My Own Version of Binignit

in filipinofood •  last year 

It's Sunday FamDay!
So for today's afternoon snack i cooked Binignit! (One of my husband's favorite)😍👌
•Binignit is one of the special Filipino delicacy, the dessert focuses more on traditional ingredients, actually they can be obtained from any local market.
•Binignit is such a treat in terms of taste and appearance, it has just enough sweetness and full of softness and chewiness, plus its purplish color is appetizing too!
---Binignit Recipe---
•½ cup sugar (I used brown sugar)
•⅛ kl. tapioca pearls (I used tapioca instead of landang)
•3 pcs. ripe saba banana
•½kl. sweet potato
•2 packs Coco Mama fresh Gata
In this procedure,

  1. cooked the sweet potato, banana.(add gabi if you want)
    2.Add the sugar, sago, landang or tapioca( I used Tapioca)
    3.Simmer until all the ingredients are tender and the mixture is thick.
    4.Add the coconut milk (as you can see, I used Coco Mama Fresh Gata) Cook in medium heat only.
    5.I added a pinch of salt to balance the taste.
    Cooking binignit is quick and easy, everything should be straight forward provided that all the ingredients are prepared beforehand. Tapioca pearls is what I used in this recipe as an alternative of (landang).. Although it has no taste at all, it does give this dish a nice texture and it helps more appetizing!
    I enjoy everytime I eat this kind of snack because it has the right of sweetness, and you know what? I can easily distinguish the flavors in each ingredients 😁👌
    This snack can also served in hot or in cold, but i prefer to have it in hot, it's become more tasty for me!
    Yeyyyy! Happy Tummy Again!
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  ·  last year  ·  

Kalami ba sana uyy..😁