Torta.
And this is the ingredients and how to cooked the corned beef Torta.



This is the ingredients of corned beef Torta:
1 can corned beef
2 eggs
Flour/ corn starch
Instruction on how to cooked:
First, In a bowl mix all the ingredients the corned beef, 2 eggs, flour or corn starch and the seasoning for taste.



In a pan, heat cooking oil, then scoop the corned beef mixture and form an omelet.
Fry both sides over medium heat until it turns to golden brown.

Take out of the fryer and now here is the corned beef Torta, ready to serve. Happy eating everyone.

That's all for now blurtians, thank you and please follow to my next post.


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