Taxes Are A Penalty To Your Success

in finance •  last year 


The corruption of the mainstream media and the financial system knows no limits. When people commit crimes, they have to pay fines to repay society, assuming their conviction doesn't lead them to legal servitude or probation. Yet, taxation is allegedly the punishment we face for living in a civilized society?

Fines are a penalty... Taxes are a benefit?
It doesn't make any sense. The propaganda created by the establishment ensures that everybody, good or bad, "pays their debt for a civilized society." The government fines the people; the government taxes the workers... Yet, where does the money go? It goes to the federal government that sends it to multinational financial institutions who then beseech the Federal Reserve for another injection loan that The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) has to print (not to mention bombing innocent people overseas). After that happens, wait a while, and we'll be hit with another tax. A hidden tax known as the Inflation Tax.

The financial system is a complete joke. The entire tax structure is a deterrent to your success, especially if you're a regular laborer or an average Joe. If you're an average Joe, the tax and financial system work against you.

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