RE: Political Ponerology - An Incendiary Device - part 1

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Political Ponerology - An Incendiary Device - part 1

in evil •  2 years ago 

You mean this book?
old? lol. 2017
yeah is avail here =
I dont bother putting direct links as zlib has gone all geoloc servers! also diff file formats.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My concern is that smearing away the problem and somehow accepting that we should accept a tyranny for some 50 years is not IMO any solution. It is just yet another manifestation of a deeply dysfunctional species.

Also, you mention as an aside the idea of esoteric dimension, but the materialistic predator-types are not going to care. Indeed, they love esoteric CULTS due to their control structure, I don't see within them any self-knowledge.

to be continued :-)

I share your concern, and I certainly would not attempt to justify nor accept tyranny.

I actually agree with you, the esoteric is not for the Aggressive, unless they are there to take advantage of the belief system and the control structure.

Just out of curiosity, have you ever personally known these kinds of people?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Not up close - can smell them, so can avoid them - have seen the type in action in the City of London - and the military - I mean IRL, not news. They will break if the wind is strong enough, they cannot bend like bamboo.

I'll have some more thoughts - might be an issue of too many constructed labels that may, or may not, match up. eg there are also the 12 personality types etc. I dislike self-help book genre - I've thought most of this stuff myself over 50 years - tend to read philosophy and biophysics and neuroscience.

Also had a thought last night. If we take the 7 neuro-energy centres, the chakras, and have them as psycho-parameters, then have 2^7= 128 manifestations - assuming the simple binary on/off options, or active/blocked.

Going off to be a farmer for 2 days - will checkin and comment in the evenings.

There are indeed many personality typology models. I use several. I have a real thirst and passion for this subject, so I guess I have more patience than you when it comes to the more esoteric material that cannot be scientifically validated. With regards to the 7 Life Energies, I can say that I have been able to validate, observationally, their existence for years. I realize that this is not enough for others who need more concrete proof, and I have given up years ago trying to convince people of the validity of these Natural Life Energies because not everyone will have my same passion and patience for the subject.

12 personality types? Astrology? 🤔 😊 I won't even begin to list how models are out there!

Also had a thought last night. If we take the 7 neuro-energy centres, the chakras, and have them as psycho-parameters, then have 2^7= 128 manifestations - assuming the simple binary on/off options, or active/blocked.

I have a wonderful book here that I read several years ago. It's called Microchakra Psychology and it treats each chakra as a mind in and of itself. So each chakra has its own psychology, but the author goes further to say that each chakra contains within it microchakras - 21 per chakra, 7 left, 7 right and 7 middle - I'm pretty sure it's not your cup of tea, but the number of manifestations would be higher 21*7+7=154, and then you factor in active/blocked. It's actually a really good book for those who like another perspective on the chakras, but I think you'd be quickly put off by the idea that it was "channeled" material. I'm using the word channeled, not the author.

Enjoy the nature, Bro!!!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have plenty of knowledge and experience of esoteric lit, however, I have always focussed on the techniques and experiences - usually look at the models and constructs as mere hypotheses. lol. My background is in physics - there are lots of models, and the only way to tell them apart is their experimental predictions - no predictions, then it becomes metaphysics! Useful in juggling ideas, but not in pinning down a map of the psyche.

And this is something humanity still lacks - a map of the mind. There are ancient maps, such as the chakras and indian epistemology, plus now modern neuroscience, but I don't feel society really sees it as an important mission.

If I had to give it a name, it would be experimental esoterism - which obv includes experiential esoterism! ;-)

With ref to Alice, I can chew on a theory for breakfast and then spit it out at lunch! lol. Something I'm good at and enjoy. So if we can construct a theory based on natural philosophy, and not metaphysics, that could be more... nutritious ;-)

Back to weeding now... which is an interesting metaphor.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I dont have the refs on this machine, but do a search on "neural nexus chakras" and you should find some interesting papers. As I suspected decades ago, chakras are electromagnetic phenomena - not just electrical - as there is no material organ at most locations, but the electrical activities at the nodes of the neurons create an EM field. This in turn partially creates the auras, but IMO that also comes from the flow of blood, which is a charged liquid - eg the heart is nowhere near strong enough to be only a pump, the fluid also flows along EM channels, thereby needing less physical force.

Again, I believe that the understanding of the Human Energy Field requires more than our physical instruments can detect. I'm not sure if you are familiar with Barbara Ann Brennan; she, in my opinion, could be considered a metaphysical instrument that can perceive beyond what today's scientific technology can measure. Which is more important to you, the physics or the map?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Esoteric perceptions and exoteric measurements will converge, if both are true.
That we have biological instruments that cannot yet be replicated by technology does not mean they won't be. But, even then, the signal processing will be different.
Voice to skull is a good example that people should be familiar with - the human perceives sounds and hence assumes it is hearing, but no sounds are involved in the signal. A tech transmitter and receives can create, send and decode the same signals, but a computer will not "understand" the actual content of the message, and will not react to such meaning.

I find it amusing how Aristotle's Metaphyics remains more important than his Physics - of which it was the last chapter (at least it was edited that way some centuries later!) His Physics is filled with errors and only of historical importance, whereas the last chapter, dealing with "first principles" remains interesting as many of the questions have not changed. The answers have though, as speculative philosophy becomes natural philosophy. I rarely use the word "metaphysics" - it's just speculations pretending to be real. They might be real but that can be discovered with having a precise question and precise tools and manifested effects.

That does not stop humans having powers that the scifids (science fideists) regard as "not science", or heresies, but that is the class of science-priests talking shit. But to prove those powers are real requires more un-blinkered researchers. Diving into the arms of "metaphysics" just to avoid the very hard problems of experimentation does not interest me. I can easily accept the experiences while rejecting the metaphysics as mere speculation.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lol. more books to read. Read one intro, yes, she is on the right track - and never see her use the word "metaphysical" haha. The word dimension in physics can mean a number of things, basically they are parameters, whether spatial or temporal or neither.

mmm... I actually have had experiences of healing, but have not been trained.

Shame that Persinger passed away, as he was approaching similar conclusions but starting from the other side, using the biophysics of the universe and humans rather than from humans. The two sides of the coin must at some point be the two sides of the same coin. :-)

And this is something humanity still lacks - a map of the mind.

Or does it? Is it that perhaps you are searching too hard in the world of physics? I believe that to Map the Psyche you will need instruments that have not yet been invented... or we have not acknowledged the instruments that are already available to us, like the actual mind, psyche or soul that we are attempting to map. What if electromagnetism or electricity are not enough? What if there are energies that we as humans can detect or read or map, while our modern instruments are still only dealing with the physical reality? We have to then reach for metaphysical tools.

I love experiential esotericism because it falls in line with what I have termed The Art of Confirmation, which I have been using for years to confirm the existence of some of the territory of this Map of the Psyche!

My question to you, my curiosity, is which drives you more, the Map of the Psyche, or the being able to describe that map through psychics?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We do not perceive the physics, even when it is physics. We do not perceive sound waves (unless subsonic. lol), we hear sounds. Just as we do not perceive photons, we see things. In both cases we have receptors and transducers, so that the signals are processed in a meaningful way for us.

More emotional states look similar. A lump in the throat, choking on words, is an experience - few perceive it as some block in energetics, or a choked chakra. Such experiences can be measured - it just means using the right instruments. But to know what those instruments should be requires a tentative hypothesis. Like Royal Rife says he scanned millions of frequencies till he found some resonances.

More emotional states look similar. A lump in the throat, choking on words, is an experience...

Reminds me of Louise Hay's work. There was a time when I had really dipped deeply into the language of the body! First it was Bioenergetics, which then lead to all kinds of other books on the subject. I was so fascinated by how much of our language reflects our moods or diseases or bodily pains and tensions. I subsequently did a lot of therapeutic work both on myself and others, using this knowledge. It's amazing what is often locked in our bodies, and how it comes out in our language. That guy is a pain in the neck.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Wrong book.

WHO ARE YOU, REALLY? Understanding Your Life's Energy

Older... 1996.

I did not find it on z-lib but I have a DOC I could send you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

ok, yeah prob not digitised - would have to be an individual with the interest to scan a copy. But you have a copy - sure, pls send, either link here or in Discord.

I did digitize it, with the permission of the author, but did not upload it anywhere accessible to the public, other than my Google Drive. I actually retyped and edited (about 4-5 small errors) the book years ago. I wanted to reprint it and use it as a course book to accompany my seminars, but soon discovered there was little interest. I did print out about 30 copies, and sold them during my talks for a tenner. Made a small profit, but gave up on teaching the subject. I send over on Discord! 😉 If you find you don't like it, at least read the chapter on Dynamic Assertives, as I believe that to be your Energy Type. 😎