What a great night Mascletà (Mascletà Colores) to start our trip to Benissa in Alicante for the Puríssima Xiqueta festivities, an event to celebrate the patron of this small city. We came mostly for the fireworks but also wanted to see what this fiesta is all about. Sadly though we couldn't stay for the entire Puríssima Xiqueta because it's several days long, we only stayed from Aprils 23rd to the 25th but it was long to give us a little taste of it.
During that time we got to experience 3 amazing fireworks all set up by Pirotecnia Ricardo Caballer RICASA. Stay tuned for the next video we upload, it was truly one of the craziest Mascletàs we've ever seen.
Great boutique BnB stay in Benissa.
This video was filmed with this camera.
That looks like a lot of fun. I miss Europe, fine wine and cheese....and fireworks!
Laos and Cambodia learnt how to make bread, and have wine and cheese.
Best Thai wine I've had is from GranMonte - their white wines using Portuguese grapes.
Even Vietnam can be added to this list. I was in Dalat a couple months before everything shut down. I got on one of the last planes to Thailand in March 2020 and have been here since, but now I'm thinking maybe I should have stayed for the Vietnamese Wine! lol
homegrown wine? Don't think I've ever seen it here.
Mind you, wine prices are extortionate here - cheaper in London.
I think Thais should concentrate on fruit-alcohols such as liquers and schnapps - the ones I had in Chiang Mai were far more palatable than their wines.
Indeed, they really have no problem with high alcohol terrifs in Thailand. I saw Gato Negro with one of those security beepers attatched to the bottle the other day and I almost started to laugh. I remember buying that in Ecuador as a bottom of the barrel cheap five dollar wine...im not a big fan of the fruit wines I ve tried here in Thailand so far. Have you had the mangosteen wine? The one I tried seemed to be better used as paint thinner....hahaha
But I've had delicious mangosteen liquers!
That's what I mean - they should give up on the "wines".
and yeah, a $5 wine anywhere else is $20 "cheapo" here.
The other thing is, I once threw away 3 (THREE) bottles of wine from pseudo-Tesco here, coz they know fuck all how to store it. Reds can be OK but some whites won't improve in the heat. lmao.
Real shame, was once my fave drink.
After now two full years in Thailand....I think I'm about ready to drop forty bucks on a ten dollar bottle! hahaha
Dry red wines have always been my favorite, so I haven't had that problem you describe. But at least they know how to do great mango and sticky rice! lol
But need to chew the rice for a long time to ferment it in-mouth!
I experienced something similar in Palermo, Sicily. Indeed, the staging was done by a Spanish troupe. Fireworks within the crowd, like umbrellas of sparks. In the morning, I found my shirt had many little burn-holes. Was great fun - tho some of my colleagues found it... disturbing! lol.
We did a For 91 Days in Palermo but didn't get to see any fireworks .... Spaniards are insane but Italians I think are crazier ...
Driving a car in Palermo was seriously insane!
Was a long time ago - the end of their Festival season, so maybe Oct or Sept.
I still can't find an image or video - imagine someone holding up a catherine wheel held up with a stick, then when it rotates in the horizontal plane it creates like an umbrella shape of sparks! Was great fun - in the crowd. People figured the safest place was... under the stick, inside the umbrella of fire!!
If you find a pic or video, let me know. Yeah .. the guy under the umbrella be like ... i'll get you all. Sounds to me like a Corre Foc .... was it something like this:
Yep, got it, I think.
Indeed, La Merce festival in Barcelona looks very similar to Palermo.
Fighting the Moors is somewhere in the Palermo story ;-)
We never drove there .. haha, we're not crazy!!!! hehe! We were there over the winter. More reason to go back!