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in ethics •  4 years ago 

Glad to see you posting here. Still learning my way around here, been here a little over a week. Hoping as time moves on some others I miss over there will come as well. I was going to invite a few people last night but the front end I use was down so didn't.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I was told about BLURT awhile back by @oldoneeye but I didn't realize I could just logon with my HIVE keys.

I thought I would have to buy some BLURT somehow.

I decided last month I was going to join after the first of the year (picked that to put taxes off till next year). Unfortunately there has been some ill intent from some over at Hive which involved a hack as well as code exploit. So I had to wait almost a week to start up here. I traded my Hive on Ionomy into Blurt.

Unfortunately the snapshot they used as a beginning point from Steem was after I had already powered down and moved my Steem to get away from Justin Sun. But it's all good.

The philosophy here is vastly different, and so far I appreciate the good vibes. It doesn't have much in the way of the conspiracy stuff, which might be a good idea given the current climate. You were one of the accounts I looked for when I came, but for some reason it didn't pull one up when I searched.

  ·  4 years ago  · is very glitchy for me.

Ever since the other front ends began having problems right after I joined, I switched to

I wanted to comment on a comment you made at the other site. I laughed when I read it as it reminded me of an interaction I had with you.

You had said

For example, everyone seems to think they know exactly why I ask the questions that I tend to ask, and most of those "reasons" involve them projecting some level of "insincerity" onto my conscious intentions.

I remember asking you some time back what your belief was on something you had posted about. I had gathered for some time you usually never actually staked a position on a subject, more presented and sat back to study the reactions. It was probably one of the couple reasons I began wondering if you were Baah. His approach was different, more prone to exposing the others bias as they often felt panicked by his presentation. I watched him decimate others by allowing them to be themselves and most never had a clue.

You are also a master at this, although you move the pieces differently which achieves a more subtle result usually involving more dignity for the person who believes they are their bias/position.

For what it's worth, wanted to let you know I have earned a lot from our interactions. I am often stunned at my level of ignorance, and appreciate seeing it exposed so I can study it/myself. It gets exposed quite often as I read your commentary. Not that I always find myself in agreement with some of it, which I suspect you may not as well.

I've really pondered your emotion underlying everything statement for example. I still don't know I agree. I was taught when I was young I before E, intellect before emotion. It appears this would be true to me. If the mind did not use intellect to categorize (good bad love hate etc) I don't know how we would form an opinion to lay the groundwork for the emotion. I'll continue to give it more thought from time to time as I do with things sometimes, but this one really seems to be I before E from my viewpoint.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I've really pondered your emotion underlying everything statement for example.

after exploring this together.

perhaps we can agree that there is a "something" that is pre-intellectual, that motivates our thoughts and conscious aims.

maybe not "emotion" if you don't like that word.

it's probably "pre-emotional" or "sub-emotional" or "proto-emotional".

There is definitely something that in the impetus for intellect. I still am of the belief it is not emotions, as I still see that feelings are created by intellect setting the reference points necessary to evoke the emotions.

I don't know the origin of the motivations however, and I do find it feasible as I've read elsewhere that the motivations don't necessarily come from ourselves.

On a side note, I have been following with great interest the self destruction taking place on Hive 9which was the impetus of my post last week). In my meanderings, I saw the recent exchange between yourself and Lucylin. I found your dance regarding his unreasonable demands on your associations and motivations to be quite masterful. I used to watch Baah play him hard.

I've always found him to be a curious fellow. He has wit to be sure, but he gets so easily lost in his need to feel secure in his expertise it becomes an albatross that destroys him time and again, yet he refuses to see it. I tried a couple of years ago to subtly point it out to him, but he respectfully needed to stick to his cage.

they're as much of a friend as anyone is.

Loved this response.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I've really pondered your emotion underlying everything statement for example.

after exploring this together.

perhaps we can agree that there is a "something" that is pre-intellectual, that motivates our thoughts and conscious aims.

maybe not "emotion" if you don't like that word.

it's probably "pre-emotional" or "sub-emotional" or "proto-emotional".

  ·  4 years ago  ·  


every "intellectual" decision hides an emotional AXIOM.

It seems to me that intellect precedes and stores emotion. One must have a reference to hold an emotion. The closest reconciliation I could have to what you assert here is that a feeling might precede intellect, although I'm not certain on that even.

I do believe that feeling (and its extension of emotion) can and does serve as a catalyst capable of transmutation. Perhaps it's this new manifestation that leads to the belief that intellect is subservient to emotion.

Typing this out to see if I can agree with the intellect being subservient to emotion. I still can't. It seems to me that while many submit to their emotions, this in itself is not proof that intellect serves it.

To acknowledge ones emotions is to have categorized it and placed it into an intellectual category. Emotions seem to me to be a side effect of an intellectual acknowledgement.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Perhaps you could give me an example of some completely emotionless plan or goal.

Please see my latest post. I tried to give a lengthy detailed response of both personal experience and observational, yet I'm not sure how compelling you (another) will find it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, we have free will. It is quite easily observable.

Certainly the e-motion of "free-will" is "easily observable".

However, your e-motion has no basis in your conscious decision making process.

(IFF) you PLAN to do something (THEN) your PLAN must be CAUSED by some desire.

Your WILL is a measure of your ability to PLAN.

Your WILL is a slave to your DESIRE.

Your WILL is not "free".

I'm not sure I agree with this. I don't think will is tied directly to any desires I hold, although at times it can be. When I mentioned being in a state of feeling that is separate from intellect desire as is commonly understood is not present. Desire seems to me to be an emotionally driven phenomena, which is created by intellect. When one is residing within feeling those attributes are lacking.

I will accept (for now) that plan(ning) might be necessary, although the planning itself manifests in feeling independent of intellect utilizing word structures.

On free will, I remain ignorant on its existence. There are so many variables on whose origin or limitation prevents me from speaking with any certainty. The extent I can speak of free will would be limited to intellect/emotionally charged constructs, in the sense that one can choose not to submit to their demands. I believe there is a larger picture than that however, an environment that due to ignorance alone would seem to negate pure free will.

I believe much of this dilemma is trying to utilize intellect/word structures to classify/define something that defies such methods (feeling/will). What takes place there seems indescribable other than very generic surface descriptions that fail to capture what takes place. One example of this is I don't know I can place in words what part of myself is capable of action when in a state of feeling that is giving the direction to the will. It is above my intellect.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Unfortunately there has been some ill intent from some over at Hive which involved a hack as well as code exploit.
