The Looming World War: Choosing Sides and Standing for Family

in finance •  11 months ago 

We are heading into a new World War, or so, that's what some believes. The tensions are rising internationally with the attempt at a coup in Moscow with the Wagener Group mercenaries. What this means is heightened international tension with Moscow getting closer with Beijing.


International rich elitist are hungry for a conflict and they will do anything to increase the value of their Industrial Military Complex stocks, but that will come at a cost to all of us. These people don't care about peace, they don't care about people, they only care about power. Regardless of what you think about Russia, but if you want Western imperialism to slow down, the war should not continue.

For me, I'm pretty indifferent. I don't support Russia and I don't support Ukraine, but by not supporting either, the warmongers believe I have chosen a side. They want us to choose a side so we can give credibility to their hegemony and conquests. The only conquest I believe in is the idea that my family can control their own wealth, that's it.

World War III is coming, and my goal isn't to fight for the elites, but to fight for my family.

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