School final Exams

in examination •  2 years ago 


How are you all friends, greetings of success always for all of you wherever you are. Today is better than yesterday.

After almost three years of students studying in junior high school, today and in the next five days they will take an exam to determine the final grade of school. This is simultaneously carried out in all regions of Indonesia. One of them is in the province of Aceh which is in the territory of the state of Indonesia.

The results of this grade will be combined with the five semester grades they have completed. Coupled with their attitudes and behavior during learning. Is it towards themselves, fellow friends, teachers, and the school environment where they study.


In the morning before the students enter the exam room they gather in the school field to listen to the advice and guidance that is directly delivered by the principal. Line up neatly listen carefully to what is conveyed by the principal. The board of teachers who became supervisors also listened to what was conveyed by the principal.

After advice and guidance from the principal, all students are welcome to enter the exam room in a neat and orderly manner. Students are only allowed into the exam room to bring writing instruments such as pencils, erasers, baseboards, and rollers. Apart from that all have to leave outside the exam room.

The exam took place in an orderly and smooth manner without any problems. The principal directly monitors the exam by visiting each room where the exam is taking place one by one. Remind supervisors not to be careless a little about filling in student biodata on the exam sheet.

I managed to capture one or two pictures of this final school exam moment. Even though this is only the first day, hopefully it will run smoothly for the next five days.







This is a short stroke on this short opportunity, for all the shortcomings, I apologize. Thank You

Best Regards @p3d1

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