Which is more important talent or hardwork?

in epistem •  2 years ago 

First of all, I would like to differentiate between talent and hardwork .

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What's a talent? Talent is an unborn quality that gives a smart way and a better way to achieve success.

Hardwork is a great deal of effort or endurance.

Talent is fruitless unless you go for it. Talent has more value for the talented person because it can help them to pursue their career in it. So talent without hard work is pretty much useless.

When talent and hard work come together they can achieve great success in life. In conclusion, having talent doesn't mean that you don't need to work hard.

Been talented will give a great start. But with hard work, you can make the journey successful. Many people are not gifted, but they work vigorously to achieve success.

Interestingly, in many cases hardworking people acquire new talent or skill, this is attached to hard work and the determination to do something useful and meaningful.

There is a saying "Hardwork is the key to success"but sometimes the talent overpowers hardwork and people get better outcome.

Hardwork makes you have more knowledge and understanding about something from scratch. If a person works hard,he could develop any talent in him which he wasn't aware of intially.

All human beings are born with talents ,it's just that some people do not try hard to found out what their talent is.

Someone with a less talent but a better work ethic will perform better than a more talented person with a weaker work ethics everytime.Those who are naturally gifted and are hard working maybe hard to find or come across but often are the best at what they do.

Success will for sure come for those who put in hardwork and put in more effort without giving up or relenting.

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