Once upon a time there was a strong tree.
This tree was the largest tree in the area.
One day, an acorn asked the tree how it grew so strong.
Well, little one, the tree replied, I was once a little acorn just like yourself!
I didn't fall in exactly the ideal spot, with the richest soil, there were many rocks around and it was a bit sandy, but I made the best of my situation, kept my chin-up, dug down as deep as I could, sprouted in the spring time, that's important, then I diligently soaked up as much water and minerals and sunshine as I could.
I had a few competitors around that time, other acorns had sprouted, and there was a lot of tall grass and weeds, but I just kept a positive attitude and did what came naturally.
The little acorn asked, what happened to the other saplings?
Well, the tree explained, they were all cut down by the farmer.
The little acorn asked, why were they cut down and why did the farmer spare you?
The tree thought for a second and then replied carefully, they were inferior, they weren't true to themselves, the wise farmer knew that I was the best and spared me because only a sapling with my work ethic and authenticity could grow into such a mighty tree.
The farmer even placed this nice picnic table in the shade of my branches to reward me for being superior.
That's amazing! The little acorn exclaimed, I'll follow your advice because I want to be just like you!
A whole year passed and the little acorn grew into a formidable sapling.
And then, in the spring, the farmer came to clear the brush.
The sapling was unceremoniously uprooted and bundled up and carried away with all the overgrown grass and fallen twigs.
With it's last dying breath it asked the strong tree, what did I do wrong?
The tree shrugged, you just didn't have the talent for it kid. You doubted yourself. You didn't suck up enough water and minerals and sunshine. You weren't true to yourself.
It's your own fault.
In 2 minutes and 14 seconds,
(IFF) you're wondering "what's the point of this story" (THEN) watch the following,
In 23 minutes and 2 seconds,

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Protesting without dialogue (with the sole intent to silence opposition) is harassment, not free speech.
I'm not a fan of ad hominem attacks, but I'm even less of a fan of censorship and retaliation.
Ad hominem attacks and air-horning your opponent are the tactics of FASCISM (dismantles open dialogue and civil debate).
By voting for my "payout declined" comments and posts, you are supporting the highest-quality-community-approved-content of the top-earners!!!
When you vote for something that's "payout declined" your contribution goes directly into the "reward pool" which gets distributed to all the posts that make more than $20 steem, with the highest percentage of the pool getting distributed to the top-earners who are providing the highest-quality-community-approved-content!!!
So you're not contributing your steem to me, you're contributing your steem to whoever the whales decide "deserves" your steem (but I still get a small rep boost).
Why am I declining rewards?
Imagine a "democratic" system, where you could vote for your elected officials, but your vote only "counted" as much as you "invested" in the election system itself (election tokens)... Now that by itself sounds reasonably "fair".
bUT, now imagine that anyone with a larger "investment" in the election system could ERASE your vote?
Would you continue voting? Or would you just give directly to the candidate of your choosing?
Also, imagine steem without voting. Imagine they just Hard-Forked voting right out of the whole thing altogether.
What's left?
A lot of really awesome stuff, that's what!!
The delegation system is amazing (way better than pa.treon). The steem-token transfer system is amazing (way better than v.enmo or credit-cards or banks). The blogging system is amazing (way better than tw.itter or fa.cebuk). It's all super-awesome!!
Perhaps anarchy already exists and government is merely the highest manifestation of organized crime. – @thoughts-in-time

Your scathing critique is requested.
I don't have time to watch the first video, but the second one is a powerful comparison. A great warning on the power so called experts can have on freedom, as well as leading others to destruction.
Yeah, I was stunned.
You can't really say, "nobody could have predicted this".
if the "god" you imagine doesn't look like you, then you've been brainwashed to be a slave to the people who look like the "god" you imagine.
An interesting proposition. I've known several Jewish people who have explained to me how Jesus didn't fulfill their prophecies. They expect a messiah who will (for lack of a better way of phrasing it) be an unbeatable military messiah who will give them heaven on earth.
I remember thinking to myself when I was learning about Judaism from them that in a way Jesus did actually do that for them. Christianity has been a world empire, and despite seeming to be in a decline still holds much power, perhaps even still as strong as ever, only more subtle. Christianity, and by extension Judaism by default has been pushed (often violently) on many continents by the warriors of Christianity.
One thing I find particularly interesting is many Christians believe Jesus to have been God, yet so many things attributed to him show he didn't believe so and deferred to God (the Father). I don't believe the early Christians believed he was God, as it was truly an offshoot of Judaism. In one verse that made it into the final cut we know of as the bible today, Jesus was actually hesitant to help a woman who was begging for his help, because she was a gentile. She said that even a master feeds scraps to the dog and he appreciated her humbleness at knowing her place he gave her her miracle.
I could go on but your assertion goes very well with the notion I've had for many years now that Europeans have been the foot soldiers for Judaism in the name of Jesus across the world.
I've made it about halfway through the interview last night. Thank you for sharing, it's a good interview. I've grown to appreciate people of other races who don't come across as viewing all white people as the problem, and recognize most of us are also oppressed in many ways by the handful of masters too.
The only thing that would have made this interview better would have been if Jones would have stopped interrupting him in his bid to try proving he was more enlightened. I'm surprised after all these years Jones would still feel such a need. Despite his shortcomings he can be viewed as one of the front runners when it comes to introducing the masses to alternative scenarios. His incessant need to prove superiority diminishes the sharing, which should be the priority.
phenomenal analysis.
it does seem a bit strange that AJ still acts like they have "something to prove".
on a related note, i found this today,
I will have to watch this another day, it's quite a long video. I believe that first segment is the dollar vigilante whom I mentioned in a previous post getting a really large flag on his rewards back when Steem was newer.
I will watch it for sure, although I lean towards the idea that while ideal, anarchy can at most exist in small pockets that wont draw the attention of the power structures and the dependencies they insist on monopolizing. I appreciate some anarchists, the ones who value a voluntary approach. Like with movements in general, I've met more than my fair share of self titled anarchists who would burn it all down to the ground with little thought to the welfare of those who rely on those dependencies.
Yeah, it's interesting that every ancient religion has its roots in ETHNIC IDENTITY.
Shinto, Zoroastrian, Hindu, priesthood is a birthright.
it's just bizarre when your religion doesn't match your ancestry.
I believe in most cases it's forced onto natives by military forces who conquer them. Over time it becomes "normalized" in the natives after some generations.
This same mindset is seen by the peoples who were conquered by the Spaniards. With many Mexicans, it is considered an insult to them to suggest that they are mostly Native American Indian, which accounts for their dark skin, eyes and hair. I've had several over many decades argue with me that they certainly were not Native Indians (sometimes this was accompanied with some vicious slurs against them), that they were Spanish. I was absolutely dumbfounded at the willful ignorance, as well as the self hatred to deny what one saw daily when looking in a mirror or at ones family and peers. They would have stood out not long ago in Spain as clearly not indigenous to the area.
In the same spirit, there were some younger women I worked with before the pandemic who were from the Dominican. They were darker than many American black people, but would get insulted if you in any way mistook them as having any African heritage. They too are Spanish according to them.
It's disturbing to me that people would deny their own heritage that is clear to see plain as day. It's the same mindset that would be applied to your observation on religion.
I saw it quickly years ago when I began studying religion in my quest to see if god was findable. I remember after deeply studying the bible, I would question Christians (the religion handed to me) about the many seeming writings in the bible that would contradict what they held as biblical truths. If it was the New testament, the answer was usually we can't understand Gods ways, or if it was the Old Testament they no longer applied because Jesus changed everything.
I thought that was an absurd idea, especially given Jesus was attribute with saying he wasn't here to change the law but fulfill it.
I thought it even more absurd that many Christians seem to know so little of that Old Testament, most of their knowledge coming from versus (often taken out of context) to support a slant on a New Testament verse. How any who would worship the Father of Jesus would not memorize as well as possible that ENTIRE book flabbergasts me.
I appreciated the video share. You shared another by this same guy once before. I appreciated the comparisons on how the messiah can't die with the current sect he was looking into.
In my research many years ago, the closest I could find to one the masses believed was the messiah was Simon Bar Kochba, who was backed by Rabbi Akiva. His ultimate defeat by the Romans left no doubt to his followers he was not the messiah. However, he was much more closely aligned with what is expected of the messiah. A strong military personality. Which fits the theme of the OT to a T.
Also of interest (although its off topic) is the misunderstanding of the term Christ among Christians. Meaning anointed one, pretty much the OT is filled with Christs, even a non Jew (Cyrus from 580 B.C. was anointed as well). It's saddening to me to see clearly how many misconceptions so many hold that could quickly be di(spelled) with little more than a cursory examination on what their own writings actually say.
I appreciate your introduction of this topic. It consumed me for several years as I studied and debated many wise knowledgeable individuals who were kind enough to speak openly with me about their faith. Strong faithed folks who were not threatened by questions that so many get defensive over as they have no good answers and their ignorance is a thorn in their side, as though one is to be ashamed of admitting to its ownership. Which is one of humanities largest obstacles. Understanding ignorance and embracing it is one of the few real tools one has to expand our possibilities, to expand our limited choices in our cages we pretend offers free will.
the most effective catholic propaganda evar.
@practicalthought, please consider assisting @regenerette, she is going to give blurt a shot because she is getting @spaminator downvoted for unknown reasons.
it looks like she didn't get a blurt account in the fork.
I'm sorry I just now saw this. I just got home and while eating checked to see if you had commented and saw this.
What she will need to do to secure a Blurt account is buy one here.
The cost will be 10 Blurt. If she trades a few of her Hive for Blurt she will have way more than enough to not only buy the account but to also have liquid for transactions. If she wants to make it a primary home then she can trade more of her Hive obviously.
If she decides to follow through, let me know and I'll give her some tips on her introduction post.
Edited to add she can use either Hive engine or Ionomy to trade the Hive to Blurt. I prefer Ionomy although it might be more expensive because they are easier and I've never cared much for Aggroed.
Also, https://blurtter.com/@erh.germany/comments is considering giving blurt a try as well.
That would be awesome. I usually will take a peek at your interactions there (Hive) once or twice a week (without logging in). Your interactions with that account are among the best I see taking place. I appreciate and feel fortunate when I can witness conversations of a deep nature that involves humbleness from the participants. A rare treat really to witness such a thing, and Blurt will be a much richer experience if this happens.
There is a large German community here as well so maybe that will help ease the transition if they come here. I would say I deal mostly with German and Spanish speaking people here. While many of the deep topics one can find at Hive are still lacking here, the good will and heart found here is lacking from many who control Hive. I figure that the garden is ripe here for those who wish deep discussions from positions of respect and desire for learning.
I've been waiting in the hopes this would happen. I know I've said it before, but I was really happy when you started dropping by here. You have been a source for much introspection, encouraging me to put to words in as concise a manner as possible ideas that I've accepted and felt as real yet never taken the time to explore the boundaries. I thank you for this, as this is where real learning and teaching take place.
I'll drop by the comment you linked and give a welcome. I'm thankful that you have nudged such a one as erh.germany here. While I do appreciate many on Hive of deep minds, so many of them (I followed and often aligned with) are stuck in rigid mindsets that make them desire to be like Don Quixote looking for enemies and arguments wherever they can. While entertaining, it so often can only lead to schisms that can't be bridged once the bell has been rung. I'm not sure how well many of them would do here unless they dropped such pretensions of grandeur really. Explore yes, that will work great here. Wanting to fight and look for others to insult, not so much.
we really need to dismantle the "hero myth"
Thanks for sharing that.
Michaelangelo3 also has come up with a limited free method, although someone accessed it to empty out the 50 Blurt he had in it to fund the 5 initial accounts. He changed the structure slightly but it is still an option.
making it an app is pure genius at this point
and heck, i'd donate half my blurt if i thought it would help onboarding
Yeah, apps are huge.
I dislike them as so many of them spy on us, but I can't deny people love them.
One of my pet peeves is that phones come preloaded with apps that you can't delete from the phone. That somehow seems like it should be illegal to me, but then I remember they are among the true constituents of the politicians and regulatory agencies, we are the prize they pay for the luxury of fleecing and controlling.
Can you explain a little more on what is telling you this message? I figured out their IP and checked through the only site I could find that searches for this and came up empty. Nothing about the site alerts my security.
I'm just letting you know that I'm sometimes being blocked from blurtter.
Steemit and Hive don't seem to have this "problem".
Are there any other alternative "front-ends" for Blurt that you know of that I could try?
Ok, thank you.
You might try
That seems to work better.
Thank you for sharing. This is a perfect fit in our ongoing conversation.
I wondered at first the significance, but it hit home strongly the latter half, especially when he discusses Statham dropping his ego and besting Liotta who was still enslaved by his own.
It's interesting that he mentions Statham no longer caring once he dropped his. It is very much like that, and yet something that is beyond an intellectual/emotional master still drives one to act. Yet, one is no longer impeded by the drain of the emotional trap the intellect/ego demands as tithing.
In the earlier video you shared on the girl that was raised by the dogs, it supported something I've suspected since childhood. Which is that other animals have some sort of intellect installed within them as well. I believe after watching her adapt to their communication lines by adopting them, that she allowed herself to bind those spells of theirs to herself. It was interesting seeing she could adapt to strengthening the human spells she had before needing to adapt to living with dogs. When she mentioned to her father she remembered playing with him happily, I knew she had retained enough to build on. I'm curious as to whether it would have been possible had she had been abandoned at a much earlier age to the dogs.
I'm glad to hear you grokked this.
They might be a bit more "in the moment" than most modern humans.
Profit profit profit. Stealing money from the masses legally thanks to the oversight of the so called elected officials. How anyone can still subscribe to the two party fake democracy system we use is astounding. Jam as many middlemen in as you can and the end user will have no choice but to pay.
Yeah, the "blind marketplace" part seems to make sense.
But jamming 200 speculators into a (private) market with only 10 REAL buyers and sellers seems obviously ridiculous.
I once traveled to a distant country and the people there had a strange custom.
These people seemed to be obsessed with noses.
Everywhere I went, people stared in wonder at my nose.
Total strangers would approach me and say they admired my nose.
Many of them would ask me if they could feel my nose.
They asked if they could take a picture of my nose.
Some of them offered $$$.
A few of them wanted to touch my nose with their noses.
That seemed a bit strange to me.
At first I was just kind of stunned.
Ok, touch my nose I guess, if it means so much to you.
But after a day or so of this, I started covering my face.
But even then, people would still stare, as if they were imagining what my nose looked like under my mask.
People would approach me with a big smile.
People would open doors for me.
I mean, really obviously go out of their way to open doors for me.
People would offer to buy my meals.
And when I asked, "why are you offering to pay for my meal?" they would say "no reason".
Sometimes they would say, "you seem very interesting, tell me about yourself".
But it always ended up that they just wanted to see my nose.
I don't even understand why.
This one has me stumped. Often when one is different they are shunned, or grudgingly tolerated. This makes me question what was coveted in the nose of the person in question that it was held in such high esteem.
The closest I can come to perhaps understanding is the blond hair some folks have naturally. Everywhere I look most blondes are fake blondes, their roots and eyebrows giving them away. I thought at an early age what a shame, as many folks look better with their naturally darker hair. But even using that as a reference point, I still can't say I understand the motivations. I get that they believe it makes them more attractive, but the data they use to arrive at this conclusion often seems flawed. I will submit however that in some fewer cases the change in hair color does appear to be an improvement, however not usually (in my view).
I also see this play out in women who either straighten their curly hair, or curl their straight hair. But once again, these are seemingly corrective measures the person performs on themselves. Not something one becomes subservient (at least directly) to another over.
Yep, still stumped.
Have you ever been asked by a stranger if they could touch you?
Have you ever been "casually" brushed-up-to by a stranger who pretended it was accidental?
I remember working at a job once where a customer grabbed my arm.
They were agitated, and I was trying to help them, and they literally just grabbed my arm without asking.
Now, try to imagine that happening a lot.
Do you think you would "just get used to it"?
What if your friends told you "it's no big deal".
Do you think that would make it better?
Thank you for explaining more.
Yes, I've been touched at times in my life from strangers, or even acquaintances when it was not expected or normal. My reaction has varied depending on the person and their energy really.
I couldn't imagine it happening to an extent I would like it. There are many people whose energy is wrong for me to the extent I prefer not to even be in close proximity to them where our energies are even touching.
I don't collect friends so I wouldn't have to worry about any telling me it's no big deal. I'm used to close acquaintances holding views I don't share so they don't sway me. :)
This seems reasonable and prudent.
Will check this out later, thank you.
Love this!
Share more here for big 100% Blurt upvotes from me...
thank you very much for an interesting and instructive story,have a great weekend
Glad to see you posting here. Still learning my way around here, been here a little over a week. Hoping as time moves on some others I miss over there will come as well. I was going to invite a few people last night but the front end I use was down so didn't.
I was told about BLURT awhile back by @oldoneeye but I didn't realize I could just logon with my HIVE keys.
I thought I would have to buy some BLURT somehow.
I decided last month I was going to join after the first of the year (picked that to put taxes off till next year). Unfortunately there has been some ill intent from some over at Hive which involved a hack as well as code exploit. So I had to wait almost a week to start up here. I traded my Hive on Ionomy into Blurt.
Unfortunately the snapshot they used as a beginning point from Steem was after I had already powered down and moved my Steem to get away from Justin Sun. But it's all good.
The philosophy here is vastly different, and so far I appreciate the good vibes. It doesn't have much in the way of the conspiracy stuff, which might be a good idea given the current climate. You were one of the accounts I looked for when I came, but for some reason it didn't pull one up when I searched.
Blurt.world is very glitchy for me.
Ever since the other front ends began having problems right after I joined, I switched to Blurtter.com
I wanted to comment on a comment you made at the other site. I laughed when I read it as it reminded me of an interaction I had with you.
You had said
I remember asking you some time back what your belief was on something you had posted about. I had gathered for some time you usually never actually staked a position on a subject, more presented and sat back to study the reactions. It was probably one of the couple reasons I began wondering if you were Baah. His approach was different, more prone to exposing the others bias as they often felt panicked by his presentation. I watched him decimate others by allowing them to be themselves and most never had a clue.
You are also a master at this, although you move the pieces differently which achieves a more subtle result usually involving more dignity for the person who believes they are their bias/position.
For what it's worth, wanted to let you know I have earned a lot from our interactions. I am often stunned at my level of ignorance, and appreciate seeing it exposed so I can study it/myself. It gets exposed quite often as I read your commentary. Not that I always find myself in agreement with some of it, which I suspect you may not as well.
I've really pondered your emotion underlying everything statement for example. I still don't know I agree. I was taught when I was young I before E, intellect before emotion. It appears this would be true to me. If the mind did not use intellect to categorize (good bad love hate etc) I don't know how we would form an opinion to lay the groundwork for the emotion. I'll continue to give it more thought from time to time as I do with things sometimes, but this one really seems to be I before E from my viewpoint.
after exploring this together.
perhaps we can agree that there is a "something" that is pre-intellectual, that motivates our thoughts and conscious aims.
maybe not "emotion" if you don't like that word.
it's probably "pre-emotional" or "sub-emotional" or "proto-emotional".
There is definitely something that in the impetus for intellect. I still am of the belief it is not emotions, as I still see that feelings are created by intellect setting the reference points necessary to evoke the emotions.
I don't know the origin of the motivations however, and I do find it feasible as I've read elsewhere that the motivations don't necessarily come from ourselves.
On a side note, I have been following with great interest the self destruction taking place on Hive 9which was the impetus of my post last week). In my meanderings, I saw the recent exchange between yourself and Lucylin. I found your dance regarding his unreasonable demands on your associations and motivations to be quite masterful. I used to watch Baah play him hard.
I've always found him to be a curious fellow. He has wit to be sure, but he gets so easily lost in his need to feel secure in his expertise it becomes an albatross that destroys him time and again, yet he refuses to see it. I tried a couple of years ago to subtly point it out to him, but he respectfully needed to stick to his cage.
Loved this response.
after exploring this together.
perhaps we can agree that there is a "something" that is pre-intellectual, that motivates our thoughts and conscious aims.
maybe not "emotion" if you don't like that word.
it's probably "pre-emotional" or "sub-emotional" or "proto-emotional".
every "intellectual" decision hides an emotional AXIOM.
It seems to me that intellect precedes and stores emotion. One must have a reference to hold an emotion. The closest reconciliation I could have to what you assert here is that a feeling might precede intellect, although I'm not certain on that even.
I do believe that feeling (and its extension of emotion) can and does serve as a catalyst capable of transmutation. Perhaps it's this new manifestation that leads to the belief that intellect is subservient to emotion.
Typing this out to see if I can agree with the intellect being subservient to emotion. I still can't. It seems to me that while many submit to their emotions, this in itself is not proof that intellect serves it.
To acknowledge ones emotions is to have categorized it and placed it into an intellectual category. Emotions seem to me to be a side effect of an intellectual acknowledgement.
Perhaps you could give me an example of some completely emotionless plan or goal.
Certainly the e-motion of "free-will" is "easily observable".
However, your e-motion has no basis in your conscious decision making process.
(IFF) you PLAN to do something (THEN) your PLAN must be CAUSED by some desire.
Your WILL is a measure of your ability to PLAN.
Your WILL is a slave to your DESIRE.
Your WILL is not "free".
"tell your own version of this story"
I remember a story about some american businessmen who were frustrated by a meeting with chinese businessmen.
The chinese invited the visitors to an elaborate dinner and peppered them with questions about topics seemingly unrelated to their business interests.
The americans wanted to "get to the point" and "talk dollars and cents".
What they didn't realize is that it is often more accurate to slowly and carefully define what something is "not" instead of trying to dive directly into what something "is".
The chinese businessmen thought the americans were hopelessly childish and naive, and the americans thought their hosts were being intentionally obtuse as part of some specific strategy to "throw them off their game".
the apophatic phaneron.
Many years ago, as I was transitioning from being a young man to a middle aged man, I wanted to alter my study of martial arts. I had spent almost the entirety of it in what is called hard styles. Which was also exacerbated by the fact the primary focus of most hard styles is upon a sport (do) aspect and not martial (jitsu).
I had come to personally know a man who was a legend in the martial arts world a few years earlier. I remember the first time I met him I had to run home and grab some magazines I had with him in them I had possessed for many years. Ironically, he was very humble and seemed surprised I knew who he was for many years back when I lived 2100 miles away from him.
His name is Augustine Fong, and he teaches Wing Chun. He was a teacher to Bruce Lee in China, and much of what he taught him was incorporated into the system Bruce devised called Jeet Kune Do.
So while considering my new style, I watched a few of his classes. Each successive class getting turned off more and more from it. There was no sparring, there was no punching and kicking. Just lots of practicing walking in what often looked like weird ways. And making what appeared like impractical motions with ones torso and arms, impractical in the combat sense.
I asked him why there was no fighting and he said that one must learn to walk correctly, learn their body first before learning to run(fight). The impetuousness of my youth balked at such an outlook. I was used to fighting from the beginning. I ended up in a great system regardless, that did have more practical movements and fighting from the beginning (Bujinkan).
It struck me however after several months of learning how to fall, roll, flip, lock joints and such (this was a true martial art predicated on soft/motion) that it also focused initially on balance and motion and unlearning to learn. It became very obvious to me as I had to unlearn many years of hard stances and motions, my former training in some ways handicapping me in learning the new.
So very similar to your sharing. He was left respectfully viewing my impetuousness ( insistence through ignorance) as shortsighted, I left thinking that while his system was so awesome, the beginning to learning it was a huge waste of time.
He needed to cut out what it was not (awkward motion and bad learned motion) and I wanted to dive straight into what I wanted it to be.
Do you have any links to this term used together. I tried doing a search for it and not finding the words used together. The most common usage of apothatic seems tied mostly to theology, although I find some reference expanding its usage. Virtually nothing where it is tied together with phaneron.
Your vast bank of knowledge and references as always continue to impress me. Enough so that when I think of what a functional AI would be like online, it would resemble closely the way you are able to submit so many different aspects for examination while most often keeping your subjective opinions from seeping in.
My enthusiasm when I see you've been posting again is of an intensity that has been rare for me for many years. I always wonder what I may learn, whether externally or even more so, internally as I stalk my reactions to the ideas you posit.
I'm glad you come here, even if it's only occasionally. I'm thankful for the rocks you bring for me to break pieces of myself (ignorance) off against.
I'm overwhelmed by your impressive and insightful story.
the apophatic phaneron is an apodictic abstrudere.
Thank you. I will look more into this as it intrigues me.