We did a For 91 Days in Palermo but didn't get to see any fireworks .... Spaniards are insane but Italians I think are crazier ...
- Yeah, burn holes in clothing is a sign of a great time :)
Night Mascletà - Puríssima Xiqueta in Benissa, Spain
We did a For 91 Days in Palermo but didn't get to see any fireworks .... Spaniards are insane but Italians I think are crazier ...
Driving a car in Palermo was seriously insane!
Was a long time ago - the end of their Festival season, so maybe Oct or Sept.
I still can't find an image or video - imagine someone holding up a catherine wheel held up with a stick, then when it rotates in the horizontal plane it creates like an umbrella shape of sparks! Was great fun - in the crowd. People figured the safest place was... under the stick, inside the umbrella of fire!!
If you find a pic or video, let me know. Yeah .. the guy under the umbrella be like ... i'll get you all. Sounds to me like a Corre Foc .... was it something like this:
Yep, got it, I think.
Indeed, La Merce festival in Barcelona looks very similar to Palermo.
Fighting the Moors is somewhere in the Palermo story ;-)
We never drove there .. haha, we're not crazy!!!! hehe! We were there over the winter. More reason to go back!