in fake •  last year 

This post is just a quick copy & paste of notes, links, numerology, and images about a film I have no intention of ever watching – SOUND OF FREEDOM - but if this film is number one at the American box office it’s because “they” want you to watch it. So it’s controlled opposition mind programming – wake up sheeple, that is all the mainstream movie ever industry is…



Why are they pushing this film so hard? My guess is firstly because they want to promote micro chipping in children, just like they have been conditioning people to accept as normal on pets, secondly because it’s a good distraction and they are looking for every distraction they can find at this point, and thirdly because it doesn’t expose any of the real child traffickers, like the Roman Catholic church, the Freemason’s, and CPS – Child Protective Services.





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Great to see you back :)

  ·  last year  ·  

I don't know how you have time to be here as well as FB as well as doing yoga - have you got clones?

Posted from

Because I only make the content once on the most part and it’s pretty much my full time job along with other self employed things like painting, photography, my shop but I do work all the time cause it doesn’t feel like work it feels like building I am never rly off off oh and I have 7 clones from

  ·  last year  ·'s some controversial news....(so unlike me, I know!)

The biggest psi-op of all time !

Occultists have been usurped by the establishment, and hijacked to give a face to something they neither represent, believe, or pursue (the truth).

The perfect psi-op, where the pursuit of power over others is seen a being 'luciferian', while 'hidden knowledge' is not remotely their territory, just the appearance of - to distract the masses and divert 'hate' away from where it belongs, giving the plebs something to focus on while they carry on with an agenda that has nothing to do with any of it...

Satanists? - that's a PR ad campaign exercise for people who want NPC sheep to get turned on and bow down to, utterly non-relevant rituals, and hedonistic sex - all in name of 'occultism'.

Lot's more to come about this particular subject...

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Could you explain this simplistically, I'm more confuseder now

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  ·  last year  ·  

It's verrrrrrry easy to create a narrative that cant be checked....

Here is the actual truth....honest! lol

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  ·  last year  ·  

i will have a look and get back to you


Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

lol, ok...

'The powers that be' are intentional using -promoting even - the religious facade of 'luciferianism' (occultism). A distraction for the masses - something for them to chase - a never ending rabbit hole of conjecture.

...While they get on with their shit....

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

would you say the same about trannies?

both are becoming endless rabbit holes but I get more laughs from the trannies!


Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Trannies are your specialty, not mine- they're all yours - I've had enough experiences with them

Posted from

Curated by @ultravioletmag